Clean eating 101- A quick checklist for Beginners
Yey! Finally, we reached at the end, and it’s the last post for blog chatter projects season 2. The one month journey has come an end. So the “Clean eating series too…” Though I had tried to cover some basic aspects of clean eating with this series, still there are so many aspects (that I want to cover) remain left. Such as clean eating shopping grocery list, clean eating with a hectic schedule etc. With the limitation of time, I am wrapping up the “Power of clean eating series” with this last post. I know, it is such a vast topic and may sounds somewhat overwhelming, especially for the beginners.…
12 Clean eating Recipes Ideas (For lunch and dinner) part 2
#Clean eating, #Thepowerofcleaneating #Cleaneatingrecipes #Cleaneatingideas #Cleaneatinglunchrecipes #Cleaneatingdinnerideas #CleaneatingbySurbhi #Blogchatterprojects This is the second last post of Blog chatter projects season 2 and I am feeling a little nostalgic. I had a great experience with blog chatter projects season 2 while sharing clean-eating series. The series has proved really beneficial for me in so many terms. While sharing the ideas, benefits and recipes for the series, I had gotten a chance to pay more attention to my and my family’s eating habits. Along with this personal health benefit, the series has given a good boost to my blog. With the great response from readers and co-bloggers, I am feeling so…