#BlogchatterA2Z, “B”- Bubble mixture making at home ( easy DIY for kids!)

This is day 2 of #BlogchatterA2Z and I am so excited to share second interesting kids activity for the “Creative kids series”.
I am sure your all would be agree that making a bubble is one of the most fun filled activity that we all had enjoyed so much during our childhood. Nothing could be more exciting that blowing the colourful bubbles and watch them burst.
Even now when the kids have lots of high technology gadget options to play, still bubble making is one of the most fun and exciting activity that all kids loved. My girls are also loved bubble making and they often buy bubble solution whenever we visit local malls.
But this time I had thought why not let’s do something different?
It was a hot summer afternoon, and both were feeling board.
To keep them entertain, I had thought today, we will make a homemade bubble solution and homemade bubble wand.
As soon as I had told them that we are doing this quick DIY, they got so excited and we had started this without wasting any time.
How to make homemade bubble solution?
- Warm water
- Dish washing liquid
- Glycerine
- Liquid colour (optional)
- First take the warm water and mixed dish washing liquid gently into it.
- Now add glycerine and mixed again
- Your awesome bubble mixture is ready.
Now it is time to make
DIY bubble wand
- Straws (4-5)
- Rubber band or wand
Take 4-5 straws and tie them with rubber band or tape, your magic bubble wand is ready to use. You could make band by using different method, click here to know more.
What will kids learn from it?
Of course having lots of fun and enjoyment is first thing that kids will obtain with this awesome activity.
Second you can teach them simple maths about measuring and mixing different ingredients. Also, it is a good opportunity to teach them science behind how the bubbles are formed?
Science behind bubble formation
The science behind bubble formation is so simple yet interesting. With water the small bubbles are formed because water has higher surface tension. When we add dishwashing liquid into it, the surface tension of water gets lowered and bubble gets formed.
Also, when we add glycerine the holding capacity of bubble increase and it stay for longer.
Additional tips
- You can use sugar mixed solution instead of glycerine
- By adding different liquid colours beautiful bubbles formed
- You can make large quantity of solution ahead, and enjoyed it on next couple of days.
My girls had a great time while doing this awesome fun filled activity. Now, they had learnt the easy way to do it at home
watch the video for easy tutorial:
Please try this with your kids and let us know how was your kid’s reaction ? Until then happy DIYing.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge hosted by Blogchatter.
Namratha Varadharajan
How much of glycerine do you use? I have used the same recipe but it is a hit and miss.. Does it matter if we use warm or cold water to start off with?
My girls love bubbles and after my life all the time to play with it. This is quite simple way to prepare it at home, will try.
Sanjota Purohit
This thing will never gets old. I still run like a small girl whenever I see bubbles 😀 Preparing in home seems easy.
Priyanka Nair
Another wonderful and easy activity to do with my kid, I just need to buy glycerine 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂
Anahita Irani
Such a cool DIY activity to do with kids. Floating bubbles bring laughter and happiness to our lives.
Rashi Roy
Loving your theme and the wonderful ideas. Keep them coming ?
The bubbles game would never get old. I am going to definitely try it in summer holidays. Just loving your theme.
Dipika Singh (@gleefulblogger)
This is a great DIY fun for kids this summer vacation. I am saving it for making it next with daughter soon.
Thats so much fun. We make bubbles with the same method at home. Loving your posts.
woow loved the idea!! I use to use liquid when I was younger. Loved the idea and the post
Another great DIY idea, the summer vacations look so sorted now ??
It’s a really nice idea surbhi. Will definitely try it
This is great! Definitely trying this one!
Shilpa Garg
Wow! That’s an interesting and simple DIY for kids. Will share it with my nephew. Thanks for inspiring, Surbhi.
Shilpa Garg #AtoZChallenge
Nupur Maskara (@nuttynupur)
Didn’t know this was possible. I loved it as a kid and looking forward to introduce it to mine.