#TheRealHealthTalk: Meet Vasantha Vivek: An Exclusive interview with India’s leading Mindfulness expert!

Hi everyone,
Excited to share next interview post for series, “The Real health Talk”. The series is an exclusive interview series with some renowned and leading health bloggers/nutritionist/ youtubers of the digital health and wellness industry.
Read Dr. Amrita Basu’s interview for the series here
In today’s post, I am excited to welcome India’s leading mindfulness coach, lifestyle blogger, published author, podcaster, and my dear friend Vasantha Vivek to my blog.
Vasantha Vivek is an Ex. Professor, Blogger, Published Author, Podcaster and Mindfulness Practitioner for the last five years living in Southern Tamil Nādu, India. She is sharing her mindfulness, parenting, and blogging journey @ “My Sweet Nothings” blog from 2014. Her blog series “7 Everyday Practices for Mindful Moms” was a mega-hit. She proudly claims mindfulness has helped her to get out of her self-denial, anxiety, and anger.
Currently, she’s a passionate mindfulness coach and meditation teacher. She shares her knowledge and wide experience with the mid aged women through her mindfulness coaching services. She helps in incorporating the mindfulness practice in your everyday life. She guides you to start and sustain your mindfulness journey through her self-tested and proven mindfulness practices. She has built a reputation as one of the leading experts in self-care, self love and solving peri menopause issues. She’s helping in transforming stressful women to blissful women.
To know more about Vasantha Vivek, don’t forget to follow her on Facebook: @vasanthavivek, Instagram: @vivekvasantha, Twitter: @vivekvasantha and YouTube @vasanthavivek And blog mysweetnothings.in.
Personally, I really admire Vasantha’s work is raising awareness about mindfulness practice in day-to-day life. She is doing a fabulous job by helping people to deal with various mental health issues.
I am so thrilled to have her on my blog. Read the post to know about this “The Real Health Talk” conversation.
Interview with Vasantha Vivek: India’s leading mindfulness expert!

Q. 1 Tell us something about your journey from being a teacher to parenting and lifestyle blogger and now, a mindfulness and blogging coach? What was your entire experience with these different fields?
A.1 Yes, it’s an amazing journey from a college professor to a blogger and now to a mindfulness coach. I never looked back and regretted leaving my 16 years job as a professor in an engineering college, though it was a big decision for a passionate teacher like me to quit my job.
From a professor, I transformed into a blogger. I started my blog “My Sweet Nothings” in 2014 as a free Word Press blog. In the year 2016, MSN went self-hosted. Blogging has gifted me with many lessons and friends.
Now my role has changed. Today I’m a Certified Mindfulness Coach. I got my certification from Happiitude, India during Nov 2019. And I started my coaching business from April 2020. Currently the services offered are 1 On 1 and Group Mindfulness Coaching Intensives, Personalized 1 On 1 and Group Mindfulness Coaching Packages.
Basically, I help mid aged women to overcome their peri menopause issues. I help them in transforming from stressful state to blissful state through my self-tested and proven mindfulness practices.
Q.2 Please tell us something more about “Mindfulness”? What is mindfulness precisely? What are the benefits of practicing mindfulness for improving mental health and overall wellbeing?
A.2 Mindfulness is simply being in the present moment non judgementally or without any preconditions. Mindfulness is like a daily vitamin that can help you to be present, attentive, motivated and relaxed with yourself and others. It can be especially beneficial in today’s pandemic environment.
Mindfulness also means awareness. Awareness of your thoughts, actions, surrounding, awareness about the inside world and the outside world. It can be achieved steadily through regular meditation practices.
Highlighted Benefits of practicing mindfulness
- Decreased Depression.
- Increased Emotional Regulation.
- Reduced Anxiety and Stress.
- Better Memory.
- Cognitive Improvements.
- Stronger Relationships.
- Better Physical Health.
- Good Decision Making.
- Less distractions.
- Increased performance.
Q.3 Please share some tips for fitting mindfulness with a busy and hectic lifestyle?
A.3 Here are 7 tips for bringing more mindfulness into your life:
1. Meditate. Start your day with simple meditation practice. Just a minute is more than enough to start your day more mindful.
2. Focus On One Thing At A Time. Actually multitasking is a myth and a biggest roadblock to your productivity. So have a deep focus on one thing at a time.
3. Slow Down. In your busy schedule, take mindful breaks and slow down. This will keep you calm in chaos.
4. Eat Mindfully. Try to eat at least one meal mindfully without your mobile, TV, book or headphones. Enjoy the texture, taste and smell of the food being served to you.
5. Keep Phone and Computer Time In Check. Practice Digital Detoxing intentionally every day. Set boundaries for screen time – with designated times for social networking and do your best to keep mobile devices switched off at bedtime.
6. Move. Do mindful movements like stretching, dancing and jogging to keep you active and grounded. Mindful Walking Meditation is the right choice to keep yourself physically and mentally fit.
7. Spend Time In Nature. Take walks through a park, the woods, mountain trails or by the beach and spend more time with nature. Getting outdoors is good for body, mind and spirit, and keeps you in the present moment.
Q.4 What is the best way to teach children about mindfulness?
A.4 Here are 5 playful ways to cultivate Mindfulness in your children:
- Mindful Listening
- Mindful Breathing
- Mindful Eating
- Mindful Watching
- Spending Time With Nature
Q.5 This is the beginning of the new year and everyone is committed to making “new fitness and wellness goals” for the new year. What is one strong piece of advice you will offer as a mindfulness expert that will help my readers to stay on track and achieve their “health and fitness goals” in the year 2022?
A.5 Here are some essential tips from my side to achieve your “Health and fitness goals” in new year.
- Take time to be mindful.
- Treat Self Care is Soul Care.
- Be compassionate with yourself and others.
- Don’t beat yourself for failures.
- Don’t compare your mindfulness journey with others.
Q. 6 Nowadays our life is highly influenced by social media and digital technology. By following the trend, people admire and follow their “online wellness gurus” religiously and take their advice seriously. As a leading parenting and lifestyle blogger and a mindfulness coach, what are your thoughts on it? How do you feel this trend (following wellness gurus online) affecting or improving the wellbeing of normal people?
A.6 As a leading parenting and lifestyle blogger and a mindfulness coach, my thoughts on following wellness gurus online are:
- Follow a single person religiously.
- Get inspired but not high jacked by their opinions.
- Try to be consistent and be patient to get your results.
- Don’t compare yourself with anyone.
- Seek the help of certified coaches if needed.
Q. 7 What is your favorite mantra or quote that inspires you every day for working hard with firm dedication and constant motivation?
A.7 I am a strong believer of positive affirmations. Affirmations are powerful positive statements when repeated gives the desired results.
9 Powerful Affirmations That I Follow
- “I am ready to design the life of my dreams”
- “I am thankful for all the opportunities that I had and the new opportunities that are coming my way”
- “I am committed to create the life I envision”
- “I am stepping into the most successful phase of my life”
- “I am attracting incredible people into my life”
- “I am greatly skilled and will generate massive income in my life”
- “I am open to embrace the abundance mindset”
- “I am the creator of my own happiness. And I will radiate positivity, love and happiness around me”
- “I am creating financial abundance, healthy body and positive relations”
I had a great learning experience with this interview. Thank you so much to Vasantha Vivek for taking out time and being a part of this initiative.
What are your thoughts? Please share with me!
If you are a health/wellness blogger/Youtuber/ Nutritionists /health book author/ digital content creator in health and wellness industry with some inspiring works to share on, then I would love to feature you in this series.
Drop a mail at ritu,prapanna@gmail.com with your details (blog/book/YouTube channel link with recognized work details)
Read Also: Vasundhara Agrawal’s interview
Thanks much Surbhi! I feel honoured!
Alpana Deo
Vasantha is a wonderful person. I would say she is the first blogger friend I knew. Her approach towards life has always been very mindful and I feel happy to see her growing in her chosen filled of endeavor.
Gurjeet Chhabra
Such a great interview with a great person. Come to know so much from her ,she is really motivation
We have been reading Vasantha’s blogs and her mindful blogs, her practical tips are really great. Keeping check on digital well being is very important in the new gen world. Great series Surbhi .
Swarnali Nath
I came across Vasantha Ma’am and her works while scrolling down Twitter one day. I was instantly dragged towards her works and subscribled for her newsletter. What an inspiring journey! I am deeply moved by her words. Thanks for bringing this series Dr Surbhi.
I’ve known Vasantha as a blogger for long now and am so happy that she’s a mindfulness coach now. Her tips are very helpful and can easily be followed in our daily life. Definitely going to try them.
Vaishali Sudan Sharma
The fact of relating mindfulness to daily vitamin is actually true. The most important part in the blog were the five tips for this new year to help and learn more about good health.
Indeed, mindfulness is like a daily vitamin that can help you to be attentive, motivated and relaxed with ourself. Her tips are very helpful and can easily be followed in our daily life. Thanks for introducing her to me through this post.
Hansa Kajaria
I’m loving the wonderful series that you are doing and bringing to us some good people who are doing a wonderful job.
Sandy N Vyjay
Very interesting and informative insights into mindfullness. It is so important to be mindful and stay tuned to the present for a better quality of life.
Though her personally do not know her.. I’ve heard about her mindfulness sessions from many. This particular post was very insightful on how to. Follow and practice mindfulness. Thank you surbhi
Paresh Godhwani
This an awesome interview. I have interacted with code of times on Twitter regarding the blogposts we have written but for the first time I am getting to know more about her.
Vasantha is the first person whom I come to know right with my first step in blogging field. From that day I follow her on different social platforms and get updated about her contributions and achievements. Indeed, She is an inspiration. Got to know more about her here today Thanks Surbhi!
I have known Vasantha as a blogger and great to know that she is a certified mindfulness expert. The tips she has shared are priceless and certainly will work towards lessening depression for someone who is battling it or battling anxiety.
Rahul Prabhakar
What a wonderful interview with Vasantha, India’s leading Mindfulness expert. Mindfulness, as a topic, is not widely discussed. I found her responses to be on point and very insightful.
Rakhi Jayashankar
Concentrating of only one thing is something that I should master in my life.
I have read Vasantha’s posts and they are very helpful. It was great to read and know more about her journey and experiences via this interview.
Vasantha is a very positive and humble soul, I have had many interactions with her in the beginning of the blog. She is always helpful, kind, generous, and mindful. I love the fact, she speaks what she really practices.
Milan Singhal
So good to read about the fellow blogger – Vasantha . I know her from the early days of blogging, and have read quite a few of her posts. Love the positive affirmations she has stated.
Kitabi Keeda
Good to know about you.this is my first visit to ua blog.glad i came across this post as well ua blog.
Kitabi Keeda
Good to know about you.this is my first visit to ua blog.glad i came across this post as well ua blog
Sonu Chouhan.