#Myfriendalexa, #themereveal- “Incredible Homeopathy”- All you need to know about it!
Finally the wait is over and it’s time to get start with #Myfriendalexa season 4. I am so happy and excited to be a part of this awesome blogging campaign once again . Thanks a lot to blog chatter for hosting this campaign and hats off to whole blog chatter team for the excellent format of #Myfriendalexa and I am sure it’s time of high adrenaline rush in blogging community. What is MyfriendAlexa? Myfriendalexa is a yearly blogging campaign hosted by team blogchatter with an aim to support bloggers by increasing the Alexa ranks of their respective blogs. The campaign is not only about writing blog posts but reading, interesting…
Acne and Breastfeeding- Causes, self-care and treatment!
Breastfeeding is an ideal way to provide proper nourishment to your baby. Post pregnancy acne or acne while breastfeeding is a common problem and completely normal. It is mostly related with hormonal changes. But for moms who aim to have a perfect flawless complexion it is quite a disturbing situation. It is important to know what causes acne during lactation period. Which medications are safe during breastfeeding and which should be avoided? Read the full post to know more about it. Causes of acne while breastfeeding The causes can be divided in to two major categories: Local causes Systemic causes Local causes Acnes are more common in the areas that…