Menopause and Weight gain- 5 Effective tips to maintain good health during Menopause
Cessation of menstruation is called menopause. It is a normal part of life like puberty and usually occurs naturally at an average age 51, but for some women, it can happen as early as 40 or as late as 55 years of age. Despite being a natural process, menopause can some common set of symptoms that includes. Cessation of monthly period or iregular period Night sweat Hot flashes Mood fluctuations and cognitive changes Sleepleeness And weight gain When Menopause happens ovaries stop producing the main two hormones- oestrogen and progesterone. Weight gain during menopause is so common and frustrating. According to Academy of Nutrition and dietetics “Menopausal weight gain…
5 Prominent Reasons, Why Yoga with Adrine is My favourite Yoga Channel?
#Yoga, #Yogapower #YogawithAdriene #Yogagurur #Yogachannel #Yogayoutube #Yogajourney #Yogi You might have heard that Yoga is not just a form of physical exercise; it is about the relationship with yourself and the world around you. It is a journey that brings harmony to the mind, body and spirit. I had been curious about yoga for years, but always had an on-off, love-hate relationship with it! Then one day, I was introduced to “Yoga with Adrienne” YouTube channel, by my brother. Yoga with Adrienne is a great YouTube channel that offers plenty of yoga video for all levels. She has more than 1 million subscribers and her channel is just an awesome…
#NYR2019- My New Year Resolution, “Be Grateful, Be Thankful”
“Life is so unpredictable, so be grateful for every moment” I am sure we all had heard this sentence so many times since our childhood. But I had realised the true beauty and meaning of this statement this year. In fact, this is my new year’s resolution that I meant not just for me but my kids too. And here I am excited to share my post for New Year blog train as a topic, “Honey, I grew up the kids- resolutions not just for me but my kids too!” Before sharing the exact thought behind my resolution, I want to share something about my personality trait. I am a…
#BlogchatterHealthWatch- 6 Effective Tips to Maintain Ideal Body Weight during Winter!
Happy new year everyone! I am a big fan of Blogchatter campaigns. They always bring something new and exciting with their initiatives. And this time, with the beginning of New Year, they are back with #blogchatterhealth watch series. The series is based on inspiring us to put our health first. We all know health is wealth. But during busy, hectic life schedule we all tend to forget enough focus on one of the most important aspect of our life that is “Health”. So, blogchatter is trying to help get back us on the track with #Blogchatterhealthwatch. The series is running from 7 to 27 Jan. and you need to share…