#BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

#BlogchatterA2Z, “W” Wood art- An Easy Recycling Project for kids!

It is the third last post of #BlogchatterA2Z, as “W” I am sharing an exciting and easy wood art project for kids. it is a recycling project and we had lots of fun while doing it. hoping you would like it.

How this project started?

It was the time when we moved from california to connecticut. and while moving we had some leftover wood ply. so, I had thought to recycle them in a creative way.

And decided to make a recycle wood art from these leftover wood ply.

Recycled wood Art

Theme– First we had selected a theme,

The essential factors of a loving family

Love, trust, care and hope are some essential factors of a loving family, these are the things that a loving family should have.

So, first I had explained the importance of each factor to my girls and we had started making this project/

Material needed

Leftover ply and acrylic colours


we had divided plywood pieces in equal portions, then painted a base colour on each block and kept it for some time for drying. After proper drying, we had write-down name of all essential factors of a loving family ( Love, trust, care and hope) in an attractive manner.

Beautiful wood art is ready. It can be used for garden and home decoration

Welcome sign

After finishing this first project, we were excited and decided to make a welcome sign by using the same plywood, colours and imagination. and made one more wood art with “Life is beautiful” message.

We had great fun while doing this recycling craft. I was happy because kids had learnt a good message about life and family by using a waste product with recycling. Hope you would also like it.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z hosted by Blogchatter.


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