• Product review

    Maximilian all natural deep cleansing shampoo & conditioner set review: An amazing combo for gentle hair care!

     Hair care is an important aspect of self-care that helps in self-grooming. Healthy, shiny and beautiful hair enhances not only your look and overall personality but it also works as an essential contributing factor in boosting your confidence as well.    Hair care sounds like an easy term but in reality, there are multiple factors like your diet and nutrition, exercise, stress level, selection of hair care products etc. like play an important role in determining your hair health.   For providing a gentle hair care and nourishment to your hair, it is very important to select your hair care products with extra caution. Shampoo and conditioners are two basic and essential…

  • Product review

    #Productreview: Zoe’s One day detox review- A great way to get started with detoxification process!

    Detox is a popular trend in health-wellness and even in fashion industry. Nowadays, large number of people are opting and exploring new ways to cleanse their body system naturally and making this process a part of their routine lifestyle.   As per definition, “Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver.”   In simple words, it is a process of short-term (usually) dietary intervention that involves a period of fasting, restrictions of unhealthy, processed food and inclusion of vegetable-fruit juices, herbal tea and water in diet. Detox aims to cleanse your body by eliminate toxins from body and adding more nutrition rich food…

  • lifestyle

    8 Amazing lifestyle hacks to stay motivated & productive everyday!

    Modern life is chaotic and stressful. We all faced various challenges in our routine life. Sometimes the pressure of responsibilities makes us feel overwhelmed and many times, we feel bored and unmotivated due to monotonous routine of life.   We all want to stay motivated and productive in our everyday routine but it seems like a big deal for many of us. Do you know, according to a recent search conduct by the University of Scranton, confirm that about 92 percent of people do not achieve their set goals. Failing to meet set goals leave them with a feeling of being discouraged and disappointed.   Everyone suffers from a lack of enthusiasm at…

  • Blog train

    #FindingMyselfblogtrain: 6 effective ways that help you finding your true-self!

    Hi everyone,  Super excited to be a part of #FindingMyself blog train hosted by Ruchi from wigglingpen.com and Rakhi from lifethroughmyeyes.com and sponsored by Anveya.   In this blog train, 10 amazing bloggers sharing their perspective around the theme #FindingMyself. I am excited to write and read the amazing posts for this awesome blog train.   Finding Myself: An incredible journey to discover your true self! Finding myself (or finding yourself) may sounds like a philosophical or spiritual term but in true sense, it is a vital and important aspect of any one’s individual personality.   As per expert definition, finding yourself means being more aware of the person who you are, and accepting of your feelings, thoughts, goals and dreams.   In simple words,…

  • Recipes

    Two easy Navratri vrat recipes for you & your family!

    Hi everyone,  Wishing you all a happy Navaratri. May this Navratri bring peace and prosperity for you and your family.   I am sure you all are having lots of dandiya fun and many of you are fasting too for 9 days.   I am planning to keep fast for last 3 days of Navratri and hoping I would be able to follow the proper rituals for at least last 3 days.   In this post, I am sharing two easy fasting recipes, especially for Navratri. Hoping you liked it. Read the post to know more!  Two easy Navratri Vrat recipes for you and your family Rajgira paratha Ingredients  Rajgira flour 2 cups   Boiled potato 1  …

  • Explore Creativity

    5 Basic embroidery stitches for beginners- A quick recap with easy video tutorials!

    Hi everyone, Excited to share a quick recap of our latest creative series, “Embroidery for beginners”.   I am not sure how many of you have watched our “YouTube video tutorials” for “Embroidery for beginners’ series”, so with this post, I am sharing a quick recap of “5 Basic embroidery stitches” with video tutorial links.   Read the post to know more!  5 Basic embroidery stitches for beginners These are:   Running stitch  Back stitch  Fly stitch   Cross stitch Satin stitch   First, let’s get started with “Running Stitch”  Running stitch  Running stitch is one of the easiest and basic stitch. It is used in both sewing and embroidery as a basic stitch to learn. It…