#HalfGirlfriend- “A Difficult Journey to Beautiful Destination”
Relationships are the true blessing of god. Of course, good relationships do not just happen. They take time, trust, care and patience of two people. And we all want to get that greatest gift of god as a loving relationship in our life. It is true that we all had a hidden desire to get that special person in our life that is right for us. It has been said that best relationship are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship, but sometimes it is difficult to name a relationship. Because give a name to a relationship limits the ways in which you can admire or love someone. In…
An Easy Target- A true story
घर का साराकाम ख्तम करकेराधा सौफे परलेटी ही थीऔर अख़बार हाथमे लेते हीझपकी लग गयी! आधी नींद मेकई विचार राधाके मन मेउमड़ रहे थे, “अब बच्चे बड़े होचले थे…पातिदेवउनके काम मेव्यस्त रहते थे…घर कीज़वाबदारिया तो ज्योकी त्यो है..पर अबउमर ढल चलीहै..अब थकानलगने लगी हैइन ज़वाब्दारियो कोनिभाते निभाते..” और अचानकडोर बेल कीआवाज़ से राधावर्तमान मे आपहुची, इस समयकौन होगा? दरवाज़ा खोलते ही पातिदेवको असमय देखकर थोडा चोकगयी थी वो. “कितनी देर कीदरवाज़ा खोलने मे, कबसे इंतज़ार कररहा हूँ“, “सोरी, थोडा नींद लगगयी थी“, राधाने घबराकर कहा! “मेरी ब्लू फाइलकहा रखी है?” राजेश ने कुछगुस्से से पूछा! “आपके ड्रॉवर मे हीरखी थी“, इतनाकहते ही राधाकुछ डर सहमकर फाइल खोजनेमे जूट गयी! यह…
Birthday Resolution: I Am Getting Ready to “Second Inning”…Are you?
By the end of this week, I am turning 36. It is an age that I have never been particularly concerned before, but when it was pointed out me that 36 is much nearer to 40…I have gotten a different set of emotions instantly. The emotions are not only related to the thing that I am getting older just as an individual but as a mom too. It is true that now I am an experienced, mature mom who had two absolutely adorable kids and wonderful memories of 8 years of motherhood journey. It is a journey that makes me cry, that makes me laugh and gives me an immense…
…Aur Wo Is Duniya Ko Alvida Kah Gayi
आज पायल कुछज़्यादा ही खुशलग रही थी, और हो भीक्यो ना आजउसकी ज़िंदगी कासबसे बड़ा दिनथा, आज उसकीज़िंदगी की नयीशुरुआत होने वालीथी! गुलाबी जोड़ापहने और दुल्हनबनी पायल किसीअप्सरा से कमनही लग रहीथी! उसकी खुशीऔर घबराहट कीविचार श्रखला कोमामी की आवाज़ने तोड़ा. “जल्दीकर पायल बारातआ गयी है! “आई मामी…और मामीको देखते हीपायल की रुलाईफुट पड़ी! आजमा– बाबूजी कीबहुत याद आरही थी! पूरे२० बरस होगये उनको गयेको, आज मम्मीहोती तो येकहती, आज पापाहोते तो येसमझाएश देते! यू तोमामा–मामी भीअपने ही है, पर…. और इतना सोचतेही पुरानी यादेपायल के मन– मसतिष्क मे कौंधगयी! एक विमानदुर्घटना मे मम्मी– पापा की अकालमौत के बादमामा–मामी काही साया था, पायल के सिरपर! यूँ तोमामा–मामी दोनोही पायल काख़याल…
“Nasreen-An Inspiring Story”- Incredible Life Lessons in Less than 5 Minutes
It was a routine weekend, and I was feeling more tired and exhausted because of hectic life routine and never-ending responsibilities. While seeping my cup of tea, I was making as the usual conversation with my selves “Oh! It’s Saturday, but it’s not my holiday”. I have to do all routine household chores again. And with this, though, a chain of thoughts has started again, · I am feeling so exhausted · I did not get enough time for my selves · Sometimes I feel really bored with monotonous routine and I want a change in my life · I am feeling so pressurised with this endless responsibilities and I…