
#MyFriendAlexa- 5 Amazing websites to get free photos for your blog!

websites to get free photos for your blog
Websites for getting free photos for blog

Welcome back to “Blogging for beginners” series. And I am ready to share another informative topic related to blogging (specially for beginners). 

I am sure you had already heard this before that images are one of the most important components of a blog post. and every blogger should pay a good attention to adding great quality and relevant images to their blog posts.

Benefits of adding good quality and relevant images in your blog post 

By adding relevant, beautiful and visually appealing images, you can get lots of amazing advantages such as:  

  • Images help in breaking large chunk of content and make it easier to read. 
  • Readers connect better with your content by addition of good quality images.  
  • Images add an esthetic appeal to your blog.  
  • For some niche (like food, art-craft, travel and fashion), images are most integral part of content creation and must for an effective narration of your topic.  
  • You can increase your SEO (search engine optimization) by adding ALT tag and title to images. 
  • In fact, images and graphics increase the stay time of readers on your blog and also helps in getting good engagement too. 

What does research say? 

According to a research conduct by Skyword content marketing platform , adding of images increases the blog views drastically (up to 34%). And also help in increasing overall engagement too.  

So, if you want to keep your existing readers engage and want to attract new readers, it is very important to pay attention on visual elements of your blog.  

Commonly used options for using good quality image for your blog! 

Here are some commonly used options for getting great quality images for your blog.  

  • Use your own images (much needed for food, art-craft, travel niche) 
  • Buy stock and royalty free images from trusted websites such as depositphotos and Shutterstock 
  • Use free images from reputed and trustworthy websites such as Pixabay and Unsplash. 

For beginners, using the third option is most advisable. There are various great websites that offers great quality free images for your blog. What are these websites? And what are some special feature of each one? Read on to know more. 

5 Amazing Websites for getting free images for your blog 

Websites to get free photos for your blog
Websites for free images for your blog



Pixabay  is one of the well-known websites for getting amazing images for your blog. They had over 1.8 million plus high-quality stock images and video collection for all different niche. You just need to type the target keyword (for needed image) in search bar and you will get plenty of image options for the same. The best part of pixabay is that they offer images that are free for using commercial and non-commercial purpose. Though attribution is not required for using images but giving credit to photographer is always appreciated.  



Unsplash is another amazing platform for getting awesome, high quality free images for your blog. Unspash has more than 2 million collection of free photos (for all niche). all these photos are CC-0 (Creative common category 0) licensed. And available for free download and available for using commercial purpose too.  

Apart from, free photo library, Unspash is also an awesome platform for photographers.  

You can submit your photos and can become a part of “Unsplash awards” event. This award offers different categories to submit your great work and help you in getting establish as an authority in your industry.  



Flickr is one of the largest community of photographers. They had approximately a collection of 13 billion photos on their website, but all these photos are not free to use. Flicker offers a detail overview of different kind of photo license on their home page.  

If you want to use free images, then explore “Creative common licensed” images.  

It is very important to check the license of each image before using as each image has their own specific one.  



Photopin is next beautiful destination for getting wide range of amazing photos for your blog post. Photopin uses the Flicker API and searches the creative common (licensed) photos to use for your blog. While using Photopin, it is very important to understand their license policy before using any photo.  

After every search result, the first two row of photos are sponsored from Shutterstock. If you like any of these sponsored images, you have to pay for them and then you can use them for your blog.  

For other images, photopin offers preview and then download option. When you select download option, it shows the HTML attribution code. You need to copy that HTML code and paste in your blog post for giving proper attribution for photos that you had downloaded.  

Photopin has a FAQ page, where they had explained all important questions regarding using the photos from their website. This page also had a detailed information about different kind of licenses (such as commercial, non-commercial etc.). I will highly be recommended you to go through this page before start using Photopin.  

As per my personal experience, most of the images on Photopin require attribution and you have to copy paste HTML code to be on safer side.  



This one is another excellent site for getting free high-quality images for your blog. It has much similar outlet like Pixaby and you can search as many images after putting keyword in search bar. Pexels has a separate section for understanding the license policy. This section clearly mentioned that all photos and videos on Pexels are free for commercial use. Attributions is not required but highly appreciated.  

Interestingly, Pexels is also an amazing platform for photographers. They can upload their photos to site and can participate in various challenges hosted by Pexels and other sponsored companies. These challenges are great way to get awesome exposure and win cool prizes for your photography talent. 

So, these are some amazing sites to get free photos for your blog. There is some best practice to use images in your blog, will share about this in next post, stay tuned.  

Just like images, graphics are equally important part of a good blog post. If you want to make stunning graphics for your blog, read my guest post at blogchatter, as 5 amazing online tools for creating stunning graphics for your blog.  

I am taking my blog to the next level with #MyFriendAlexa campaign hosted by .

Stay tuned for next post. 

If you want to check out previous posts of this series, click here. 

6 common blogging mistakes that most new bloggers make    

Influencer marketing- let’s learn the basics!    

5 effective tips to complete myfriendalexa challenge successfully! 

What is self hosting and amazing perks of self-hosted website 

5 Amazing benefits of joining blogging communities! 

What is guest posting & 4 amazing benefits of guest posting! 

5 reasons why every blogger should participate in blogchatter campaigns! 

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 Healthy eating for busy moms  

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