“Diabetes Awareness”- All you Need to Know About Diabetes (The Silent Killer) – Theme Reveal #MyFriendAlexa
Finally, the wait is over and it is the time to get started with #MyFriendAlexa, the god of all blogging campaign hosted by Blogchatter. I am so excited to be a part of #MyFriendAlexa. It is my first participation and I am nervously excited about it. I am saying it, so proudly that, #MyfriendAlexa is a month-long campaign that is honoured as India’s first and world’s second blogging campaign based on Alexa rank and its associated tools. The campaign is not only about generating good quality content for your blog, but it is also about building an amazing blogging community and taking your blog to greater heights. What is Alexa…
My Honest Product Review of 3D Rose Case for I phone 8 ( and I Phone 7) plus
Nowadays smartphone has become an important part of our lifestyle. unlike before it is not only a device for making conversation, bit it serve various other important functions as well. we pay our bills with the smartphone, do shopping, book tickets, manage our other accounts. in fact, many of us maintain our social and professional lives with the help of it. Sometimes during routine hectic life schedule, we just drop it a lot or may have a chance to damage it by improper handling, accidental dropping or adverse weather effects. in the scenario, it is very important that we protect our smartphone with good protection. and using a mobile cover…
#Happy Rakshabandhan- 4 Amazing and Easy DIY Rakhis ( Video)
Happy Rakshabandhan to all. . Warm wishes to all of you for celebrating this awesome festival of love and care of Sibling relationship. . ? Here in the USA I really missed my family and especially my brother on this auspicious occasion. ? But it is also true that festivals should bring a feeling of joy and happiness to our lives and when we have enough warmth in our relationship distance does not matter. ? To keep the spirit of celebration positive we had made some easy DIY rakhis. ? Gather some beautiful laces, stones, beads and thread. Use your creativity and imagination to arrange them. Beautiful rakhis are…
3 Easy After School Healthy Snacks in Less Than 3 Minutes (Video)
It was 3 months ago when my daughters had started summer vacations and had lots of spare time, I had thought to keep them engaged in various creative and fun activities. . We had done lots of activity together as a family during vacation and with these, 1. My girls had learnt a lot 2. We had spent some great quality time together. 3. And I had gotten the really great response from my friends, and viewers with this kids activity video series. . ? So, even though now vacations are over but we are extending this series with lots of fun and creativity. . ? As this is the…
My Honest Product Review- CC Sun Hat for Women (By Serenita)- Perfect Sun Protection with Stylish Design
Summer is a great time to enjoy outdoor activities with your friends and family. During summer we always had lots of exciting options (camping, bike riding etc…) to have fun and enjoyment. Another side, sun safety is one of the most important issues that should keep in the mind, while enjoying outdoor activities during summer time. Do you know, according to Center for disease control and prevention (CDC), Sun’s UV rays can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes of time. And cause adverse effects on the skin. I am sure we all are aware of the basic sun safety measures, that includes, Avoid going outside during peak…
How To make Coconut milk and Banana Smoothie (Video by little Chefs)
Cooking with kids is always fun. and it always feels great to teach them, something healthy and tasty recipe. this week, I had made coconut milk and banana smoothie with my girls and their friends. learn how to make this. Actually, Since last few days, I was hearing a lot about the benefits of coconut milk and got curious to use this in some easy and exciting recipe. . Do you know, coconut milk is highly nutritious and contains lots of minerals and vitamins. It is also high on iron and easy to digest. It could be a great substitute for cow’s milk. . ? So this week, with my girls and their gang, we had…
My Honest Book Review – “A Girl in the New Town” by Alpana Deo
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”- Maya Angelou Absolutely I believed every aspiring writer (and blogger) always had a dream of becoming a published author. It is the most satisfying and fulfilling experience when your dream turns into reality and you accomplish your writing dream. Recently one of my dearest friends has reached this stage in her writing and blogging journey, with lots of hard work, dedication and motivation. It is really a matter of pride that she has published her first book with such an exciting theme and narration. Yes! I am talking about Alpana Deo from Mothergurukul.com, who has recently launched her…