#QueensofBloggiwood- Meet “Anupama Dalmia”- An Inspiring journey of faith, hard-work and determination!
Super excited to share first interview post for series “Queens of bloggi-wood”. With this first post, I am nervously excited to welcome multiple award-winning blogger, entrepreneur, author, mentor, social media influencer and choreographer Anupama Dalmia. Though I am sure there is no need to make a formal introduction but I would love to catch a glimpse of Anupama’s wonderful journey for those who are new to blogging world. Anupama is a blogger, author, serial entrepreneur, mentor, and mommy of a little girl who is the epicenter of her world. She is a MBA in system and finance and a B.E. degree holder in computer engineering. After having a wonder journey…
Free giveaway: “Blogging for beginners”- A handy guide to learn blogging basics, tips-tricks & much more!
Hi everyone! Today’s post is little different and I am nervously excited to share this with you all. Before sharing the exact thoughts, I want to say a big thanks to my dear friend Swarnali from Thesaffronstoryteller.com. for suggesting me this wonderful idea. I am so thankful to her for this brilliant piece of advice. As most of you already know that since last two months, I was running the series “Blogging for beginner” on my blog. The series was entirely dedicated to new bloggers who want to learn and understand different aspects of blogging. The series got excellent response and I had received many requests on DM to covert…
Latest happening on blog: launching of new section, upcoming new series and much more!
Hi everyone! Hope you all will be having a relaxing thanksgiving break. Here, in Pleasanton, there is again a surge of Covid-19 cases during last 2 weeks. And government has again issued the restrictive guidelines for various outdoor and group activities. Though all these sounds so boring but somehow, we are trying to keeping our spirit high and waiting for “Corona vaccine arrival”. Hope everything gets normalized soon. On blogging front, I am feeling happy and satisfied with my last month’s #MyFriendAlexa completion and overall growth (reduced Alexa and increased India rank) of blog. This result has inspired me to do more hard work and write consistently. So, during last…
Top 10 series from my blog- Read, explore & enjoy!
Hi everyone! Hope you all had wonderful Diwali with your friends and family. For me, it was really a great week and we had loads of fun together as a family. After having this fun-filling break, I am back to share another exciting series on blog (the series is coming soon in next week, stay tuned!) While preparing for next series, I had done a quick re-analysis of existing content on my blog. And this looking back process had given me an idea to write a “top 10 series from my blog” theme blog post. This post is specially dedicated to all new readers. With this post, I am sharing…
Three healthy Diwali recipes for a guilt-free Diwali!
Diwali is just around the corner and I am sure you all would be busy with Diwali related preparation. “Traditional Diwali recipes” are one of most important aspect of Diwali celebration and most of us love to eat those tasty delicacies. But for those who want to avoid extra indulgence and looking for some low-Cal snacks and sweets options, I am ready to help you. Sharing three easy and tasty Diwali recipes in this post. Read the post to know more. Three healthy and tasty Diwali snacks recipes! Puffed rice (Murmura) chivda Chivda is one of the most popular traditional Diwali recipes. And traditionally, it has been made by deep…