• #Causeachatter

    #Causeachatter- Body image & Mental health: 6 powerful ways to create a positive body image!

    Excited to share another post for #causeachatter. My theme for campaign is #Mentalhealthtalk. With this theme, I am sharing and discussing different important aspects of mental health and also sharing the ways to improve our mental health and well-being.   In this post, I am talking about another important aspect of mental health and that is “Body image”. When we talk about “Mental health”, we mostly think about our brain health and its functionality but in practical world, our physical appearance (and even physical health) also has an integral relation with our mental health.   How “Body image and physical appearance” affect our mental health? And what steps we can follow to…

  • Book review

    4 Amazing book recommendations from #Blogchatterebook library ( part 1)!

    Excited to share another book review post for book review series in association with #Blogchatterebook carnival. This week, instead of single book review, I am sharing 4 amazing book recommendations from #Blogchatterebook carnival.   All these 4 books are unique in their own way and have some USP factors. I had a great reader experience while reading these 4 books and now I am excited to share my honest input about the books. Read the post to know more! (This post will be in 2 parts, so make sure to read both posts to know more about this!)  First book: A2Z tips for effective parenting: parenting tips and tricks for handling…

  • Book review

    #Bookreview: Learn the art of image management with Swati Mathur’s “A2Z of Image management : guide to create your own brand”!

    We lived in an incredibly busy world that is highly influenced by power of digital media. During last decade, digital media and internet have changed our lives a lot. From gathering information to learning new skills, everything has become easier than before. This technological advancement has put a strong impact on our day-to-day life.   In previous years, look, appearance and image management were considered as the element of life of celebrity or high-profile people only. And “Aam janta”, did not understand the importance of creating attractive or appropriate appreace and other elements of image management that much. All these stuffs, were recognized mostly as “Page three” element only.   But in…

  • Book review

    #Bookreview: “Life is an ocean: Myriad of emotions”- An informative book by Archana Shrivastava to learn the art of “Emotional intelligence”!

    Life has become tougher since last 2 years, due to pandemic stress. Pandemic has affected our lives at various level and as a survival mechanism, we have developed many strategies to come out of this crisis stronger.   One side, this pandemic has taken away many routine joys of our lives, another side it has taught us many valuable life lessons. We had learnt importance of taking good care of our health, being grateful in life and never take anything for granted, with this stressful situation.   Along with this, the pandemic has also taught us the importance of “Emotional intelligence” in life.   During this hard time, we had plenty of negative…

  • Book review

    #Bookreview: “I Live to love you”- A Romantic thriller by Roma Gupta Sinha that soak your heart in million emotions!

    Hi everyone,   Excited to share another book review post for #BlogchatterEbook review series.   In this post, I am reviewing my dear friend Roma Gupta Sinha’s book “I live to love you”. Read the post to know more about it.   Before sharing more about the book and my reader experience regarding this, I want to share an honest confession with you all.   This confession is about my pre-conceived notion about “Fiction writing”.   As a blogger/author, I feel fiction writing is not an easy form of writing. It involves and requires many sets of expertise ranging from building an interesting story plot to create relatable characters and maintain a sense of curiosity…

  • Book review

    #Bookreview- Bloggers Unplugged: A beautiful pictorial eBook by Ruchi Verma to learn the 26 amazing lessons from bloggers life!

    During last decade, blogging has been immersed as a one of the most promising career options, all across the world. More and more people are exploring this filed to either as a help to grow their existing business or sharing their talent or expertise with world. Now, there are more than 6 million blogs are present all across the web and this number is increasing every day.   But despite gaining much popularity, blogging and bloggers life still have many pre conceived notion among general population. In many developing countries, people still think and have many misconceptions about this creative field, such as “Blogging is just a time pass activity” and…