#BlogchatterA2Z- “P”- Pimples: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!

Hi everyone,
It is day 16 of #BlogchatterA2Z and as “P”, I am excited to share detail information about another common disease.
As “P”, I am talking about “Pimples”. What are pimples? What are causes, type and symptoms? What is scope of homeopathy in treating pimple? Read the post to know more.
What is pimple?
Pimple or acne is an inflamed elevation of skin caused by clogging of hair follicles with dead skin cells. Pimples or acne is more common in teen age years (12-19 years) but may affect people of older age too. Pimples could be mild or moderate or severe in nature. In many cases, they get cured on its own and did not require any specific treatment but in some cases, they are so severe in nature and causes serious inflammation of skin with pain and other symptoms. If left untreated, severe acne leaves behind scars and permanent hyper pigmentation of skin.
Severe acne also affects mental and emotional health of person and lowered the self-confidence of affected person.
What causes pimple?
Pimple or acne is caused by hyper activity of sebaceous gland. Our skin contains various tiny hair follicles and with each hair follicles, sebaceous gland is attached. Sebaceous gland secretes sebum and keep that part oily. Due to any reasons (like increased of androgen hormone during puberty), when sebaceous gland increases the sebum secretion, and when this sebum secretion gets clogged by dead skin cells, it causes a blackhead and whitehead on skin.
When blackhead or whitehead of skin get infected with bacteria results in inflammation of skin and produce other symptoms like redness and pus formation and called acne or pimple. Depending upon types of inflammation and eruptions pimple can have different types.
Types of pimples or acne

mage source: organicelementsspa.com.
Usually, acne is classified in two types:
- Non-inflammatory acne
- Inflammatory acne
Non-inflammatory acne
As the name suggested, this acne did not have any signs of inflammation. Blackheads and whiteheads are come in this category. When skin pores get clogged by dirt or other external factors like oil and dead skin cells, they get develop in the form of whiteheads and blackheads. Blackheads and whiteheads did not require specific treatment and they respond well to general skin care measures like proper cleaning of skin and steaming. But when left un- treated for long time, they may become infected and can cause various other severe types of inflammatory acne.
Inflammatory acne
As the name suggested, when acne present with the sign of inflammation, they called inflammatory acne. There are various sub-categories of inflammatory acne. Such as:
- Papules
- Pustules
- Nodular acne
- Cystic acne
Papules are present with signs of inflammation like redness, tenderness, burning and pain. The surrounding skin of papules is usually red or pink.
Pustules are filled with pus. They indicate the beginning of infections in pimples. They usually have white or yellow top. While scratching or while washing and cleaning face, a yellow discharge may come out from pustules.
Nodular acne
They are more severe type of acne that represents the involvement of deeper layer of skin. In this type of acne, hard nodules are formed. They are usually large in share and difficult to cure by at home measures. A proper medical treatment is required to treat nodular acne.
Cystic acne
As the name suggested, this type of acne is present with formation of cyst like lesion on skin. They are largest form of acne and associated with severe signs of infection. This type of acne also required a proper medical treatment to treat and they usually have a tendency to leave scar behind.
Causes of acne

Image source: multicarehomeopathy.com
Here are some common causes of pimple.
- Genetic factors: family history of pimples make it prone to person to get acne or pimples during teenage.
- Hyper activity of sebaceous gland due to any reason such as genetics, hormonal changes or increased level of stress.
- Increased secretion of androgen hormone during puberty.
- Hormonal changes during pregnancy and at the time of menstrual cycle
- Lifestyle factors such as consumption of oily, fried and other junk foods.
- Lack of cleanliness of skin
- Emotional stress is another common trigger for acne in many people.
- Certain medications may cause pimples and other skin eruptions as side effect
- Application of certain cosmetics may cause skin irritation and acne in some people.
Here are some common symptoms of pimples.
- Presence of blackhead and whiteheads
- Development of skin elevation in different form. It could be single or multiple, with or without pus formation, may have cyst or nodule development. Appearance of acne depends on the type of acne.
- Redness, hotness or other inflammation signs of skin (specially in case of inflammatory acne)
- Itching (occasionally)
- Pain and desire to scratch
- Formation of dark spots after healing
- Scar and higher pigmentation of skin (in severe cases of acne)
- Low self-esteem and lack of confidence due to cosmetic reasons. Some teenagers and adult may suffer from depression due to pimples.
Home care measures
- Wash and clean your face at lease 3-4 times of day. And develop a proper skin care routine.
- Avoid apply harsh chemical-based cosmetics or other make up products on skin.
- Eat healthy and nutritious diet. Avoid eating oily, and junk food. ‘
- Exercise regularly
- Manage stress level effectively.
- Maintain healthy sleep cycle.
- Maintain a good level of hydration. Drink 8-10 glass of water every day.
- Keep your GIT (gastro intestinal tract) healthy.
- Avoid skin scratching or popping the pimples. It will lead to further infection and scar formation.
- Know your triggers (like stress or junk food) and work on trigger factors to control breakout.
- Do not try random home remedies without understanding your skin type and proper method. Some home care measures may not be suitable for your skin and may cause increasing in existing skin condition.
- Always take a professional advice, when you are not sure about the cause of acne or acne get worse day by day even following general skin care routine,
pimple (acne) causing and preventing food
Here is a good infographic to understand more about the food that should be avoided and included, if you are suffering from pimples.

Image source: steadfastnutrition.in
Homeopathic treatment
Here are some common homeopathic remedies that works best in treating pimples.
Kali brom

Image source: distacart.com
Kali brom is first and most effective remedy in treating acne or pimples. It is more useful in acne that are bluish-reddish in appearance and located on shoulder, face and chest. there is itching and slight burning sensation is associated with acne. Also, when acne has a tendency to leave scar, Kali brom gives best. It is also useful for treating acne that get worse near the menstrual period.
Dose: 30 c potency, 5-6 globules, 3-4 times a day.
Asterias rubens

Image source: distacart.com
Asterias rubens is a great remedy for pimples in teen age girls. Pimples usually present on side of nose, chin and mouth. Other indicated symptoms are swollen breasts, and neuralgia of left arm and have a tendency of enlarged lymph nodes.
Dose: 30 potency, 5-6 globules, 3-4 times a day
Pulsatilla nigricans

Image source: distacart.com
Pulsatilla is another good remedy for treating pimples in young girls during puberty age. Especially when pimples are associated with any kind of menstrual irregularities, pulsatilla is best remedy to use. Also, when pimples are caused by eating rich food like pastry and ice cream, pulsatilla works best in reliving pimple and associated symptoms. Pulsatilla is especially suitable for fair, blue eyed girls and women who have timid disposition and have desire for sympathy and consolation.
Dose: 30 potency, 5-6 globules, 3-4 times a day
Radium brom

Image source: distacart.com
Radium brom is an excellent remedy for treating acne rosacea. When pimples are present with itching, radium brom works best. It is also used as an intercurrent remedy for treating acne. It used as an Intercurrent remedy means you need to take only one dose, per week for reducing the tendency of pimple formation.
Dose: take 200 potency, 2 drops in morning every Sunday (once in a week, you can choose any day as per your convenience)
Berberis aquafolium Q

Image source: distacart.com
Berberis aquafolium is another excellent option that can be used as a general remedy for treating acne that results in formation of scars. . It is especially useful in clearing the complexion and reducing acne scar. It can be used internally as well as externally.
How to use it: take 20 drops of berberis aquafolium in ½ cup of Luke warm water, 2-3 times a day.
Few other indicated homeopathic remedies for treating pimples
- Heper sulph: when yellowish discharge is comes from pimples with hypersensitivity to pain
- Silicea: useful for deep seated acne that worse by cold
- Belladona: when patient has all signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, pain) with pimples,
- Nux vomica: when pimples are associated with gastric disturbances (constipation)
External application

Nowadays, there are various creams and lotions are available in homeopathy for treating pimples. But as per my personal experience, I would not suggest any of these to anyone. Most of these creams and ointment has a greasy base and make your skin oilier and make it more prone for getting pimples and even other associated skin complain.
Rather than I would suggest to keep your skin clean as much as possible. Though plain water is best option but nowadays higher level of pollution and faulty lifestyle habits (eating oily and junk food), create a greasy layer of dirt on skin that need to be clean properly. You can use any good quality face wash to keep your skin clean.
Here I am suggesting, one homeopathic preparation that can be used effectively to control the outbreak and keeping skin clean and healthy.
- First take 1 cup of Luke warm water and add 10 drops of berberis aquafolium and 10 drops of calendula Q in it. Use this mixture for cleaning your face. This mixture work as a good cleaning agent and also act a good anti-septic too.
- Next, you can prepare a homemade liquid for daily application by following method. Take a bottle of rose water and add 15-20 drops of berberis aquafolium Q in it. If you are making this during winter, you can add glycerin and few drops of lemon juice in it. Apply this preparation, 2-3 times or at least once at night daily. Additionally, you can add few drops of berberis aquafolium q in your regular moisturizer before applying. It gives good results in improving complexion and providing good skin care in general.
Special note
Skin eruptions including acne and pimples take long time to heal with homeopathy. Use indicated medicines at least 5-6 months for see visible results. Also, work on your diet and other lifestyle factors to get fast results.
So, these were some commonly used homeopathic remedies for treating pimples? What are your thoughts? Please share with me.
This is all for now.
Tomorrow, as “Q”, I will talk about “Q fever and homeopathic treatment”. Stay tuned to know more.
Read the previous posts of the series here:
A: Acidity: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment
B: baby colic : causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment
C: Common childhood injuires: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
D: Diarrhea: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
E: Ear pain, causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment
F: “Fever”- causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
G: “Gingivitis”: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
H: “Hair loss”: common causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
This post is a part of Blogchatter A2Z Challenge
Disclaimer: the post is written for educational purpose only. did not intend to cure, treat or diagnose any disease condition. always consult your doctor before making any significant changes to your medication or starting any new medication.
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Sadvika Kylash
Oh dear. I guess this is the most common girl problem. and thats for the suggestion. would try out
thanks dear, i am glad you liked it.
Pimples can really be a night mare for some. Luckily I don’t have much of a problem except when I’m close to my monthly period time, I get sme bumps, otherwise I don’t have much of an issue. I clean my face with water many times a day.
Harjeet Kaur
I have been lucky..no pimples but I do have white heads and rare blackhead. Any remedy for that, Surbhi?
dear these two conditions did not require any medical treatment. steaming, and proper cleaning of face ( facial) gives good results. thanks a lot for your visit.
Ahh pimples are very common in adolescence. Thankfully I never had problem while growing up. Your info graph of causes tells all the necessary reasons we need to know for the cause of pimple. One should at first do follow all home care measures with balanced diet and physical fitness.
yes dear, in all disease management lifestyle play a major role. thank you so much for your visit.
You know this post of yours is such a precious gift to so many women out their who hate their frequently popping pimples, I myself hve forwarded it to them who are always bothered with these. Another lovely post!
thank you so much dear, I am so glad you liked it
Doctor mommy
Acne rosacea can be difficult to treat condition. Understanding the cause before treating the condition should definitely be the long term goal. So hormonal, diet, irregular sleep, stress, poor face hygiene can be a few common culprits to look for like you rightly pointed out.
Asterias and Pulsatilla is what you are suggesting for teen age girls right?Will try these for my daughter. Thanks for such a useful information I needed at this point of time.
yes dear these two are good remedy for pimples in teen age girls . before using it, make sure to check her individual symptoms too. very soon, sharing a post about how to use homeopathic remedies for at home treatment option. hope it will help.
Again a brilliant post . Though i never had pimples but my daughter has recently developed lot of white heads on her nose which are harmless but protuding . Can you suggest any medicine . I can’t visit to any doc due to current situation also .
simi sp
Having acne has become one of the common issue these days… But having a healthy lifestyle can help here… And the remedies you have shared is really worth thank you for sharing.
sonam jain
I had no idea homeopathic medicines are available.. thank you for sharing this post.. I have acute acne issues and have tried so many ways to overcome it.. but I guess I have to switch to homeopathy and now will do the research to select the right product for mysself
All adolescents suffer this girls or boys it’s a bane for both. Liked the part you mentioned on food that can increase them and the ones which help in their reduction. Also the remedies that can be followed. Before you write about medicine i like how you explain all other aspects too.
Deepika Sharma
thank you so much, I am glad you liked the post.
I am going to follow your recipe for the homemade liquid of Berberis and Rose Water. Thanks for sharing, Surbhi.
thank you so much dear, would love to know your experience when you tried it.
Luckily my skin has no issues of pimples but I am going to bookmark…never know I need this!!
Thanks dear. I am glad you like the post.
Navita Bhatia
This post is going to be so so helpful for everyone as the kids usually go through this phase of developing pimples around adolescence. Great that you have mentioned all the preventive measures too. And yes food plays a major role in maintaining a healthy skin. I have a question Surbhi, do the corns under feet develop for some similar reasons? I know one reason can be the quality of footwears but not sure if it has something to do with acne as well.
No dear acne or corns have no similar reasons in development. corns are hard and thickened area of skin that is caused by repeated fictions on some parts of body. as you said, use of wrong foot wear in one reason. in same way, it can happen in fingers, when some kind of household works ( like sweeping) causes repeated fiction on same part ( finger) results in corn formation. corns are usually harmless but when they become painful or infected, they require medical attention. also, diabetic people need to take extra care of corns in their feet because they are more prone to get feet infection due to higher sugar level. thank you so much dear for reading the post and sharing your thoughts.
Navita Bhatia
Oh!! Thank you so much for this Valuable information!!
Sindhu Vinod Narayan
Thank yous Surbhi I was lokki for good remedy for pimple..I’ve been recently having a lot of them .
Pimples, whitehead and blackhead are the major issue from teenage to adult ones. More than pimples I got tired of blackheads and whiteheads. Would share this post with my some friends also. Thanks for sharing the causes and the image of preventive foods. I was waiting for pimples treatment post Surbhi.
Another helpful writeup. I faced the acne problem as a teenager, know how much it bothers. I’m saving this post!
I’ve never had bothersome pimples but my husband, even in his 40s, still gets many. Guess it must be attributed to oily food and irregular meals. Homemade remedies do help in keeping them in control.
Alpana Deo
Thank god I never had pimples. The food options that you have mentioned are self-explanatory. Our food plays a big role in any skin related issues and these days, due to changed eating habits, people are experiencing pimples.
Are these medicines available over the counter? where can i get these? My teenage daughter has the issue of pimples, this would be helpful
Pimples is the biggest nightmare in every teenagers life, my cousin got excessive pimples and she is using over the counter medicines but it isnt helping. I am going to suggest the homeo solution to her
The Champa Tree
You have given a plethora of information about home medicines. I never knew that these can be store-bought. Thanks for the info
I am sure young girls around puberty and post that face the acne problems a lot and they would love to use such simple and effective medical treatment to get rid of them.