• Blogchatterprojects 2,  Health

    25 Clean-eating Recipes ideas (Part 1)

    The journeys of blog chatter projects are getting really exciting. This is week 3 and I am excited to share post 4 of “Clean eating series” After sharing all the theoretical aspects of clean eating, it’s time to move on towards practical aspect. Yes! The most interesting aspect of clean eating, “The Recipes” In this post, I am sharing 25 clean eating recipe ideas to make your path little easier. Before sharing the recipe ideas, I want to share some handy tips that will help you a lot cook clean and eat clean especially during busy hectic days. So, here are some easy to adopt tips: Plan  ahead Yes! The…

  • Health

    3 Amazing DIY Remedies with Aloe Vera

    Winter is here again. Winter is one of the best times of the year to take extra care of your health and nurture your body with the power of natural and herbal substance. Aloe Vera is one of the most powerful and natural substance that should be consumed especially during winter. It provides lots of health benefits. And give a boost to the different system of our body. There are different ways where Aloe Vera can be used as a remedy, Such as Aloe Vera gel, Aloe Vera juice and Aloe Vera desserts. how to use Aloe Vera as a home remedy and what are its recepies? read on to…

  • Blogchatterprojects 2,  Health

    8 Amazing Benefits of Clean eating

    It is post 3 of #Blogchatter projects, and I am sharing the “Power of Clean Eating” with this series. In last post, I had shared some common myths associated with clean eating and also shared the basic guidelines for beginners. Hoping this information will help to get started. And I know, it might sound somewhat overwhelming. Indeed, adopting and following a healthy lifestyle constantly is not as easy as seems. And we all tend to lose out track with hectic lifestyle schedule. So to keep ourselves motivated, here are I am sharing 8 amazing health benefits of “Clean eating” These benefits will help a lot to keep us motivated, and…

  • Blogchatterprojects 2,  Health

    Clean Eating- Common Myths and 7 Guidelines for Beginners

    Clean eating is the latest craze in the health and fitness industry. And I am sure you had already heard about it. I am so excited to share my second post for blog chatter projects season 2. And this post will be an introduction to “Clean eating”. What is clean eating? What are some common myths associated with the concept of clean eating? And what are 7 basic principles and guidelines for clean eating? Read on to know more! Before moving ahead with detailing about the clean eating, I want to clear some common myths associated with the clean eating concept. I am sure this myth-busting help a lot to…

  • Blogchatterprojects 2,  Health

    BlogChatter Projects (Season 2)- The Power of Clean Eating ( Theme Reveal)

      Finally, the wait is over and blog chatter projects are back with a bang with season 2.   I am so excited to be a part of it once again. And hoping to have a great time with it, like last year. Before moving ahead with theme sharing, I would like to share the brief about the “Blogchatter projects” for those who are new to it. What are Blog chatter projects? Blogchatter projects are an awesome initiative by Blogchatter  (The largest and best blogging community of India) that offers a great chance to writers and bloggers to share their area of expertise with a Nobel motive. With this project,…