
#MyFriendAlexa- 5Cs (Pillars) of successful blogging!

Pillars of successful blogging
Pillars of successful blogging

Hi everyone! 

Welcome to “Blogging for beginners’ series”. This is the first post for #MyFriendAlexa and I am nervously excited to share it with you all.  

In this post, I will talk about 5Cs (pillars) of successful blogging. What are these 5Cs and why these should be a part of your blogging routine? Read the post to know more.  

It has been said that, 

You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation, if you are going to have a strong superstructure- George B. Hinckley” 

The same principle applies to your blogging journey too. If you want to go ahead and want to sustain longer in this over-competitive field, then it is very important to work on creating a strong foundation for your blogging carrier.   

For ease of understanding, I would like to classify these pillars or basic factors in 5 major categories, as 5Cs. They are: 

  1. Content creation  
  2. Consistency with your blogging routine 
  3. Creativity  
  4. Create connection 
  5. Collaboration 

So, let’s get into detail insight about each pillar.  

5Cs (pillars) of successful blogging 

Pillars of successful blogging
pillars of successful blogging

Content creation  

I am sure you all had already heard this statement 1000th times before, but when I am talking about pillars of successful blogging, then I have to listed this first.

It has been said that “Content is king” . This phrase has been used by Microsoft founder Bill Gates in 1996, with a meaning of increased focus on creating quality content and provide value to visitors. And during passing years, same thing has been proved at multiple times.  

Quality content is first and most important aspect of successful blogging. 

Look at these statistics: 

  • According to WordPress statistics, more than 70 million new posts get publish each month, so an average it is about 2.75 million posts per day. Interestingly, Tumblr alone is home to 471.6 million blogs (as of July 2019 Statista report) 
  • There are 600 million blogs in the world. According to recent January 2020 data, there were 1,742,813,617 websites worldwide.  
  • This over-growing number of websites and publishing rate had reduce the average stay time of readers on blog.  stat shows, the median average time spent reading article by user is only 37 second.  

Of course, these stats are challenging.  

 Specially, for beginners it many feel overwhelming to create something unique and interesting every day to keep themselves up in the fast pace race of blogging world.  

Though, I consider myself as a student, but for beginners, I will give few pieces of advice for content creation.  

  • Never take content creation so lightly, always do an in- depth research and proper analysis before writing on any topic.  
  • Your write-up should have a combination of your personal expertise and the research work you had done for writing the topic. 
  • Always check or analyze your topics (for blog writing) as a reader’s point of view. And ask few questions to yourself, did this topic will help my readers in some way or will they find it interesting? 
  • Establish your own unique voice. Even when you are writing on common topics (for example related to any parenting or lifestyle issue), add your personal experience and examples to make it more relatable for readers.  

In short, “whatever topics you finalized for your next post, try to do a complete justice to it. Make sure it has some USP factor either in term of information, entertainment or other things that interest your readers”. 

Getting a satisfactory response from a reader (as a meaningful comment or share) is best reward for any bloggers, and for reaching up to that stage, you need to work hard. You have to share something unique as a content that will help in making any difference (of course, positive) in your readers’ life.  


This one is second important pillar for successful blogging. In fact, this is the thing that possess equal importance as quality content.

If you are a pro in making awesome content but you are not consistent with your posting routine, then you wouldn’t be able to make a consistent impact on your readers’ mind.

I am sure, most of new bloggers face struggle with maintaining a consistency in their posting routine. I was one of them. and then I had worked very hard to maintain that consistency in my posting routine. Here are few things that has worked well for me.  

  • Plan your content outline in advance. This thing reduces end moment tensions and anxiety of “What should I write next?”.  and you will get a relaxed mind set when you actually start writing the post.  
  • Make short term goals like “I will write at least 1 post every week and will read 2-3 blogs per day”. Try to achieve this short-term goal by working on this regularly.  
  • Move ahead gradually. When you feel you are comfortable with this simple posting routine, move one step ahead and try to write and read more blogs gradually.  
  • By following this simple habit as a routine, you would be able to become more consistent with your blogging (reading and writing both) routine. Regular reading and writing will enhance your confidence and you will get amazing end results as better writing, reading, commenting and interacting skills.  
  • Divide your posting routine in to categories: blog post and social media posts. And work accordingly. Expert suggested, posting 2 blog post per week and 3-4 social media posts per week considered as a pretty good blogging routine. And with proper planning, you can achieve that too.  


“Being creative” is third most important aspects of successful blogging. you have to work on your “Creative quotient” every day, if you want to go ahead in your blogging journey.

With the overpowering digital medium, we all had a constant overflow of information whole day through different social media platforms. This constant streaming creates a big challenge for content creator. Creating unique and impactful content requires lots of creativity and hard-work.  

Your content should have your unique voice and personalized style. It should have some “X factor” that either touches reader’s heart or create a strong impact on their mind.  

In short, you have to work on your creative skills consistently to bring something new and exciting for your readers or viewers.  

Create connection 

This is another important pillar for successful blogging. Believe me, it is hardest one. It is not that easy as seems. As an audience or reader, we all everyday read or watch various kinds of content through different medium (newspaper, TV, and internet).  

But at the end of the day, there are only few things (from all medium) that we remember properly. There are only few artist or bloggers or other media people who had that amazing power of “Creating connection” with their audience through their content and prestation style.  

Even if you have most amazing content on your blog but if you don’t have a capability to create a connection with your readers, then you cannot get success easily.

You blog or content should have a quality of “creating connection” with your readers. They should get a feeling that “I want to visit this blog or page again”. Your strong impact and powerful connection create an incredible foundation for success of your blog. 


Last but not the least, “Collaboration”. Blogging is considered as a “Chain of human”. And creating meaningful collaboration is one of the most important aspect of successful blogging.

Though “Collaboration” word is usually used in term of “Brand collaboration”, but this is not only the true meaning of collaboration. There are various other ways that can be used for collaboration purpose.  

Here are few examples of collaborative blogging. 

  • If you are new to this field, then just start by exploring blogs related to your niche. Get connected with them and make a strong connection by reading their posts and leaving meaningful comments.  
  • You can write “Guest post” for other blogs (related to your niche) and can invite other bloggers to write same for your blog.  
  • Giving shoutouts are another fancy way to support each other and making strong collaboration and connection with other bloggers.  
  • Content collaboration is another exciting and interesting way with bloggers of similar niche. You can decide a topic by mutual understanding and can share your thoughts on same by tagging each other.  
  • Interview series is another great way to get started with collaborative blogging. You can reach out inspiring people in your niche to share their unique story with readers, through interviews.  

So, these are some basic factors (and pillars) of successful blogging.  

Personally, I am working on each of these and getting wonderful results in my blogging journey.  

Hoping it will be helpful for you too. 

What are your thoughts? Please share! 

I am taking my blog to the next level with #MyFriendAlexa campaign hosted by .

Stay tuned for next post. 

If you want to check out previous posts of this series, click here. 

6 common blogging mistakes that most new bloggers make    

Influencer marketing- let’s learn the basics!    

5 effective tips to complete myfriendalexa challenge successfully! 

What is self hosting and amazing perks of self-hosted website 

5 Amazing benefits of joining blogging communities! 

What is guest posting & 4 amazing benefits of guest posting! 

5 reasons why every blogger should participate in blogchatter campaigns! 

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 Healthy eating for busy moms  

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