• Finance

    First time home buyers, Try Mortgage calculators to figure out how much home you can afford!

    “Owning a home is a keystone of wealth both financial affluence and emotional security”- Suze Orman   So true. Buying a home is dream of everyone. It is something that we all want to achieve in our lives. But on practical side, it is one of the biggest decisions that we shall ever make.   This summer, we are planning to moving in that direction.  After spending more than 5 years in USA, we are willing to take that biggest financial decision of our life, as “buying our own home”  Recently, we (me and my husband) had a conversation regarding doing a proper planning before taking that big step. While conversation, he…

  • queens of bloggi-wood

    #Queensofbloggiwood- Meet Ekta Chawla- An inspiring journey of starting small & reaching high!

    Hi Everyone!  Wishing you all a merry Christmas in advance. Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday.   Last week was super hectic for me and I had participated in two amazing blog hops, (speakeasy and women supporting women) and feeling good that I had completed my participation successfully. With women supporting women blog hop, I had also taken a masterclass theme “Salad recipes and weight loss”, this was something that I had tried first time. I am so glad that I would be able to complete it with a satisfactory feeling.  will share more about the class and content in upcoming post, stay tuned!  Read the #Speakeasy blog challenge…

  • Blogging challenge

    #SpeakeasywithRuchiNDips- 8 Beautiful memories of “Not so beautiful year 2020”!

    Super excited to be a part of #Speakeasy blogging challenge once again. Thank you Ruchie and Deepika for this awesome initiative.  I always had a great time while reading and writing for this blog challenge.   Honestly, first when I had seen the theme of this time’s #Speakeasy challenge (Adieu 20202), I was little skeptical about it. As we all know, “2020 = Covid-19 pandemic” is a well known equation. Unfortunately, 2020 has been a tragic year for all of us. This pandemic has shaken up whole world and affect all important aspects of our life so badly.     Since more than 6 months, we are struggling to get back our…

  • Blog Hop

    #WSWbloghop- Meet Shreya Sharan Pawar- An inspiring journey of hard-work that truly represent “Woman supporting Women”!

    This December, I am super excited to be a part of #Womensupportingwomen blog hop initiative hosted by Urvashi and Akansha. I am so glad that hosts have made this blog hop so exciting and fun by including various games, quiz, and masterclasses.   As the theme is so intriguing, I got multiple ideas to write and share my post for blog hop but finally, I had decided to share something that truly support the theme “Women supporting Women”.   I am sure you all would be agreeing that during last few years, Instagram has emerge as one the most promising social media platform that offers an excellent opportunity for many women (including…

  • Guest Post

    4 Reasons how storytelling session improve creativity- Guest Post by Meenal&Sonal from Auraofthoughts.com!

    When words are bonded together in a synchronized manner to form a sentence or a story holds much more value than the distributed words. Stories have the power to emote feelings perfectly and can change a person’s perspective completely. Stories are so powerful that the few stories which we read in childhood are imprinted on our soul for the entire life.   Relationship of Stories & Child  Children are so fascinated by the stories that they enter the fantasy world of it and also do lots of pretend play imagining the characters of the story. The right story at the right time can create a significant effect on the child and…

  • queens of bloggi-wood

    #QueensofBloggiwood- Meet Dr. Hemapriya, A Doctor mom’s wonderful journey of constant learning and inspiring others!

    Hi Everyone!  Thank you so much for giving so much love and appreciation to first interview post of series “Queens of bloggi-wood”. I am so glad you liked it and find it inspiring.   Read the post here, in case you had missed it.   Now, it is time to share second interview post for the series “Queens of bloggi-wood”.  Honestly, this interview conduction has made me nostalgic. And I had re-called many beautiful memories while conducting this interview.  It was 5 years ago, when I had started my blogging journey, and start exploring various top Indian parenting-health lifestyle blogs all across the web, “Mylittlemoppet.com” was the one of the most promising…