
#MyFriendAlexa #Themereveal- “Blogging for Beginners”: Blogging basics, tips-tricks, and much more!

Blogging for beginners, MyFriendalexa, Theme reveal
Blogging for Beginners

MyFriendAlexa, blogging campaign hosted by blogchatter is just around the corner.  

I am so happy and excited to be a part of this awesome blogging campaign once again. Thanks a lot, to blog chatter for hosting this campaign.  

Before sharing more about my theme for #MyfriendAlexa season 5, just a quick recap about what is MyFriendAlexa campaign and how it helps in your blogging journey?  

What is MyfriendAlexa? 

Myfriendalexa is a yearly blogging campaign hosted by team blogchatter with an aim to support bloggers to get their Alexa ranking up.  

As per blogchatter, “Alexa ranking is a measure of your website’s popularity. There are different measures such as traffic, engagements etc. that determine the Alexa rank of your blog.  The less your Alexa rank, means the more popular is your blog”. 

With #MyFriendAlexa campaign, the blogchatter team has a unique plan to help out you in your respective blogging journey. The campaign has been designed in a way to fulfill two basic requirements of building a successful blog- Writing and reading.  

The campaign involves posting of lots of great content (8 post for a month, twice in a week) and reading of lots of great content (10-12 blogs reading daily for one month). 

Being a part of this campaign, you need to follow these guidelines. 

  • You have to write 8 blog posts over a month of time, starting from 1 October. If you want you can select a theme for your 8 blog posts or you can write random posts too, as per your preference. 
  • Reading, commenting, sharing posts of fellow bloggers. Reading list will be provided by Blogchatter team.  
  • You have to join exclusive FB group and WhatsApp group for being a part of chats, discussions and learn other important things related with MyFriendAlexa campaign.  

 With this 1-month long campaign, you will get a chance, 

  • To share your areas of expertise with others 
  • To learn something new from each other’s experience 
  • To explore new blogs and make new friends 
  • To take your blog to next level 

All and all a win- win situation for all bloggers. 

My Experience with MyfriendAlexa season 3 and season 4 

I had participated in last two seasons of MyfriendAlexa and had a great time with it. 

My theme for season 3 was “Diabetes awareness” 

For season 4, it was “Incredible homeopathy” 

 I had received so much love and appreciation for my blog posts, in both seasons. Thanks a lot, to all my readers and blogging friends for appreciating my efforts. And again, a big Thanks to blogchatter for providing us such an excellent platform for sharing our areas of expertise. 

Theme reveal for season 5 for #MyFriendAlexa 

Blogging for beginners, MyfriendAlexa, Theme reveal
Blogging for beginners

Now, the most exciting part of this blog post, theme reveal for season 5.  

Before sharing more about this year’s theme, I want to confess something important.  

Those, who are following my blog since last few years or months already knew that, being a homeopath and a mommy of two girls, I always love to write and share different topics related to health, parenting, lifestyle, kids’ arts and crafts and natural cure. My blog is all about sharing a journey of “Momming conversation with health wisdom”.  

So, for this year’s Alexa, I had planned an informative series related to parenting previously.  

But last month’s happening has changed my plan for this year’s participation.  

Actually, last month I had started a new series on blog, “Blogging tips & tricks that actually works”. The series was just an attempt to share the things that I had learnt during past few years, in my blogging journey. With this series, I had just shared, what I knew or learnt, and never expected such a great response from my readers.  

Surprisingly, this series has gotten so much love and appreciation from my blogging friends and surrounding blogging community.  

With this great response, I am feeling so overwhelmed and inspired too.  

And decided to extended the same series for #MyFriendAlexa season 5.  

I am nervously excited to share, the theme for season 5 MyFriendAlexa will be, 

“Blogging for Beginners”- Blogging basics, tips tricks and much more. 

The series is an extension of currently running blogging series on blog.  

In upcoming posts, I will share more informative and interesting topics related to blogging.  

The series is entirely dedicated to new bloggers, and all topics will be revolving around the basic of blogging.  

Here are few topics that I will share in upcoming posts, with being a part of #MyFfriendAlexa campaign.  

  • 5 Cs (Pillars) of successful blogging  
  • 5 common blogging insecurities and how to deal with them. 
  • Why blogging is not just writing? 
  • 7 effective ways to increase traffic to your website! 
  • Reliable sources for blog images and best practices to use images in your blog posts! 
  • What is media kit? And how to design it? 
  • How bloggers make money? an easy guide for beginners to get an insight!
  • Blogging quiz, let’s discover how good blogger are you?  
  • Last but not the least expert round-up post, where expert bloggers will share their unique advice for making your blogging journey successfully. 

So, I have all these in store for upcoming month.  

Stay tuned! All these coming soon! 

What are your thoughts? Please share with me.  

If you want to check out previous posts of this series, click here. 

6 common blogging mistakes that most new bloggers make    

Influencer marketing- let’s learn the basics!    

What is self hosting and amazing perks of self-hosted website 

What is guest posting & 4 amazing benefits of guest posting! 

5 Amazing benefits of joining blogging communities! 

5 reasons why every blogger should participate in blogchatter campaigns! 

5 effective tips to complete myfriendalexa challenge successfully! 

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Check out previous popular blog series:  

Cooking with kids   

 Healthy eating for busy moms  

Science for kids  

Diabetes awareness  

Creative kids  

Power of clean eating  


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