#BlogchatterA2Z, “W” Wood art- An Easy Recycling Project for kids!
It is the third last post of #BlogchatterA2Z, as “W” I am sharing an exciting and easy wood art project for kids. it is a recycling project and we had lots of fun while doing it. hoping you would like it. How this project started? It was the time when we moved from california to connecticut. and while moving we had some leftover wood ply. so, I had thought to recycle them in a creative way. And decided to make a recycle wood art from these leftover wood ply. Recycled wood Art Theme– First we had selected a theme, “The essential factors of a loving family“ Love, trust, care and…
#BlogchatterA2Z, “K”- Knock out Cardboard Crafts for kids with Recycling fun!
It is week 2 of #BlogchhaterA2Z, and in this post, I am talking about an important topic “Recycling”. Recycling is not only a subject of importance for kids, but possesses an uttermost importance for our environment as well. Unfortunately, the greatest threat to our environment is the belief that someone else will save it. We are living on this planet and it is our responsibility to save and protect it. No one can do everything but everyone can do something. There is no such thing as “away”. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere. And recycling is perfect solution for that. Personally recycling crafts are my favourite. It…