#MyFriendAlexa- 3 Common Blogging insecurities and how to deal with them?

Welcome back to #Bloggingforbeginners series. This is the second post for #MyFriendAlexa and I am excited to share another post for the same.
In this post, I am talking about one of the rarely discussed blogging topics. I am talking about “Blogging insecurities”. What are some common blogging insecurities and how to deal with them? Read the post to know more about it.
Before sharing more about this topic, I want to put on a disclaimer.
“This post is not meant or written with a purpose to share any “Blogging Gyan” from my side. I had experienced all these insecurities during my 5 years of blogging carrier. With this post, I am just sharing my experience and the way how I had deal with them? Also, love to do a humble request to all senior blogging friends to share their experience and some tips to deal with these kinds of blogging insecurities”.
Now, let’s start with the main topic of this post.
I believe, as a human we all have different kind insecurities in various aspects of life.
In same way, there are some common blogging insecurities that most of us bloggers face once or more during our blogging carrier.
Specially, for new bloggers it is not uncommon to feel stressed out and insecure with fast pace race of blogging.
As, I had mentioned in the Previous post , that blogging has become one of the most over-competitive field. The ever-increasing numbers of blogs (600 million worldwide) definitely puts a tremendous amount of pressure on all those who want to go ahead or sustain in this journey.
Here are some common blogging insecurities that most of bloggers (including me) face time to time.
3 common blogging insecurities and how to deal with them?

Will I get notice?
Yes, first and most common emotion that we all felt when we get started off with something new.
I remember, it was 5 years ago when I had started my first blog (positive parenting), I was so innocent and completely unaware from different complicated aspects of blogging. For me, it was just a creative outlet for sharing my areas of expertise and parenting journey.
But, later on in 2018 when I had learnt different aspects of blogging and move my blog to self-hosting platform with a proper planning, then I was so stressed out about different aspects of my blog.
I had many questions in my mind regarding my blog design, content, presentation style, social media presence, and the list goes one. Many times, I had felt that
Will I get notice?
Will people like to read my content?
Will I be able to make a place for myself in this over-competitive field?
Believe me, after re-analyzed all these emotions, I had realized that I am not the only one who is feeling this way. All those who entered in to this field may had some of these kind of performance anxiety or insecurities.
Shortly, “it is not easy to present yourself in the world that is already occupied with tons of amazingly talented people. Feeling a sense of anxiety or insecurity about your acceptance is one of the most common human emotions, that affect most artists (including actors, bloggers, musicians and other different kinds of performers).
How to fix it?
Though, I know being a mature grown-up, we all have our own ways to deal with performance anxiety and insecurities. But here I am sharing the mantra that always worked well for me.
“Do your best and leave the rest to god”.
Like my all other academic exams, I always put my best-efforts for writing each blog post. And then I did not think much about it. Of course, there will be some people who will like or appreciate my work or there will be some who will not like it.
So, as a short piece of advice for new bloggers. I will conclude that “never put too much emphasis on the end result of any creative process. Yes, put your best foot forward and then leave the rest to god and the universe. enjoy the journey of writing, creating or learning new things. Making your blogging journey a learning experience is one of the best ways to deal with these annoying symptoms of insecurities.
Blog growth (new number of followers/subscribers) and reader engagement (views, like and comment)
This is the second most common blogging insecurity that affects most of the bloggers time to time. “Growth” is one of the important aspects of life, and we all have a strong desire to go ahead and achieve more success. The same emotion of “Having a fast and strong growth” affect our blogging carrier too.
Unfortunately, nowadays blogging has become a big number game. having a large number of followers shows your popularity or eligibility to established yourself as an authority in your niche.
In fact, reader engagement is also being calculated by checking numbers of views, likes, and comments.
Of course, there is nothing wrong in having an ambitious attitude for increasing the numbers of followers or subscribers. And having a desire to get more views, likes and comments for your blog and social media posts.
But this thing become stressful, when this ambition gets turned into a “feeling of insecurity”. here are few signs that shows that someone is truly obsessed with this number game.
- Constant checking of numbers of followers/ subscribers.
- Feeling of restlessness and check numbers of views, like and comment, as soon as post gets published.
- Keeping a watch on other fellow bloggers’ growth and feel not so good with their growth.
- The mind is constantly revolving around the ways to increase the numbers of followers and like-comment etc.
- Never had a happy or satisfactory feeling with own growth and numbers.
All these signs indicate that “Number game” has affected your mental health badly. And you need to put an immediate attention to fix it.
How to fix it?
Of course, I had also felt that “Number obsession” in the beginning of my blogging journey. And wished that I want to grow fast. But very soon, I had understood that this is not a meaningful approach to go ahead in this journey. Instead of focusing on these numbers, I should try to focus on creating more meaningful content that help at least some people in their life.
Conclusively, “This number game race is never ending. Concentrate on your own journey, and growth is one of the best work policies. Instead of moving fast, focus on steady growth. enjoy your achievements (even small) and work consistently with best possible efforts is one of the most effective way to deal with insecurities related with your growth.
Money-making through blog
Yes, third most common insecurity that most of the bloggers face is “Money making through their blogs”.
After an initial set up and putting some sincere efforts, we all want to move one step ahead in our blogging carrier. And that next step is “Money making” Getting sponsored projects and work for different brands is dream of many of us.
I had felt that emotion so many times during last 2-3 years.
Sometimes, I had a feeling of disappointment too.
I had a repeated thought as “I am not doing any productive thing in my life as a blogger. I am not getting enough monetary benefit despite putting lots of time and efforts for nurturing my blogging carrier.
How to fix it?
After getting that emotions, here are the few things that had relived my money-making anxiety,
- First, I had understood that blogging is not primarily a money-making field. Blogging is more like a connecting and creative outlet to get connected with other like-minded people.
- Second money making with blog is not as easy seems. And you need to reach on that stage (in term of numbers such as blog stat, traffic, social media following) to get regular sponsored opportunity.
- Third, I should enjoy and feel proud on the work or projects that I am doing. Focusing on other people’s journey will always make me feel insecure.
So, these are some things that I had applied to deal with my blogging insecurities. What are your thoughts? Please share.
I am taking my blog to the next level with #MyFriendAlexa campaign hosted by theblogchatter.com .
Stay tuned for next post.
If you want to check out previous posts of this series, click here.
6 common blogging mistakes that most new bloggers make
Influencer marketing- let’s learn the basics!
5 effective tips to complete myfriendalexa challenge successfully!
What is self hosting and amazing perks of self-hosted website
5 Amazing benefits of joining blogging communities!
What is guest posting & 4 amazing benefits of guest posting!
5 reasons why every blogger should participate in blogchatter campaigns!
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Bhawna Shah
After reading your write-up, it seems like ” Mere mann ki pad li”. These insecurities make your work down, this is what I observed. So, focus on your work, the success will automatically knock on your door.
Thanks a lot Bhawna. I am so glad you found it relatable, yes agree focus on your won journey also work great.
I could relate to some of the insecurities you mention. But slowly I have realised that my focus should be on creating good and useful content. Plus getting a loyal readership is for the long haul, there is no shortcut to it.
This is me and my mantra of life, “Do your best let GOD do the rest”. then also I must say you caught us Surbhi, despite all the best efforts a pinch of insecurity or fear always remains there, until we dive into. Happy to know this it happens with everyone I am not alone in the path. Well picked pointers.
Jyoti Jha
Very rightly pointed out the fears of a Blogger especially new ones. I have all of the above. Your tips are very helpful. And yes, completely agree, interacting with the blogging community and networking is quite a booster!
Anecdotes of Mom Life
Rightly said, blogging comes with insecurities and we need to learn to let go at some point. Do your best and you will get the rest. 🙂
Great post Surbhi… I could relate to all the insecurities and found my solutions too but when it comes to monetization, I have long way to go as I just started.. But one thing I have realized that it does effect your writing as you get less time to write and share what you want to OR what you are good at.
Monika Bhatt
Woow well written dear and it’s very informative and useful for news bloggers like me I also want this type of information and same question was in my mind but thanks to you because now in my mind everything is clear …Keep writing dear ..My best wishes with you and proud of you
So nicely put the insecurities Surbhi. Even I can absolutely relate to this post and things you have mentioned. Over a period of time now I have learnt to overcome the insecurities and find solace in just expressing my thoughts on the website.
I’ve seen people create a blog only for the purpose of monetisation. While one would like that, the number game isn’t half as fulfilling as a well written and we’ll received post. Hope people understand thag blogging can serve a much greater purpose!
Sivaranjini Anandan
A complete list of thoughts that run in every blogger’s mind. Very well written and completely agree with you.
Alpana Deo
Not just blogging but whatever filed we step into, we should be confident and comfortable about it. At things things will not go the way we them but we should be prepared for that. Same applies to blogging. The number obsession what you have mentioned is so true and I have seen new bloggers literally get stressed out. This affects their writing skills and motivation.
Dr Bushra allaboutthewoman
That’s though provoking read. No doubt every blogger go through this phase.
This is a direct, dil se post! Loved it! I have faced these insecurities at many junctures in my blogging journey. Thank you so so so much for posting this one.
What you wrote are the things that I was thinking before I got into this field. To the point discussion with practical approach.
Isheeria's Healing Circles
this is so true! these are some of the biggest insecurities as the unknown factors are so great in these scenarios. i like the tips you have shared to tackle these.
I agree so much that these are the biggest insecurities but yes!! It’s so important to know how to deal with them and grow!!
It is really important to tackle your insecurities well. I loved the tips you have shared here. Every blogger aims to earn through their blog eventually and your tips would be really helpful to all.
Blogaberry Foo
I somehow never had insecurities because i began blogging because i loved to write. Perhaps the few people who told me they liked my blogs was enough for me to keep going whether the rest of the world liked them or not. Good tips though!
This is such a relatable post Surbhi. At some point of time of my blogging duration I had over thought upon these point. Eventually these insecurities fade. A straight from heart post!
Loved reading this. I too am asked many tmes that how much do make through my writing as that’s the bottom line of everything. But I dnt compare till I dnt reach a level. I’m still growing n working on my content till I reach a level to get good paid opportunities
This is a wonderful topic you have covered Surbhi. Having insecurities is something that many people face. Your blog will definitely strengthen them and answer their questions.
Wonderful post and wonderful suggestions. For me also the number of followers is not as important as creating a good and meaning content. If you give value in your content people want to listen and read you. Here doesn’t have any short cuts that is what I feel.
I am loving all of yours blogging series posts these days. Very much helpful for budding bloggers . This one is again so informative..
The Champa Tree
In these 6 years what I have learnt is that one needs to put the content out well, be persistent and passionate. To chase numbers and everything that follows is secondary. If we start something out of sheer passion (and not because we’re chasing anything), it all falls back in place. You’re doing a fab job. Do not get restless x Hang in there.
MeenalSonal Mathur
Blogging do give us insecurities but we always believed ‘be consistent in your work and you will be noticed’. Numbers and algorithms do change time to time but one thing that should be constant is the great content.
Amritha Srinath
I started blogging because I love to write. But usually people around me have asked about the monetary gain from blogging. I know I need to take it slow and grow in the blogging world, but when I tell these things, many times, people just ignore it and say – “So there is no income”. It definitely leads to some insecurities, but I do believe that hardwork pays off and one day, I shall grow too.
Also, yes, getting the blog designed was a big challenge for me. People around were charging atrocious rates and I didn’t want to spend so much at the beginning. It was then I decided I will design it myself. Spoke to many bloggers around me, watched the tutorials, made a note of so many points, learned about designing, etc. and now my blog is the result of my hardwork. It still has a long way to go, but I am definitely happy how I have grown with my blog. Great post Surbhi!
Tina Basu
sometimes it just takes the right amount of time for blog’s growth and many dont really like that. keeping the love for writing up is essential too
Your post is something which all bloggers can corelate , yes initially it seems too tough but gradually it stabilizes . We need to understand that blogging needs tonnes of patience and money doesn’t comes easily , best is to do your part and leave the rest on Almighty 🙂
I agree with all of these insecurities!
Aesha Shah
When I started my blog, I did it just to share my parenting experiences, so I was enjoying the process as it was giving an outlet to my emotions. Being a new city and adjsuting to the new environment, the pressure to make new friends was affecting me and blogging gave me an opportunity to connect with strangers and make meaningful conversations. In the process I found many online friends. It was such a progressive and satisfying journey that numbers didnt matter. Than I guess 2 yeras back it became about numbers, more so on social media. That put me off blogging completely. I took a break and that gave me time to think about what other things I like. I started studying again and because I am a post grad teacher , I did decided to pursue career counselling. This experience was so satisfying that I wanted to write again. So, I decided to participate in Alexa to revive my dormant blog again. And now I dont care about numbers. I am again back in that phase of my blogging journey where I actually enjoyed writing, sharing my experiences without thinking if I will have readers or not. Even if one person across the world can resonate with me, I guess I am happy.
Sorry for such a long comment, but your blog post just stuck a chord with my heart and I wanted to share my thoughts.
At some point of time, we have all dealt with the “Am I speaking into a void”. But if you are passionate about blogging, you overcome these insecurities. A completely relatable post.
Dr.Amrita Basu
We are all fight this fear of what if .Thanks for sharing these tips.