• #BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

    #BlogchatterA2Z “Z”- Z theme activities for kids and Zeal of completing first A2Z challenge.

    Finally we reach at the end of #BlogchatterA2Z and I am so happy that I did it. It is the last post and as Z, I am sharing two things. Two easy Z theme activities that kids will love it. And secondly will share the “Zeal of completing first #Blogchattera2Z” Z theme activity for kids Zoo visit I am sure we all have done this awesome family activity as a child and as a parent too. And we all have loads of fun with it. Here I am sharing some easy tips to make this activity more fun. Pre pan your trip properly and give an idea to kids about…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z,  Parenting

    #BlogchatterA2Z “Y”, Youtube Channels for kids. to inspire them being physically active!

     Ahh finally we reach at the end week of #BlogchatterA2Z and it is second last post of my series. So far, I had tried to share various creative, intellectual, fun activities and DIYs with series. And I am hoping these activities will help to spend some quality time with kids along with learning and creativity. And now, when we are towards the end of the series, I am talking about one of the most important activities for kids, in this post. I am talking about “Physical activities” and making the kids physically active. Though physical activities are totally a different zone and I am not an expert in that field,…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

    #BlogchatterA2Z, “X”- X-mas Crafts for kids!

    #BlogchatterA2Z journey has come to an end and yes! We had reached to alphabet “X”. Though it is summer time but when I had thought to create, write and share something that starts with letter “X”, the first thing that came in mind was “X-Mas Crafts”. I felt that X-mas crafts would be the best activity to share with this alphabet and I am sure kids will love it. Why we had selected this theme? Christmas is one of the most favourite festivals of my girls. Especially when we moved to USA, we had seen such a vibrant and awesome celebration of this festival. It is the time when native…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

    #BlogchatterA2Z, “W” Wood art- An Easy Recycling Project for kids!

    It is the third last post of #BlogchatterA2Z, as “W” I am sharing an exciting and easy wood art project for kids. it is a recycling project and we had lots of fun while doing it. hoping you would like it. How this project started? It was the time when we moved from california to connecticut. and while moving we had some leftover wood ply. so, I had thought to recycle them in a creative way. And decided to make a recycle wood art from these leftover wood ply. Recycled wood Art Theme– First we had selected a theme, “The essential factors of a loving family“ Love, trust, care and…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

    #BlogchatterA2Z, “V”- Versatile Fun fall family activities, Creativity and fun assured!

    #BlogchatterA2Z #Lastweek #Alphabet V Nature has its own magic with different weather and seasons. and each season has something special and unique features. in fact. each season offers an exciting opportunity to spend some quality together as a family. but sometimes it could become confusing when we have no pre-planning or fixed ideas to enjoy the beauty of the season with our family. so, with this post, I am helping you to enjoy some great family time together with fun and creativity. Why I had selected this season? It was 4 years ago when we moved from India to the USA, we had seen so many amazing nature’s miracles. first…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

    #BlogchatterA2Z, “U”- Unique handmade gift for papa “Missing Diary”

    The journey of #BlogchatterA2Z is coming towards an end and I am so happy that I had managed this time to write a post and read regularly. Now it is time to share today’s post, and today I am talking about “Handmade gifts”. I am sure you all would be agreeing that handmade gifts are so unique and special.  And when it comes to perfect gift selection, I think that express your feeling with the handmade gift is the best choice. It will be a most precious thing that anyone can receive at a special moment or in generally too. So, in this post I am sharing an idea about…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z,  Parenting

    #BlogchatterA2Z, “T” Try these activities to develop leadership qualities in kids!

    “Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others””- John Maxwell Leadership is a great quality that promotes intellectual development in kids and endows them with a confidence and positive attitude. Some people believe that great leaders are born and some people believe that they are made. Personally, I believe some kids are good leaders by nature while some kids needs to be encouraged. By being a leader kids will develop great qualities such as honesty, positive attitude, good communication skill and team spirit. This is the last week of #BlogchatterA2Z and as “T” I am sharing, “Try these activities to develop leadership…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z

    #BlogchatterA2Z, “S” Self hair Care routine for girls( with 2 easy hair mask DIYs)

    The journey of blog chatter has reached to week 4”, and I am so excited to write the first post for last week. In this post,” I am sharing an interesting topic that is related to a self-care routine. As “S”, I am sharing “Self hair care routine for girls, with two easy DIY hair masks”. I hope you like it. Self-care should be integral part of everyone’s routine. Taking out a proper time to follow a “Self-care ritual” not only helps in relieving mental and physical stress but refreshes and rejuvenates as well. I want that my little girls learn the basic of self-care. So in timely manner (usually…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

    #BlogchatterA2Z, “Q”- Quick and Easy Festival Crafts for kids!

    #BlogchatterA2Z journey is becoming really exciting and now we had reached at “Q”. As “Q”, I am sharing some quick and easy festival crafts for kids. hoping they will love it. India is a land of festival and we have various vibrant festival celebrated throughout the year. festivals bring joy and happiness in our lives and break the monotony of fixed routine. Another side, the festival celebration offers an excellent opportunity to spend some quality time with friends and family. personally, I never miss a chance to spend quality time with my kids during the festival celebration. during this time, I teach them the importance of festival celebrations and share…

  • #BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

    #BlogchatterA2Z, “P”- Papier Mache and Pop up card making ( Two exciting activities for kids)

    P It is week 2 of #BlogchatterA2Z and we had reached on alphabet “P”, and as “P” I am sharing two unique and interesting activities for kids, hoping they will have loads of fun with it. Pop up card making Nowadays it is a tradition to celebrate each occasion with card making. And kids love making cards on their own. Handmade cards are more special because they show our love and affection for our dear one. It is the easiest way to explore creativity and imagination power in kids, but if you are bored from routine cards with typical pattern and supplies. Then this is a perfect solution for that.…