queens of bloggi-wood

#Queensofbloggiwood- Meet Prerna Sinha- An Incredible journey of inspiring moms to look beyond motherhood!

Interview with prerna sinha
Interview with Prerna Sinha

Hi Everyone,  

Today’s post is little special. With today’s post, I am ending the season 1 of #Queensofbloggiwood series.  

For end, I had bought the interview of “Ma of all blogs” for you all. With the term, “Ma of all blog”, I am getting a “grand finale” feeling and excited to have “Ma of all blogs” means Prerna Sinha on my blog.  

 Though I am sure there is no need to make formal introduction. Multiple award winning, with more than 70 k following on Instagram, Prerna is one of the most amazing fitness and parenting blogger, and indeed a queen of bloggi-wood.  

Prerna is a fashion designer by profession, an economics graduate, certified Ashtanga Yoga teacher who has worked in the garment industry for almost a decade. 

As she says in her own words, “I am a full-time mom and a part-time blogger and fitness geek! Yes, that’s how I like to describe myself. Yes, motherhood is a full-time job and unlike a working woman, the only break I get is when I fall off on my bed. I have two beautiful boys that are more trouble than you can imagine and when I am not running after them, you will find me blogging. A passion, which only comes second after my kids. Here on, you can now refer to me as the ‘Maa’.” 

The Maa blog is all about Maa’s experiences as a mom (twelve years of experience here) and as a woman (lifetime experience).  

She blogs on the confluence of motherhood and various passions which she pursues be it, travel, fashion, beauty, fitness or even shopping. She believes while being a mom is rewarding, being an individual is important for her sanity. ‘Maa’ tries to juggle her parallel lives and blog about it too. It is very easy to get lost in realms of motherhood, with my writing I hope to inspire moms to think of themselves as individuals and go ‘beyond motherhood’. 

Prerna out a strong emphasis on imbibing fitness for every mom and women in her life.  

She feels fitness and well-being is a very important aspect of every ‘mom’ and women’s life. 

 It is the ‘maa’ that brings up the kids and is the connecting factor for the entire family. Being fit gives you the energy and the right attitude to handle your day and keeps you young and energetic around your kids. Helps you in developing strength in the body to cope up ailments later on in life. Being in shape keeps you confident and motivated. 

Prenea has been featured on various reputed parenting and wellness platforms all across the web and has been awarded with multiple blogging awards and accolades. She has been featured as Miss Malini as top inspiring mom bloggers 2020, awarded as the best fitness and mom blogger by women’s web at the orange flower festival 2020, rated as top mommy bloggers at babyspot.ca, awarded as the best blogger at women on the rise by CWF and many more! 

Personally, I am a big fan of her blog. She has an incredible aura of positivity around her that can inspire any mom to look beyond the motherhood.  

I am feeling super thrilled and excited to have her on my blog. A big thanks to Prerna for taking out time from her busy schedule and share her experience with me and my readers.  

Interview with Prerna Sinha from MaaofAllblogs.com 

Interview with prerna sinha
Interview with Prerna Sinha

Q. 1 What was the biggest struggle that you have faced in your blogging/entrepreneur journey? And how had you overcome this?  

A.1 I think the hardest part was to start and convince family and friends initially that blogging was a profession. Even now at times people don’t understand the nuances of the profession and think it’s all about posing and getting things for free. This upsets me a lot because I have been doing this for 9 years now and it involves marketing, content writing and creation, shooting, editing, scripting, balancing accounts, running a company and so much more. When you start out you are pretty much doing this on your own and you don’t even know if you are going be noticed also or not.  

Very soon I realised that I didn’t need all my friends or family to agree to what I believed in, recognition first came from strangers. I got more accolades outside and started making money before they even acknowledged it. However, they did support me and let me do what I felt was right to pursue blogging as a profession.  

Q. 2 Who is the most influential person in your life? And why?  

A.2My parents have had the most influence in life. My undying optimism comes from my dad and my patience comes from my mom. I come from a modest background and grew up with simple values but they gave me a really strong foundation.  

Q. 3 What is my exciting and most tiring part of your blogging/ entrepreneur journey? 

A.3 Every day is exciting. I don’t know what new opportunity will come next and what will I be doing. Of course, there is a certain plan but being a blogger and an influencer means you get exposed to new innovations, new products before everyone else. I find that exciting. 

Creating content is exciting but looking for hashtags, keywords and working on the algorithm can become tiring at times.  

My top favorite blogging moments will have to be winning Top fitness blogger Award at the age of 40. 

Being on a Travel Talk show by Travel XP TV show on TV as a guest and then also hosting it in another episode. 

Being invited to various forums as an expert Yaga teacher and parenting expert. The most recent one was on 9 Months by First Post which was hosted by Maria Goretti. 

Being Published in Leading Newspapers like Times of India, Ht City, The Mint, Mumbai Mirror and more for my work. 

But most gratifying is to be the Cofounder of Inspire Beyond Motherhood Awards, which is one of its kind unique awards coined only for moms. I have often seen that women get so embroiled in their roles of a mother, wife, daughter-in-law etc that she loses her sense of self and forgets her own needs. The key is to start acknowledging her needs and take out time to fulfil them. The award celebrates moms who have gone beyond raising kids and nurturing a family to create their own mark. 

Q. 4 What is one strong piece of advice that you want to give you aspiring bloggers/entrepreneurs like me to go ahead in this challenging journey? 

A.4 If you are here be here for the love of creating and for your voice to be heard. Keep that voice original and unique to stand out. Work hard and be consistent and you will be noticed. Don’t make money your priority or you will be dissuaded in no time. 

Indeed, Prerna’s journey is incredible and she is inspiring many moms every day to look beyond the motherhood and explored other aspects of life as an individual.  

What are your thoughts? Please share with me! 

With this post, I am giving a pause to #Queensofbloggiwood.  want to say a big thanks to all awesome ladies for being a part of my blog series. For me, it was an awesome experience and I had learnt a lot from these amazing women and their inspiring journey.  

Also, a big thanks to my awesome readers and friends for appreciating my efforts and being so supportive in this journey.  

Here is a list of interview posts from this series (in case you had missed any and want to read).  

Ekta chawla’s interview  

Dr. Hemapriya’s interview  

Anupama Dalmia’s interview 

Priyanka Nair’s interview 

Vaishali Sharma’s interview 

Devishobha’s interview 

Since next week, I will resume on previously announced series #Delightfulrealfood. Will share easy, healthy and tasty real food recipes for you and your family. So stay tuned, I am sure you will love it.  


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