#BlogchatterA2Z- “X”- “Xclusive Q & A about homeopathic treatment!

Hi everyone,
It is day 24 of #BlogchatterA2Z and as alphabet “X”, I have planned something different than previous posts for today’s post.
Though I had planned all of my topic list before the challenge begins and as “X” and “Y”, I was about to write Xeroderma and Yeast infection. But somehow, 2-3 days ago, I felt that these disease conditions are rare and did not add much value to this series, and will not be much useful for my dear readers.
So, instead of these two diseases, I had thought to share more informative and valuable topics with these two alphabets. With these two alphabets, I am sharing important aspect of homeopathic treatment in Q & A format.
I am hoping this “Q & A” topics will give you an insight about homeopathic medicines and also help in resolving all common questions and quarries about homeopathic treatment in general.
As “X”, there will an “Xclusive Q & A” about homeopathy in general and use of homeopathy as home treatment option!
“Y” will be “Your questions & my answers”: in this post, I will answer all the questions send by you.
So, stay tuned, I am sure these both topics will help you a lot to get an insight about how to use homeopathy as a home treatment and other important aspects of homeopathy.
In my e book, I will cover both X and Y diseases (as the book will be in A2Z format) and these Q & A topics will be there as “Bonus chapters” to make e book, a complete handy book about homeopathy and its efficacy for treating common diseases.
Super excited for book preparation and book launching. Will share more details about it very soon.
But for now, let’s start with “X-clusive Q & A”, (I know, it is exclusive, but for A2Z, itna adjustment to Banta hai)
X-Clusive Q & A about homeopathy and use of homeopathy as a “Home treatment” option!

Q. 1 What is homeopathy? And how it works?
A.1 homeopathy is an alternate branch of medical science that works on the basic principle of “Similia similibus curantur”. In simple words, likes are cured by likes.
Q.2 is homeopathy a scientifically proven medical science?
A.2 No, homeopathy is not a scientifically proved medical science. There are lack of scientific evidences and data that proves efficacy of homeopathic medicines as a treatment option of diseases. Also, homeopathic medicines are not FDA approve.
But on brighter side, homeopathy is second most popular pathy around the world. It has been practiced in more than 80 nations and nowadays, large number of populations is turning towards homeopathy because of its gentle nature and being free from side effects caused by traditional medicines.
Q.3 Why homeopath asks so many questions unrelated to disease condition? (Why homeopathy case-taking is lengthy and time-consuming)
A.3 Homeopathy works on the basic principle of “Individualization”. It means, your individual symptoms that include your physical general (thirst, sleep, appetite), mental general (your emotions and mental state), your desire and aversion (liking and disliking), all possess a great importance in selection of best individual homeopathic medicine for your disease. By detail case-taking, homeopathic doctors record your all symptoms and try to know you better as an “Individual”. That is the reason, homeopathic case taking take so much time.
Q.4 is globules ( sabudana like pills) are homeopathic medicine?
A.4 No, they are not. They are just a medium to dispense homeopathic medicine. Homeopathic medicines come in liquid or dilution form. For making the medicine dispensing process gentle, globules are used. Use of globules make it a great option for kids too. All kids love globules and take homeopathic medicines without causing much trouble to their parents.
Q.5 is there any fixed set of medicines for each disease condition in homeopathy?
A.5 Though homeopathic medicines work best when they selected on individual symptoms of patients. But yes, there are a set of medicines that can be used as per disease condition. Each medicine has a strong and effective action on particular system of body and it can be used for treating that disease condition in general (the list of medicines that I had shared for each disease in previous posts, is useful for treating that disease condition in general).
Q.6 Why some homeopathic medicines are used so frequently and useful in treating many disease conditions?
A.6 yes, there are a large group of homeopathic medicines are used in treating many of disease conditions. These medicines are called the “Polychrest homeopathic medicines”. in simple words, these medicines have a wide range of action on different parts of body and they give great results in treating many disease conditions. Belladona, Rhus tox, Bryonia are some of the examples of polychrest remedy and they are used for treating many disease condition.
Q.7 is homeopathy safe for “at home treatment” option?
A.7 yes, homeopathic medicines can be used as great “At home treatment” options and give good relief in many day-to-day aliments like fever, cough, cold etc.
But before using homeopathy as a “Home treatment” option, I will strongly recommended you few important steps to follow. First, educate yourself about basic principles of homeopathy and learn some basics about how homeopathy works and what common medicines can be used to treat routine aliments. You can read some books on homeopathy basics or can do a first-aid course on use of homeopathy online. As another option, you can take some guidelines from any knowledgeable homeopathic expert in your area about use of homeopathic medicines in common disease conditions.
In short, “First arm yourself with good knowledge and proper basic information”, then use it as a “at home treatment” option.
Without proper knowledge, random use of any homeopathic medicines could prove fatal and may cause life-threatening complications in some condition.
One more important point, for at home treatment by using any treatment option (ayurvedic, homeopathy, herbal), “Keep a watch on progression of disease and warning symptoms”. In any case, when there is worsening of your symptoms occur despite taking home treatment, then be alert and take immediate professional medical advice for your existing disease condition”.
Q. 8 is homeopathic medicines take time to work? (Homeopathic medicines are slow in response)
A.8 there is two answers to this question: first, no, there is nothing as such criteria or fixed thing that homeopathy medicines are slow in response. The results or response of homeopathic medicines mainly depend on selection of right medicines. When the correct medicines in selected based on your individual symptoms, you get a quick and prompt relief in your symptoms.
But sometimes when the prescribed medicines did not match with your disease symptoms or individual symptoms properly, then there is delayed or no response has been from homeopathic treatment observed.
So, as a second answer, I would say, yes, many times on practical aspect, it has been seen and observed that homeopathic medicines take time to act.
Q.9 What is saftest potency (this is the term to define strength of homeopathic medicines) to use for at home treatment with homeopathic medicines?
A.9 homeopathic medicines comes in different potency like 30C, 200C, and 1M. In same way, homeopathic tablet comes in different trituration potency like 3X, 6X, 12X. For at home treatment option, lower potency is safe to use. Use 30C potency for liquid and 6X for trituration tablets. Your local homeopathic pharmacist can guide you more about it.
Q.10 What are general rules for taking homeopathic medicines?
A.10 Here are some general rules for taking homeopathic medicines.
- Avoid taking homeopathy medicines with hands. Take 5-6 globules of your medicine in cap of your medicine container and put directly in mouth.
- Do not drink or eat anything 15 minutes before or after taking homeopathic medicines.
- Avoid taking strong smell substances like onion, garlic or cardamom while taking homeopathic medicines. Though this rule is hard to follow all the time, so try to not take these substances at least 15 minutes before or after taking homeopathic medicines. These strong substances can reduce the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines.
Q. 11 Did homeopathic medicines causes any side effects?
A.11 In general homeopathic medicines is considered safe and less likely causes any side effects. But in some sensitive individuals, it may cause worsening of existing symptoms (disease aggravation) and in some cases, when medicine start acting on body, patient may feel mild itching or other new symptoms.
A trained homeopath can analysis this differentiation after careful clinical examination and case taking.
Q. 12 Can I use homeopathy medicines with other mode of treatment?
A.12 yes, definitely you can use homeopathic treatment for other mode of treatment. Most of the homeopathic medicines did not interfere with other mode of treatment and can be used safely as an alternative treatment option. But never try self-medication, when you are on prescribed medication for other disease condition. Always take professional medical consultation and inform about it to your general physician too.
Q. 13 Is homeopathy a safe treatment option for kids?
A.13 Yes, homeopathy is a great suitable option for kids and highly recommended because of being free from side effects and easy way of dispensing medicines (globules).
Q. 14 Can elderly people use homeopathic medicines?
A.14 Yes, homeopathy can be used in elderly people as a good treatment option. But it is highly advisable to use this under a medical supervision (aged people have a weak immune system in general and self-medication is not advisable as per age and may be presence of other associated disease conditions)
Q. 15 What are dietary restrictions while taking homeopathic medicines?
A.15 No, there is no as such specific dietary restrictions while taking homeopathic medicines. Just follow dietary restrictions as per your disease conditions (like for diabetes, or heart disease), and avoid use of strong-smelling substances at least 15 minutes before and after taking homeopathic medicines.
So, this is all for now.
if you have any questions/quarries regarding homeopathic treatment. feel free to ask in comment section, will surly add those questions in tomorrow’s post.
Tomorrow’s post will have more questions and answers about homeopathy. So, stay tuned.
Read the previous posts of the series here:
A: Acidity: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment
B: baby colic : causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment
C: Common childhood injuires: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
D: Diarrhea: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
E: Ear pain, causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment
F: “Fever”- causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
G: “Gingivitis”: causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
H: “Hair loss”: common causes, symptoms & homeopathic treatment!
This post is a part of Blogchatter A2Z Challenge
Sadvika Kylash
Absolutely informative. I had few in mind and those are been cleared off.
Thanks dear, I am so glad you liked the series.
I’ve tried homeopathy once for my asthma issue but then I couldn’t continue for long as I moved after marriage. You cleared a lot of doubts related to homeopathy that I had.
Harjeet Kaur
great post, Surbhi. Very well explained in layman’s terms.In medical parlance it becomes very difficult to understand.
You cleared most of the doubts with that exhaustive list. Knew a little about homeopathy and several questions got automatically answered while reading you post. Very informative
Deepika Sharma
Thanks dear, I am so glad you liked the series.
Thanks dear, I am so glad you liked the post and it has helped in clearing doubts.
Great post, resolving all the queries which often cross our minds for homeopathy. I like that fact that homeopathy works on individualization. Now I know that why some/ or one homeopathic medicine are used for varied purpose as they are polychrest medicines. General rules I’m aware of as I regularly give my kids homeopathy only.
Thanks dear, I am so glad you liked the post and it has helped in some way to get an insight about homeopathy.
you covered really the pertinent questions Surbhi. Your series is very interesting and learnt a lot.
Thanks dear, I am so glad you liked the series.
You covered brilliantly all the questions and queries which often cross our minds for homeopathy.
Archana Srivastava
You have brilliantly covered most of the topics of confusions or dilemma people usually have regarding homeopathy treatment. Though few are known to me, like in context of kids, strong smell substances issue. After reading this post I feel more confident about homeopathy!
I must admit that your series is full of so much of Information and this post clear the queries.
Thanks dear, I am so glad you liked the series.
Thanks Surbhi for sharing all the questions which used to popped in our mind regarding homeopathic medicine. And you have almost answered it all so beautifully .
I have tried homeopathy treatment in the past and do believe it had good results with no side effects. The only issue being waiting time before, between and after the medicines. Other than that, if possible treatment with homeopathy is way better than allopathy.
Thanks dear, I am so glad you liked the post and it has helped in some way to get an insight about homeopathy.
I really loved the Q&A here Surbhi, Covers v important facts and queries on homeopathy which is my favourite form of treatment always
Navita Bhatia
I had been brought up in the vicinity of homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy deserves the credit for the rectification of many of my childhood ailments. Though I knew some basic information like how does it work, why so many questions are asked before the prescription, general rules for taking homeopathy medicine, etc. But I wasn’t sure of a few like the safest potency to use these medicines, and whether it is safe as “in home treatment”. Thanks for clarifying the doubts.
Nice post Surbhi. People want to get clarifications before starting homoeopathic medicine. You have described everything brilliantly.
Your Q&A has answered so many common doubts people have about homeopathy. It can indeed be a home treatment and some problems like migraine have fruitful medication only in homeopathy.
Sindhu Vinod Narayan
Loved this post especially Surbhi. I’ve been using homeopathic medicines for about 7 years and no looking back
Loved this series and now looking forward to your e book. Thanks for such informative series Surbhi.
Alpana Deo
I have seen many people taking homeopathic medicines but they have a concern that it takes long to see the results. And also the proper way of taking the medicines(not using hands). These questions are very basic but they need to be answered properly. And you did a wonderful job in explaining them in simple terms. Good luck with your ebook.
Harjeet Kaur
Most homeo doctors say don’t have coffee or raw onion. Don t eat anything prior or after 30 minutes of taking the medicine. Is that true or not?
My sil has started with homeopathy treatment recently and she was eagerly look for dos and donts, I am sure this is super helpful . I am going to share with her. Insightful post
MeenalSonal Mathur
Surbhi, this Q n A has solved so many myths around the homeopathy and my confidence is building in this mode of science. We as a family have started immunity building tables since a week and must say kids really don’t make fuss while having the medicine.
The Champa Tree
You have given a new perspective about the homoeopathic medicine. Several aspects of the medicine that we were unaware of.
These are some very common questions which comes to mind for homeopathy. U have explained it quite well. Helpful post.
judy morris
My one of the uncles is a homepathic doctor and it is interesting for me to see that there are so many people who still prefer homeopathy than allopathy. Thanks for the exclusive Q & A related to Homeopathy it cleared many doubts of my mine.
I have few ardent followers of homeopathic treatment in our family and they just vouch about it and its benefits in long run. Homeopathy is indeed a wonderful form of treatment almost for all ailments. Even I have taken it for my slip disc issues.
Tina Basu
I did take resort to homeopathy when suddenly I was suffering from insomnia for months last year. One of the Homeo medicine helped. This is such a detailed post and will help so many.
Isheeria's Healing Circles
I have always wondered about some of these questions, especially why the doc asks so so many questions! Thanks for this article – it explains so much about what is going on.
Amritha Srinath
My granny is a firm believer of Homeopathy medicine. It has cured many problems for her including eczema for her, while she was young. I am so relieved that you have written a book on homeopathy and made it accessible to everyone. These Q&A are again eye openers and clear so many doubts.
This is really a very interactive session. I live such healthy qna sessions. So much information to to learn. Thank you so much.