#BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

#BlogchatterA2Z- “D”- DIY Diary Making ( A fun activity for kids!)

It is day 4 of #BlogchatterA2Z, and today I am excited to share an interesting DIY activity as alphabet “D”.

Before sharing the exact activity I would love to share one of my childhood experiences. I remember it was years ago, when I was 8-9 year old, my father has gifted a “Diary” and said,

“Make this diary your friend and write down your everyday experiences in it. This thing will improve your writing skills and you will develop so many other good qualities (creative thinking, decision making, and narrative skills) with this habit. I had followed my dad’s advice religiously and start writing as a hobby on regular basis.  Indeed this habit has proved valuable to me. I used to write my travel experience and other routine things in diary. Gradually, as the time passed this childhood activity become an integral part of my life. With this regular writing, I had developed not only great problem solving, creative thinking skills but create some amazing childhood memories as well.”

Time has passed and when I become a mommy of two, I want to develop this amazing diary writing habit in my girls as well. I had told my elder one so many times “Angel, try to develop an everyday writing routine. It will help you a lot in future”, but she has not responded me well.

So one day, I had decided to make this activity interesting and appealing to her.

I had planned an interesting activity “DIY Diary making” to inspire her to start a regular writing routine. I knew that she loves crafting and she will do it. And same thing happen, when we had done this as a craft project, she has just loved it and start the regular writing too, in this DIY diary.

DIY Diary Making

Here is the method to do that.


  • Thick drawing sheet (preferably with shiny base), you can choose any colour, we had taken red one
  • White papers
  • Punching material or decorative lace
  • Other decorative material (as per your choice and availability at home)


  • First take drawing sheet and cut it down in required size
  • Then fold this and give a shape of folder
  • Now take out white papers and make holes at the corner with punching machine
  • Then punch this pages into folder
  • Now decorate front cover as per you choice. You can use stone, lace or fancy stickers to make it beautiful and elegant

With this step crafting part is done; now explain your child importance of regular writing (in an interesting manner). Begin with simple steps and asked him/her, to write everyday experience (school, friends etc.) in it. Motivate him to do it regularly. As next step, he/ she can write travel experiences, vacation planning etc. in it. I am sure with this activity kids will learn a lot and gradually develop a good creative writing and thinking skills.


Here are some amazing benefits of this easy and interesting activity.

  • Kids will have dual fun with this (crafting and writing)
  • Crafting part helps in developing imagination power and enhancing creativity.
  • With writing part, kids will develop good writing skill, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills.
  • At the end, you can spend some quality time together as a family with this activity (with loads of fun and creativity)

You can do lots of variations and can use different material (as base and for decoration too) as per your choice and preference.

My girls had lots of fun with this simple amazingly creative activity.

What are your thoughts? Did you like it? Please share!

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z hosted by Blog chatter.

My theme for challenge is “Creative Kids Series”, stay tuned this April to learn exciting fun and creative activities for kids!


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