6 Common Blogging Mistakes that most new bloggers make!

Hi all!
Welcome to “Blogging tips and tricks that actually works” series and I am nervously excited to write and share first post of this series.
Though this is the first post of series, but I am not starting with very basics because I assume that everyone who starts blogging are well aware of basic steps such as finding out niche, create useful content around your niche, building an audience, being active on social media accounts and share your content all across the different SM channels and so on.
So, in this post, we will talk about another important topic that is rarely discuss, and often remain ignored while discussing other important aspects.
In this post, I am sharing some common blogging mistakes that most of the new bloggers make. These are the things that need to get fixed, if you want move ahead in our blogging journey successfully.
This post is specially dedicated to newbies. Hoping they will be found it informative.
Here are some common blogging mistakes that most new bloggers make.
Common blogging mistakes that most new bloggers make
Don’t know exact reason or aim why they had started blogging?
Nowadays we lived in high-tech era. Blogs, social media activities and other digital promotions are part of our day to day lives. In fact, with advancement in technologies, having a blog or YouTube channel is a kind of fancy hobby that most of the people pursue.
And honestly there is nothing wrong in doing that. But all problems get started, when as a beginner, you do not know the exact reason or goal of starting a blog.
Recently, one of my dear friends has called me and asked me to give some advice on “How to start a blog?” and other important aspects of blogging. while conversation, when I had asked her, what is her aim or reason to start a blog? She has given me no answer. Then I had explained her, that
“Starting a blog could have different reasons for different people. such as starting a blog just as a hobby, or as a money-making tool, or establish an easy way to get connected with other like-minded people or as a passion to share your talent or expertise with others. Based on your aim the further steps and strategies get planned. If you are starting this just as hobby or with a desire to get connected with others, then there is no need to make any in- depth strategies for blogging. But if you have much wider aspect such as earning money or recognized yourself as an established blogger, then you have to learn various detailed aspects of blogging that includes create quality content, market your content, basic technical knowledge of website maintenance and effective use of social media for promoting your content.
So, conclusively “Being not clear about your aim or goal is one of the common blogging mistakes that most new bloggers make”. If you are one who had just entered in blogging world, then ask yourself first, what do you want achieve as a blogger?
Write only for yourself, not for your audience (being a self-indulgent)
Being a part of various blogging community, this one is one of the common statements that I heard from most of the bloggers. It is a routine phrase that “I write straight from the heart or I write what I love?”. I agree that there is nothing wrong in being honest in sharing your own stories or write your inner most sentiments, but sometimes this thing may become a one-side conversation. And readers may feel bored or develop a “Not so interesting attitude” for your content or blog post.
“Your blog should not have a feel of your own diary (especially if you are serious about blogging), it should have much more than just sharing your own things. It should provide any worth or useful information to your readers; readers should get a feeling that you care about their time which they had taken out to visit your blog. Your blog should add some value to their already existed knowledge or help in solving their any kind of problems.”
In short, “Try to re-analyzed your written content before publishing. Read your post as a reader point of view and ask yourself, is it worth of publishing? Will it provide some kind of value to my readers? If you get an answer “Yes”, then go ahead and publish it? Otherwise, re-work on whole thing again”.
Not writing consistently
This one is third common blogging mistakes that most of the bloggers made. If fact, I was one who had done this mistake in past. Initially, when we start blogging, we feel over excited and publish some amazing posts one by one, but after some time, so many of us lost that passion or zeal to keep a consistency in posting routine.
“Not writing consistently make your regular readers disappointed and reduces your chance to get new readers as well. Though it is hard to be consistent but being consistent is key that offers so many benefits. Such as with regular writing you improve your writing capabilities, your website gets some consistent traffic, you have better chances to get connected with other bloggers and you become a recognized face in community of various immensely talented bloggers.”
Conclusively, write quality content consistently is one of the basic steps that helps you in moving ahead. If being a newbie, you are feeling lazy or having a lack of passion, then just pull up your socks. If you want to survive in over competitive blogging field then be consistent in your posting routine. And believe me, you will get amazing results for your hard work.
Think readers will come to my website automatically and my blog posts will get viral
I know, being a blogger (and as a creative person), “Hum sab apne favourite hai” (remember, Kareena’s dialogue from jab we met). After writing a piece, we all get an intense feeling that “Wow this piece is super awesome?” (the same feeling, I am getting while writing this…. just kidding”)
But honestly, the practical world is much harder than this fantasy.
Every day, millions of blog post had been published all across the web, with a hope that they all will get viral. But in reality, only less than 1000 posts reach on a status of getting viral. This virtual world had tons of talented people, so get recognized among this over crowded market is not as easy as seems.
Writing great quality content with consistency is only one step and market your content is next most important step.
Nowadays, it has been said that “Content is king and marketing is queen”. For being successful or get recognized, you need to understand the deeper meaning of this statement, if you want to succeed in blogging world, never assume that you will get an automatic traffic or ready to read readers. You need to work hard on market your quality content. Create accounts on different social media channels, being active on other digital platforms, join good blogging communities, participate in blogging campaigns are some of the effective ways to get recognized and established yourself as a well-known face in blogging world.”
In short, make different sets of goals for your blogging such as content creation, marketing, interacting and communication, and work on each thing with proper planning and strategy. Things will fall on place with gradual and consistent efforts.
Follow the exact things what others are doing
This one is another common blogging mistake that I had observed frequently. I know when we start off, the different vast aspects of blogging give an overwhelming feeling and most of us develop a “go with flow” attitude.
Of course, it is completely ok to learn from others people’s experience and get inspired with the things that has helped others. But sometimes this over follow attitude lost your own identity and you will get a feeling of lost in crowd.
Blogging is one of those amazing creative field that requires a strong set of your own personality and individuality. Your work should have some kind of USP factor and a feel of your own personality. So along with learning with others, it is equally important to work on our own USP factors. Making a balance between following others and at the same time doing something different is key to be successful in blogging world.
In short, “your blog post should have a strong impact on your reader’s mind. If you develop that power then you are a winner in your own world.”
Blog only for “Money making”
This one is another blogging mistake that most of bloggers commit, when they started off. I know, it is really tempting to get rewarded for our hard work in the form of sponsored post, product review or by affiliate marketing.
But honestly, it is not that easy as seems. It takes time and you have to keep patience. Earning money through blog is a kind of later step that you can achieve after building a wide range of audience who trust you and eagerly wait for your next post or creation”?
Conclusively, never keep money making your first and primary focus, otherwise you may feel impatient and disappointed soon, when your things did not happen the way you thought. instead, enjoy the process of writing, reading and interacting. Once, when all these things get followed regularly, the new doors of opportunity (for money making) will get open automatically.
Along with these, here are some more common blogging mistakes that most of new bloggers make. Such as:
- Not writing long form content
- Not format content properly
- Not have an idea about target audience
- Lack of information and clarity in content (always remember, crisp content is only a big hit)
- Choosing the wrong topics
- Not having a self-hosted website
So, these were some common blogging mistakes that most of new bloggers make.
I hope this post will help you to understand these common blogging mistakes. And you will work on that to move ahead on the path of successful blogging.
What are your thoughts? Please share!
This month, I had started two new series on the blog. One of “Natural Amazing DIYs” and second “Blogging tips and tricks that actually works”, so stay tuned for both series.
First post of #NaturalDIYs will be live tomorrow. Do not forget to check it out.
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Amazing Surbhi! You have shared an extremely useful and wise tips to start blog and how to take the blogging to the next level.
I am truly amazed by how you have captured and covered all minute mistakes we bloggers make unknowingly. Great read – great value. Thank you
Thanks shagufta, I am glad you found it informative.
Cindy Dsilva
Great tips… Except money making, I’ve done all the mistakes initially… Then I began writing for the world and now I’m not sure what more gyan to give… hahaha
This is so well written, Surabhi. I’ve seen so many newbies giving off gyaan within a year of blogging while I as a decade old blogger still think I’m learning. Content and consistency matter a lot. Also, writing only for money puts me off too.
Tips are amazing Surbhi… It’s true… Hard work and patience is the key to success in the world of blogging. Why are you writing? What are your future goals regarding should be clear in your mind.
You have hit the Bull’s eye…very useful tips for blogging. Would look forward to reading the next one.
Thanks Ruchi, I am so glad you liked the post.
Could not agree more with you. Blogging only to make money and thinking you write and ppl will automatically come n read are two big mistakes.. it needs alot of strategy and hardwork.
Thanks dear, I m glad you agree with my thoughts.
Thanks a lot dear Archana, I am so glad you liked the post.
I think apart from all the other points, CONSISTENCY is one thing that is required in all fields of life! If you’re not consistent in your work, you’re not going to succeed!
yes completely agree that consistency is key to get success in any field of life.
You said it all Surbhi. I so agree we should know the aim why we blog, what our target audience is and what they expect from us
yes dear.. these are main things that need to get well attention from bloggers.
This is what I was looking for. Thanks for sharing such an insightful post which is so very helpful for all the new bloggers like me.
Thanks a lot dear, I m glad you liked it
Very useful tips. Please share more on hosting. Blogger is useful or not ?
sure dear, will write post of your suggested topic soon.
Great tips on how to start blogging and how to continue in it successfully!
Amazing Surabhi.Great tips indeed.Having made some of these mistakes myself, totally resonate with the write up.It indeed is a very helpful article.
Thanks a lot dear, I am so glad you found it informative.
Debidutta Mohanty
Surbhi, all your pointers are bang on. I have committed a few mistakes in the past. Blogging is not a digital diary there is so much to it.
I was nodding my head and smiling throughout your post! I am sharing the blog post with many new bloggers who keep asking me where they are going wrong and why their posts are not going ‘viral’. Thanks for writing this yaar!
Thanks a lot dear, I am so glad you found it informative. you comment has made my day.
Alpana Deo
Blogging is a vast field and the more we go deep in it, we understand how challenging it is. For any blogger, knowing their audience, their own strong points is very important. Also having a proper schedule can shed some burden off their shoulders.
Consistency is the key. Most people start out looking to make quick bucks, but when they don’t get any views or moolah, they now down.
Your post has touched a sensitive topic I feel. I see a crowd of new bloggers coming up who r mostly to make money out of this, loosing the essence of blogging. Also some are here just so they are called as bloggers n not influencers on Instagram. Of the entire herd of so called bloggers, I genuinely found hardly few who write for the passion of writing
J factor
This is an honest write , after reading this blog I was analysing all the points I think while making a post … Will definitely follow this .
Lovely article. Even I am guilty for writing just whenever and wherever I wanted but not anymore.
Samidha Mathur
You’re so correct, Surbhi. Nowadays even many Instagrammers call themselves a blogger through which they can earn money… while they don’t have any blogging website.
It is important to understand why we have started blogging… it will help to move forward.
Princy Khurana
these points have been well highlighted, personally for me i think writing regularly is the key ! understanding the basics is so essential
Ishieta Chopra
You are so right! Blogging because you want to right for yourself, versus blogging as a vocation are quite different! I think most of us when we start think it will be easy and don’t realize the importance of being disciplined about it. I think most of us, if not all of us, have made these mistakes (and still do at times!)!
Gurjeet Chhabra
great topic, I am still learning blogging strategic. I will hook to your blog as the further post will be informative for me .
Dr Bushra Allaboutthewoman
Agree that newbie focus more on money in the starting of Blogging. However focus should be on content creation that will help build the blog
Dr.Amrita Basu
Its really difficult as a new blogger to spend a lot of money.Thats where many get confused .I wrote a book about Starting a successful blog sharing my own experience and how I DIYd it.Great post DSurbhi
Neha Sharma
Very well written, Surbhi. Being a new comer, bloggers make a lot of mistakes and sometimes they learn it the hard way through their mistakes. I am sure your post will help new comers to avoid those common mistakes.
In Blogging you should have a goal or destiny and one should have patience.. you have pointed out such great tips .. amazing post.
Amrit Kaur
Surbhi, you hit the most important points that many new bloggers think. Blogging is way different than social media. We blog for our own interest in writing and not only for others or money making.
Thanks for the details, very valid and valuable points..
Loved reading through your post. It brought back the memories of some of the mistakes I made as a new blogger. I am sure all bloggers will take note of this good information
Judy Morris
Yes actually these are some very pertinent mistakes that many bloggers do. Even I commit few of them sometimes like being sometimes irregular in posting.
This is such an insightful post on the mistakess commonly committed by new bloggers. Personally what I have seen is new bloggers often lack focus and try to cover every possible topic on earth. There’s no point being jack of all trades
Rajshree Sawant
Wow these are some really detailed pointers! I wish I had something similar when I started my blogging journey.
The Champa Tree
Agree! Clickbaits don’t always work. A great read and I support your journey and echo your thoughts.
This is really a well-written post. I agree, we often tend to follow the trend and forget that each blogsite should have its own individuality. I have saved the post, I am sure these tips will help me in longer run as well.
Sindhu Vinod Narayan
Focussing on content first will help blog grow. These mistakes will now make sure that a newbie is aware what not to do if they are to take blogging seriously
Mayuri Nidigallu
You’ve highlighted all the reasons that make me go grrrrr. If one gets into Blogging for all these reasons they are surely not going to last. As experienced Bloggers we know the amount of hard work we had to put in to get where we are.
Urvashi Nenawati
I feel I have done most of them but still could never make money. Some I still do like I write what I love. I definitely need to rethink my purpose and goal for better blogging aims
Alpana Deo
This is a very important topic. I have seen many bloggers who even after starting their blog, spending time won writing are clues about their niche. Also if they see blogging is an easy way for making money then that is not going to happen.
Informative post for every blogger. Content creation is the key one should always focus on. All the pointers are worth thinking for each and every post one writes.
Totally agree to all the points, consistency is really important
Harjeet Kaur
Good to see you so confident and pointing out Dont’s for new bloggers Surbhi..really glad to see your progress on this journey
These are some very useful tips indeed. I agree many make the mistake of considering a blog as just a money making site or a personal diary. It needs to be somewhere in between
I completely agree with these 6 beginner specific mistakes Surbhi. Blogging requires talent and discipline which many first-timers lack.
Arushi Seth
That is an honest post with very valuable tips for beginners. Not many people share these and these are really important to succeed as a blogger. I wish I had this post when I started blogging. Thanks for sharing
Gurjeet Chhabra
Superb, yes you made a master piece talking about your blog dear. I am doing the same mistake not being constant and not marketing the blog much but I will now.
sonu chouhan
I can understand everything what u have written ..in 2016 it was started as a passion for writing…i never knew that i will be connecting with fabulous bloggers..it’s an amazing post.
vidhya thakkar
Totally agree with you surbhi. these are some amazing tips.
Srishti Rajeev
This blogpost is a must read for all new bloggers who post just like that. Helpful pointers.
My Words My Wisdom
After getting into the blogging field, there is so much to learn and there is always a gap between reality and imagination.
Your points are valid. Your series is a must follow for new bloggers. And yes blogging challenges and communities make a great difference.
Thank you Surbhi for these tips. I think I have comitted a few of these mistakes already – esp. the 2nd and 3rd ones. Trying to recrify those. Your post is really helpful.
Pratikshya Mishra
Easy peasy steps and some resonated well with me..
Such brilliant and easy to follow steps Surbhi. When I was a new blogger, I made all these mistakes!
Radhika Acharya
Wow Surbhi. Loved the tips. I am not really a new blogger, nevertheless they are worth being reminded of.
Well explained. ??
Excellent pointers again, Surbhi. Being in blogosphere for some time, I could not agree more with you.
Dixita Agarwal
Such a nice post. Even after 5 years sometimes I get one of two of these doubts. Many beginner in blogging asks me these questions today, Nicely explained
Puspanjalee Das Dutta
Well explained tips.
Ashvini Naik
You’ve put all the points in a valid & manner, Surbhi. Yes, a lot of bloggers succumb to them & oft feel stuck at where they’re headed too. Well written, dear.
Great tips Surbhi..Consistency is important.
So aptly described! I have made most of the mistakes in my initial days of blogging too.
शिप्रा त्रिवेदी
Hi Surabhi.. all these really apply to me 🙂 Of late I have been inconsistent and have written only those post that I received as paid assignment. I guess this post is a great reminder for me to correct things. Thank you 🙂
Great tips. I think the most important thing is passion though.
Tina Basu
aww this is one of my favourite topics and this time I am writing on Blogging too for My Friend Alexa! You have shared some really nice tips.
Shweta Suresh
I have made many of these mistakes and learnt the hard way too. These are great tips. Really useful to newbie bloggers so that they don’t repeat the mistakes that many of us have made. Thanks for sharing 🙂
I didn’t know I needed to read this post until now. This was so informative. Thank you so much.
Your post hits the right notes; often that are never prioritised; could agree to every point mentioned. A really great post for the upcoming in our blogging circle.
Was curious to read your posts on this theme and must agree that you’ve done complete justice. I can relate to all the points you’ve shared.
Thanks for sharing the useful tips:)
Parul Malhotra
Every word on this page is so true. It happens with all the new bloggers. We too have learnt our lesson the hard way. It so amazing that the new bees have your guidelines to follow.
I am so so guilty of making many of these mistakes at one time or the other. And yes, knowing your ‘why’ helps you get back on track.
Really helpful post, Surbhi.
Well written spot-on points. The mistake I do is not writing regularly. Thanks for this wonderful post.
Tina Sequeira
Hi Surbhi! I’m loving this series totally. Agree completely to all that you wrote. #MyFriendAlexa #TheTinaEdit
Madhu Bindra
This is a very useful post for new bloggers. Unless you have a passion for blogging and enjoy it, you will not succeed.
Not being consistent is the most common mistake that I have been making as a blogger. Trying to rectify it 🙂 Thanks for your tips
Jhilmil D Saha
This is a very important topic of discussion. A lot of bloggers commit these mistakes and this will be helpful for those who are new to blogging
Gunjan Upadhyay
absolutely right you are. There are a lot of such mistakes a new blogger often do. Even after 5 years into in, I too feel guilty of not writing consistently. Now I often wait for blogging challenges to get more opportunities to write and share thoughts
You actually nailed it, all points you shared the other day we bloggers met and were discussing the same about the mistakes some bloggers made.