queens of bloggi-wood

#QueensofBloggiwood- Meet Dr. Hemapriya, A Doctor mom’s wonderful journey of constant learning and inspiring others!

interview with Dr. Hemapriya
Interview with Dr. Hemapriya

Hi Everyone! 

Thank you so much for giving so much love and appreciation to first interview post of series “Queens of bloggi-wood”. I am so glad you liked it and find it inspiring.  

Read the post here, in case you had missed it.  

Now, it is time to share second interview post for the series “Queens of bloggi-wood”. 

Honestly, this interview conduction has made me nostalgic. And I had re-called many beautiful memories while conducting this interview. 

It was 5 years ago, when I had started my blogging journey, and start exploring various top Indian parenting-health lifestyle blogs all across the web, “Mylittlemoppet.com” was the one of the most promising blogs that has caught my attention.  

I still remember that I was highly impressed with the wide collection of some healthy-yummy baby food recipes on this informative parenting blog. I had spent hours on this amazing blog just because of exclusive informative content and researched based authentic blog posts.  

Dr. Hemapriya (aka doctor mom) is the person behind this beautifully designed and supremely organized blog, “Mylittlemoppet.com”. 

Though I know there is no need to make a formal introduction, but for those who are new to blogging world, here is a glimpse of wonderful journey of Dr. Hemapriya.  

Dr Hemapriya lovingly referred to as the ‘Doctor Mom’ is a qualified medial practitioner and certified child nutritionist, Mom to two adorable kids -a boy and a girl – and wife to a Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon. she lives in temple city of Madurai, in the beautiful South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. She is the person who believe in magical power of constant learning and improving things.  

As she says in her own words, that “First- I am not a parenting expert. In fact, I’m not sure that I even believe in the idea of ‘parenting experts.’ I’m an engaged, imperfect parent and a passionate researcher. I’m an experienced mapmaker and a progressing traveler. I stumble, I improvise and I somehow find my way through. Like many of you, parenting is by far my boldest and most daring adventure.” 

Here are some highlighting points about “Mylittlemoppet.com” and Dr. Hemapriya’s wonderful journey. 

  • Mylittlemoppet.com is India’s top parenting blog that offers exclusive, researched based, authentic content for various important aspects of parenting that includes recipes, nutrition, kids’ health, home remedies and much more! 
  • Along with these, Dr. Hemapriya is an owner of exclusive store where you can buy homemade, organic, free from preservative baby foods and other health products. All these products have been made by extreme care and higher level of standards. Check out the store here, if it interests you.  
  • Mylittlemoppet.com”is a “Strong community of 3 million” that always ready to support you in your parenting journey.  
  • Dr. Hemapriya also runs “Little moppet heart foundation” where they offer medical treatment and surgeries for little children with congenital heart disease.  

I am sure all these wonderful initiative and great work make her one of the most inspiring personality of blogging world. I cannot express my happiness to have her on my blog. It is like one of the most wonderful moment of my blogging journey that I will cherish throughout my life.  

It is my sheer privilege that she has taken out time from her busy schedule and share her experience and life-journey with me and my readers.  

Thank you so much Dr. Hemapriya for this. It means a lot to me.  

Interview with Dr. Hemapriya from Mylittlemoppet.com 

interview with Dr. Hemapriya
Interview with Dr. Hemapriya

Q. 1 What was the biggest struggle that you have faced in your blogging/entrepreneur journey? And how had you overcome this? (This question is the main purpose of the series. So, I humbly request you to please answer this one with some detailing.)  

A.1 This journey has been a hugely rewarding one – but challenging as well! I think the biggest challenge I have faced and continue to face is the constantly changing algorithms of social media platforms. As soon as you get the hang of how it works, they go and change it again and you have to start all over! 

I’ve tried to stay ahead of this by being a part of many groups where members actively participate in conversations on how to beat the algorithms. In short, the learning never ends. I have to keep updating myself with the latest trends in marketing, SEO, sales and of course, technology. I have invested in many courses to learn from the best in the business. Learning is a never-ending journey! 

Q2: Who is the most influential person in your life? And why?  

 A: My husband, paediatric cardiac surgeon Dr. Gopi Nallaiyan. He’s the perfect partner and I could never have done this without his unwavering love and support. I am truly blessed to find someone who thinks like me, and doesn’t find it necessary to go with what society considers the ‘normal’ route. 

Whenever a medical student completes his or her MBBS degree, what everyone wants to know is what field you’re going to do your Post Graduate course in. When I told my husband that I didn’t want to go down that road, he understood completely. When I decided to stick to blogging and start my business, people were shocked at how a doctor could do business instead of practice medicine. All the while, he stood by me like a rock and supported all my decisions. 

Q3: What is the most exciting and most tiring part of your blogging/ entrepreneur journey? 
A: The journey itself is super exciting for me – it’s what keeps me going! If I were to choose the most exciting part of it, it has to be the enthusiasm of creating something new, whether it’s a product, a range or an offer. This really gets my creative juices flowing and I am all amped up to see it through. 

I think most entrepreneurs will agree with me when I say that the admin and finances part is the most tiring part of this journey. I am not bad at it, but I’d much rather delegate this area to someone who’s more interested in it than I am. 

Q4: What is one strong piece of advice that you want to give aspiring bloggers/entrepreneurs like me to go ahead in this challenging journey?   

A: It’s tough world out there with a lot of competition, and you’re going to face many failures, especially in the beginning. But if you’re passionate about your niche and you really love what you do, you’ll find a way. That’s why it’s important to be sure that you’re choosing a field you are truly excited about.  

It’s also important to remember that there will be lulls in your enthusiasm, but you need to see them as temporary phases than a permanent dead-end. Coming to the competition, there may be many others in the same field, but you’re not them, and they’re not you. Find your unique voice and you’re sure to succeed. And always, always keep learning and updating your skills – as long as you’re moving forward, you’re doing good! 

Key takeaway from Dr. Hemapriya’s Journey 

Dr. Hemapriya’s amazing journey has taught me that “it is very important to choose a field/work that you truly passionate about. Finding your unique voice and improving yourself with constant learning and updating is key to be successful in life.  

I hope you will like this post. What are your thoughts? Please share with me.  


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