#BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

#BlogchatterA2Z- “E”, Easy ways to make own bookmarks!

 It is day 5 of #BlogchatterA2Z and I am feeling so excited to share different creative activities for kids as “Creative kids’ series”.

For today’s post, I am sharing another easy creative activity that kids will love so much. Since last few days, I was seeing the cute collection of handmade bookmark on Pinterest. I got so fascinated by these cute handmade bookmarks and decided to select “Handmade bookmark” as a theme for our next craft activity.

So in the post I am sharing “Easy ways to make own bookmark”. 

 Bookmark is a perfect craft that goes well with both reading and crafting activities. Kids can make bookmarks as gifts or as a craft to make reading more fun for them. It’s good idea to share little info about bookmark and its history with kids before starting craft activity.

What is Bookmark?

 It is “a strip of leather, cardboard or other material used to mark one’s place in a book”. According to Wikipedia, the earliest existing bookmark dates from the 6th century AD and it is made of ornamented leather with vellum on the back.

So here I am sharing some easy ways to make our own bookmarks. this activity will give kids crafting fun and also inspire them to read regularly.

Bookmark from old pictures


  • cardboard (cut in a rectangular and desired shape)
  • Pictures cut from old magazines
  • Glue, yarn or lace

Instructions: cut the pictures of anything (which you like) from old magazines, newspaper, even from old greeting cards. We had selected some cute gift box pictures. Cut the cardboard in a rectangular shape. Glue the pictures in an attractive manner. add yarn or lace at top. A cool bookmark is ready to use.

Snowman bookmark


  • construction paper
  • Yarn or lace
  • Scissor, glue, glitter and other decorating material

Instruction: draw and cut different body parts of snowman on construction paper (white for trunk and face, red for hat, orange for the nose, blue for a scarf and black for  the eyes).Glue this part on different sheet. Add yarn at the top. Decorate with glitter or other materials. Cute snowman bookmark is ready.

Heart shaped bookmark

Bookmark can be made in different shapes. This time we had tried the heart shape.


  • Construction Scissor
  • Paper and drawing sheet
  • Glitter
  • Yarn or lace

Instruction: draw and cut a heart shape from red colour drawing sheet. Write down any message on construction paper (cut it in heart shape but in the smaller size) then glue it on the bigger heart. Add yarn or lace at the top. Beautiful heart shaped bookmark is ready.

Bookmark from old fabric scrap or decorative lace

 We all have old fabric scraps at our home. Why not recycle it in a creative way. Bookmark from old fabric is a cool idea for that.


  • Cardboard (cut in rectangular shape)
  • Old fabric scraps or decorative lace
  • Hot gun glue
  • Yarn or lace

Instruction: cut the cardboard in rectangular and desired shape. Collect the piece of old fabric scraps or old lace and glue it on the piece of cardboard in an attractive manner. We had used a beautiful lace from an old dress. Add yarn at the the top. An amazing bookmark is ready to use.

Bookmark from Popsicle stick

Popsicle stick is most versatile and inexpensive craft material to create easy crafts for kids. This time we had used it as a base for the bookmark.


  • Popsicle stick
  • Piece of cardboard
  • Glue
  • Scissor
  • Stickers or other decorating material

Instruction: Draw, colour and cut anything on cardboard. Flower was our choice. Glue it on Popsicle stick. Decorate with stickers or other decorative material. Add yarn or lace at top. A cute Popsicle bookmark is ready to use.

So these were our collection of bookmarks with different supplies. Which one is your favourite?  Do not forget to share.

 Until then, happy crafting!

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z hosted by Blogchatter.

Also readhttps://surbhiprapanna.com/2019/04/03/blogchattera2z-d-diy-diary-making-a-fun-activity-for-kids/


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