#week 10 #Superbloggerchallenge2018 with Instacuppa- “5 Awesome Reasons Why Should you Participate in Superbloggerchallenge2019”
It is week 10 Oh! I am feeling so nostalgic… Time just passed with a flying speed and we are just at the end of #Superbloggerchallenge2018 What to say, about this 10 week of the journey. I remember it was just a few weeks ago, when I had seen an Insta post by Dr. Amrita about this challenge, and just signed up with an immense curiosity and nervousness. I had no idea at that time, what will be the challenge exactly? Would I be able to survive 10 weeks or would I be able to perform each week with same consistency and excitement? And finally the moment came and challenge…
#indibloggercontest, #Definitely PTE- “Plan to Study Aboard, Here is Why You Should Say #Definitely PTE”
Of course, studying overseas is an incredible lifetime opportunity that has amazing benefits in all areas of life. After all, college years are the best years of your life to jet off to a completely new world and immerse yourself in an entirely different way of life. It is also true that living abroad and studying here comes with its challenges. And it is not as easy as sound. It has been 3 years ago when we moved from India to the USA. And during this period of time, I had learnt a lot about dynamics of living in a foreign country and exploring a completing new and distinct culture.…
#week9, #Superbloggerchallenge2018 with Instacuppa- “5 Amazingly Creative Activities for Kids!”
Summer time is just around the corner. And every summer has its own story. In summer hair gets lighter, skin gets darker, water gets warmer, drink gets colder, music gets louder, nights get longer and life gets better. “A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining. The breeze is blowing. The birds are singing and the lawn mower is broken- James dent I think, during holiday season adding some fresh and creative activities is a great way to make meaningful memories and it will strengthen the learning process as well. I am very happy to share some super creative activities for kids. It will be a great boredom…
#BlogchatterA2Z- “I, Inflammation of Larynx and Homeopathy”
The beautiful season “spring” is here. And we all are geared up to enjoy this beautiful weather with our friends and family. But unfortunately, this sudden change in temperature may cause a common cough, cold, pain in throat and other respiratory and seasonal allergies symptoms. And among this, all hoarseness or laryngitis is one of the common problems that bother so many of us. Here is a complete guide to deal with it. What is laryngitis? Inflammation of larynx is called laryngitis, which is usually characterised by hoarseness or loss of voice and throat pain. The larynx is also called a voice box, is an organ that joins the back…
#BlogchatterA2Z- H- “Homeopathy For Hair and Skin”
According to National center for complementary and integrative health , homeopathic medicines are one of the controversial subjects in therapeutics. This method was developed by the Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and now it is practised throughout the world. Homeopathy works on the two principles like cure like means patient with particular sign and symptoms can be helped by a homeopathic remedy that produces those sign and symptoms in the healthy person. Secondly, homeopathic remedies retain biological activity after repeated dilution and succession even when diluted beyond Avogadro number. While another side, critics claim that homeopathic remedies are nothing more than a placebo. In spite of this controversial view, during last few…
#BlogchatterA2Z,#HomeopathyA2Z- “G-Guide to Treat Mouth ulcer with Homeopathy”
Seema is again not feeling well. The cause is minor…but pain and swelling is unbearable. She is suffering from mouth ulcer. And recurrent mouth ulcer-causing a lot of trouble in eating, chewing even in speaking. Different peoples are offering different advice to her. Someone is saying “it is a digestion issue”, and then someone has given the advice to take vitamin B12 supplements. Yes! It is true that there could be different reasons for mouth ulcers, and it may be a symptom of some underlying disease. What is the mouth ulcer? What are their types? What are the different causes and symptoms of mouth ulcers? And how can we manage…
#Week8 #Superbloggerchallenge2018 with Instacuppa- “Here is Why Nature is Always Incredible”
“Study nature, love nature and stay close to nature, it will never fail you”- Frank Lloyd wright Indeed, Nature is art of god and it has really amazing healing properties. It has so many remarkable benefits for human health. In fact, various scientific studies confirm the same thing that, spending time in nature improves vitality, uplift the mood and positivity. If you feel depressed or mentally upset, staying close to nature works like a therapy for you. Here are some of the amazing benefits of staying close to nature. Staying close to nature improves our physical, mental, and emotional well- being. It has been scientifically proved that staying close to…
#BlogchatterA2Z- E “Effective 7 Reasons Why Homeopathy should be considered as an effective treatment option?
It is day 5, and as E, I am sharing Effective 7 reasons why homeopahy is an great alternative treatment option? Here is why homeopathy should consider a good alternative treatment option? Homeopathic medicines are safe, gentle, and non-toxic and had no adverse side effects The first and most important reason is that Homeopathy is the safest mode of treatment. When these medicines used as directed they are completely safe for every one- including pregnant, nursing women and infants. They are given in such small doses that do not causes side effects, according to University of Maryland Medical Center, the extremely diluted nature of homeopathic remedies removes risk of ultimately…