Blogging tips

5 Amazing Benefits of joining blogging communities!

Benefits of joining blogging communities
Benefits of joining blogging communities

Welcome back to “Bloggingtips&tricks” series and I am excited to share another important blogging related topic with this post.

In this post, I am talking about “blogging communities”. What are blogging communities? How it helps in supporting your blogging carrier and what are some amazing benefits of joining blogging communities? Read the post to know more. 

What is blogging community? 

“Blogging community is basically a group of people who pursue similar kind of interest and passion and support each other by best possible ways. These communities help a lot bloggers in solving their different quarries related to blogging and also help in getting connected with like-minded people”. 

In short, blogging community works like a strong support system for bloggers and with this support system bloggers get a chance to explore different aspects of blogging world. blogging communities offer a chance to grow together for bloggers and also work as an effective way to promoting your blog and drive traffic . 

Benefits of joining or being a part of blogging communities! 

Benefits of blogging communities
Benefits of blogging communities

Being a part of blogging community or joining different blogging communities always work wonder for all bloggers. Specially for new bloggers, it offers some amazing benefits. Such as: 

Enhance your learning and build a strong support system 

Blogging and writing can become an isolated carrier option, when you do not have any idea or knowledge of joining a network. It could become depressing, when you have different kind of blogging related quarries or questions, and you have to do extensive research for getting answer of each one.  blog sphere is a vast place and it is easy to feel lost, when we try to do all things by own selves.

While by joining a blogging community, you become a part of group or a system who have unique expertise in different aspect of blogging field. By getting connected with them, you can learn a lot. You can ask your quarries and can get needed support. It is really an amazing feeling to get connected with like-minded people. Specially for beginners, it works like a great moral booster. 

Help in increasing traffic 

You can also increase your blog traffic by joining blogging communities. Usually, these communities have a fixed day of sharing/commenting or providing feedback for each other’s blog posts. With the active participation, you can increase your blog traffic and during initial days of startup, this thing works great for your blog health.  

You get a chance to participate in different blogging campaigns 

Most of the blogging communities organized different kinds of “Blogging campaigns”. These blogging campaigns offer an excellent opportunity to know the other important integrity of blogging world. Each blogging campaign has their unique theme and you can learn a lot from other people’s experience by active participation.  

“Blogger collaboration” is another advantage 

In fact, blogging community also provide an opportunity to be a part of “Blogger collaboration”. Though these collaborations did not involve any kind of monetary benefits but they work great for enhancing confidence and improving blogging skills. With this collaboration, you can find your own blogger buddy and can help each other by providing constructive criticisms or useful tips and feedback.  

Work great for link building and SEO (search engine optimization) 

Link building is one of the important aspects of blog growth and SEO. Many new bloggers face struggle with this aspect. Here, blogging community helps a lot. With fellow bloggers (of course related to your niche), you can exchange links, and interlink each other’s post. These interlinking helps a lot in getting your blog noticed and also work great for SEO ( search engine optimization).

Types of blogging communities 

Nowadays, there are multiple options of blogging communities are available all across the web. And you can join anyone as per your preference. Some of the examples are: 

Facebook groups  

Facebook groups work as a wonderful support system. They had different kinds of thread like for blog posting, Instagram growth and even for general blogging discussion. By being a part of these groups, you can get incredible support and opportunity to know deep insight of blogging world. Just do an in-depth research for supporting Facebook group as per your niche, shortlist few of them after proper analysis. Send request to admin and after approval, you become a part of that community. Do not forget to read “Pinned posts”, and rules by admin. With regular participation, you can expand your network and connections. And all these things create a bright foundation for your blogging carrier.  

Here are some of the options. 

And so many others 

Whats App up group 

Whats App had gained immense popularity during last few years. And it has been proving a great option for bloggers too. Nowadays, there are various Whats App groups are running successfully as a blogging community. These whats App groups have different themes or purposes such as some focus on blog sharing activities, while some other have an aim of “Social media growth”. You can join any of these groups as per your focus or preference. Though I am a part of many Whats App groups but as many admins did not allow to share about it publicly. So, I am not posting about these here. If any of you interested in joining supportive blogging whats app groups or community, you can DM me, I can share admin details and you can join groups after their permission.  


There are some great websites that are purely work as a blogging community. These websites are great source of getting excellent information and submitting your post for getting good traffic. If your post gets good upvotes, your blog will get great visibility and free traffic too. Here are some of the good blogging community websites. 

I am a member of most of these blogging community and had a good experience with all of them. But one is my most favorite? 

 Which one is India’s biggest and most active blogging community website (my favorite too)? And why every blogger should become a part of it? Will share all these in next post.  

Stay tuned to learn more.  

If you had missed previous posts of this series click here. 

6 common blogging mistakes that most new bloggers make   

Influencer marketing- let’s learn the basics!   

What is self hosting and amazing perks of self-hosted website 


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