• Health,  MyFriendAlexa

    #MyfriendAlexa- Goodness of Homeopathy and why it is a good treatment option?

    Ahh..finally we reached in the last week of #Myfriendalexa and here I am ready to share the last post of #Incrediblehomeopathy series. So far, I had covered most of the important aspect of homeopathy is this series and hoping it will help in understanding the insight of homeopathy and homeopathic treatment. As I had mentioned in the earlier post, homeopathy had been a point of controversial view since ages. some people have faith in it and like the way it treats a disease gently without causing any side effects. while others may feel that it has only placebo effects and there is no scientific explanation behind it. As this is…

  • Health,  MyFriendAlexa

    #MyfriendAlexa- Pros and Cons of Homeopathy!

    We had reached in the last week of #MyfriendAlexa and I am excited to share second last post for #Incrediblehomeopathy series, So far, I had tried to cover different important aspect of homeopathy with this series. I hope that these posts might have help you to understand the insight of homeopathy and homeopathic treatment. As I had mentioned earlier, that homeopathy is a good alternative treatment but it has its own limitation too. so in this post I am sharing some important pros and cons of homeopathy. this point will help you to decide whether homeopathy is a suitable treatment for you or not? Pros of Homeopathic treatment Homeopathic medicines…

  • Health,  MyFriendAlexa

    #MyfriendAlexa- #Incrediblehomeopathy- Homeopathic first-aid kit ( especially for kids injuries)

    It is week 3 of #MyfriendAlexa and I am hoping you all had learnt some important aspect of homeopathy with my #Incrediblehomeopathy series. in Today’s post, I am talking about one of the most element of our life and that is “Common childhood injuries”. Childhood is the fundamental and learning phase of life.  During first few years of life children constantly explore their environment and learn new skills. bumps, cut, scratches are part of this learning process. Childhood injuries are common especially when children learning to walk or ride a bike. But these incidents are more likely to be the kind that a kiss, hug or Band-Aid will fix, rather…

  • Health,  MyFriendAlexa

    #MyfriendAlexa- How Medicines Dispensed in Homeopathy!

    Yes! It is week 3 of #MyfriendAlexa and in today’s post, I will share “Dispensing of homeopathy medicine”. In simple words, how the homeopathic medicines (in which medium) prescribed? But before moving on this step, I would like to share next steps after case taking. after a long, detailed and proper case taking, the actual task of therapist gets started. and that is “The correct selection of homeopathic remedy” It is one of the most important steps that define the good result and ideal cure in given case. For the selection of correct medicine, “The law of similar” came into the action. And the qualified homeopathic therapist gets involved in…

  • Health,  Product review

    #Productreview Nature sure’s Good liver Capsule- A Good support for your liver health!

    As I had promised, I am back again with another product review from Nature sure and this time I am reviewing Nature sure good liver capsules. These capsules are another excellent Ayurvedic propriotory formulation from Nature sure that has lots of health benefits for liver health and maintain a healthy hepatic functions as well. What are its ingredients and how it support s liver health? Read on to know more! Before sharing that I would like to share a brief information about importance of hepatic system. Importance of hepatic system Hepatic system is one of the most important system of body that is responsible for smooth digestion and metabolism process…

  • Product review

    #Productreview-Nature sure’s Lungs Pure Capules- An excellent supplement to improve your lungs health

    We lived in an incredibly busy world. And I am sure you all would be agree that this hectic busy lifestyle puts a frenetic pressure on our mental, physical and emotional health. Our body organs and different body system faces an enormous pressure everyday due to this hectic lifestyle. Nowadays, different lifestyle and respiratory diseases are so common and a larger number of our population are suffering from these kind of issues. Respiratory system is one of the most important body systems of our body and lungs are vital organ that are most essential part of our respiratory system. There are several factors that affect our lung’s health negatively and…

  • Health,  MyFriendAlexa

    #MyfriendAlexa- Why Case-Taking is so important in Homeopathy?

    It is week 2 of #MyfrienAlexa, and I am excited to share my 4 postof the series. In this post, I am talking about one of the most important aspect of homeopathy and that is “Case Taking”.   You might have already heard or experienced that homeopaths take a long time to record a case from patient and often asked so many questions about your mental, physical, social and emotional characteristics. Sometimes it might feel really confusing (and may be irritating too) for so many people that why they are asking all these questions that are not related with disease condition. Today, in this post I will share the main…

  • Health,  MyFriendAlexa

    #MyfriendAlexa- Learn the Basic Principles of Homeopathy

    It is week 2 of #MyfriendAlexa and I am so excited to moving one step ahead with incredible homeopathy series. Thanks a lot to all my dear friends for encouraging me, and I am so glad that you liked the Idea of #Incredible homeopathy series. So, in today’s post I would love to share Basic principles of Homeopathy”.Though homeopathy has so many principles and philosophies. Hahnemann strongly believed that it is must to follow these principles and guidelines to achieve a gentle and ideal cure.Before explaining the basic principle, I would like to explain the “basic concept of disease according to homeopathy” How Disease occur or How we fall sick?…

  • Health,  MyFriendAlexa,  Uncategorized

    #MyfriendAlexa- What is Homeopathy?- An Overview

    Yey! It is the first week of #MyfriendAlexa and I am nervously excited to share second post.   So in the beginning, I would like to get started with the basics, and that is an introduction to homeopathy. What is Homeopathy?   “Homeopathy is an alternative branch of medical science that is worked on the basic principle of “similia simimum curenter”, means like cures like. Homeopathy word derived from two words homoios in Greek means similar and pathos means suffering). It was founded by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. How Homeopathy was invented (History)? Hahnemann was an allopathic physician and he was extremely unhappy with the traditional methods of treatment. he…