#OpenNTalk #Week 4- “How to Use Neem as a Home Remedy”
It is week 4 of #OpenNTalk Blogging league, and I am feeling little nostalgic, as this is the last week. I am sharing the amazing healing and curative power of natural substances with this series. And in today’s post, I will share again something that is completely natural and purely magical. and it is our very well- known tree “Neem”. Neem or Azadirachta Indica is one of the most commonly used medicinal plant in traditional folk medicine for ages. Neem tree is mainly cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. It belongs to Meliaceae family and has been widely used in Chinese, Unani, Homeopathic and Ayurveda medicine. Neem and its constituents play…
#Week3 #OpenNTalk- Asafoetida “The Magical Spice”- 8 Amazing Health Benefits
It is week 3 of #OpenNTalk Blogging league, and I am so excited to share the amazing power of natural substance with this series. And in today’s post, I will share again something that is completely natural and purely magical. it is true that, It is always fascinating to me learn about the health benefits and amazing healing properties of routine kitchen ingredients and spices. Spices are used not only for thousands of years as food flavouring agent to enhance the sensory quality of food, they possess excellent therapeutic and medicinal properties as well. Asafoetida is one of them. Asafoetida or Ferula asafoetida is a herbaceous plant that…
#Father’s day Contest- “My Father My Whole World”
Happy Father’s day to all. though I personally believe that a single day celebration is not enough to express our gratitude, love and care to our dear ones. and still, it feels really great and amazing that we had set a day, to celebrate the spirit of “fatherhood”. father is the backbone of any family. they are the support system and without them, nobody can imagine a happy and peaceful life. I love my father. but as it is a common occurrence in Indian families, where we did not express our emotions verbally or openly to our fathers. in fact, sometimes, even we did not realize the true breadth…
3 D Printing pen (first Trial)
#Slinturn3 #Blogbirthdaycelebration- “Me Time” for Mommies- 6 Creative and Easy ways for Moms to Finding Daily “Me Time”
“Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do”- Matt Walsh Being a mommy life is not easy. We always overloaded with multitude responsibilities and duties. Hectic work schedule, school meetings, social gatherings, personal and professional commitment….a .and list goes on. And as a result, a kind of frenetic tension is a usual occurrence in every household. Stress is an inevitable part of parenting. Even though a positive stress is good for better work performance and motivates us to deal with challenges and accomplishment of tasks, but for, moms it is never-ending. We always had tons…
#Blogtrain- “How to Plan a Creative and Stress free Summer Vacation for Kids!”
Finally after a long wait summer is here. And we as a family are really excited to welcome the summer with great energy, good mood and enthusiasm. Of course, summer is a perfect time to have fun and enjoy outdoor activities. Another side, it is also a good time to follow your hobby and discover new passion too. As a responsible and caring parent, we all want that our kids had a great summer vacation and most of us usually plan ahead to have a good vacation too. I am also one of them. And of course, I want my kids had a creative, enjoyable experience during summer vacation. But,…