#ApneTareekeSeHealthy, Here are My Super Easy Ways to Being Healthy and Fit
“Health is wealth” We all love our family. We want our loved ones to stay fit and healthy. Good nutrition and regular exercise are an important part of adopting a healthy lifestyle. We all know that making the right food choices can prevent many serious health problems such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Being a homeopathic physician and mom of two young kids, I believed in a concept of natural living, real food and a holistic approach to healthcare and I always try to find simple and smart ways to keep myself and my family healthy. I would like to do a big round of applause to Blogadda…
#TraditionalRecipes, from Mamaearth- “A Trusted Tradition That Really Works”
We all have heard that “health is wealth” and “healthy family is a happy family”. It is a well-known fact, that “healthy eating and regular exercise” is a vital factor for good physical and mental health. But unfortunately, during routing hectic days, it wouldn’t have been always possible to maintain a regular and strict diet-exercise schedule. Sometimes, we all tend to become less conscious regarding our diet and exercise schedule. Sometimes, we want to eat, what we want to keep our mental health and mood uplifted (indulgence in junk food… Isn’t it?) Especially for women, it is always challenging to “take care of themselves”. We are always so busy in…
#lovejatao on Happy Grandparents day- “Always My Dadi, Forever My Friend”
Though I personally believed that a single day celebration is not enough to share our emotions, love, and care for our dear and near ones. Still, it is amazing that we had set aside a day to encourage our families to spend time with their grandparents. And I am also absolutely delighted for this celebration. Happy grandparent’s day! Grandparents are the delightful blend of unconditional love, care, and affection. They hold our hands just for a while, but get our hearts forever; they make the world softer, kinder and warmer. It is true that they are the true treasure in a family. Their presence and life lessons are most important…
How to raise a happy family
द्रश्य १ सुबहका रुटीन: · माँ– “बच्चो देर होरही है, जल्दीउठो, स्कूल है…” · बच्चे– नही माँ, थोड़ीदेर और सोनाहै.. · पापा– जल्दी करो, मुझेभी ऑफिस जानाहै, स्कूल बसमिस हो जाएगी… और फिर वही, ब्रेकफास्ट करो, फाइलनही मिल रही, दूध उफान गया…आदि आदि! द्रश्य २ दिनका समय · माँ– बच्चो जल्दी सेनाश्ता फिनिश करो, फिरढेर सारा होमवर्ककरना है… · बच्चे– माँ अभी तोआए है, स्कूलसे… द्रश्य ३ शामका समय · माँ–डिन्नर की तैयारी, क्लीन अप, अगलेदिन की तैयारी… · बच्चे– टीवी, पढ़ाई,…औरफिर थक करसोने की कोशिशमे लगे है… पापा– आफ़िस कीथकान, कुछ फोनकॉल, कुछ मेलचेकिंग, कुछ टीवी..और फिरवही अगले दिनकी तैयारी यही है, हमारेआम परिवार कीरुटीन, बँधी सीदिनचर्या, जहाँ हरकोई…