#TheRealHealthTalk: Meet Swarnali Nath- An Award-winning wellness writer, Published author & a Podcast host!

Hi everyone,
Excited to share another interview post for series, “The Real health Talk”. The series is an exclusive interview series with some renowned and leading health bloggers/nutritionist/ youtubers of the digital health and wellness industry.
Read Vandana Sharma’s interview for the series here.
In Today’s post, I am excited to welcome Swarnali Nath to my blog.
Swarnali Nath is a Content Professional, an author of two books, an award-winning Wellness Writer, and a Podcast Host. She is the founder of ‘The Peace Stories’ – an initiative to spread the message of hope, love, and peace.
Her first book ‘You Are Blooming’ received wide appreciation from the readers and became a bestseller in the Spiritual Healing category books on Amazon.
Her blog, The Saffron Storyteller has been featured among the top 100 Mindfulness and Storytelling blogs on the web and one of the top blogs from India and across the globe.
Swarnali is a recipient of the prestigious award The Orange Flower Award by Women’s Web for writing in Wellness and Fitness category. Her blog is a potpourri of her researched articles on the small acts of transformation that help in taking care of your mental and emotional wellbeing and finding peace in everyday moments.
A coffee lover, a prolific writer, and an avid reader, she finds solace in books and music. Get in touch with her on Instagram and Twitter @scarsandglory.
Visit her blog thesaffronstoryteller.com to know more about her.
Personally, I love Swarnali’s writing style. She has a unique way to connect with her readers. Her journey is truly inspirational. I am so thrilled to have her on my blog.
Read the post to know about this “The Real health Talk” conversation.
Interview with Swarnali Nath: An inspiring award-winning wellness blogger, published author & a podcast host!

Q. 1 Tell us something about your blogging journey? How does it get started? What was the real reason and inspiration behind starting blogging?
A. 1 I started blogging as a guest blogger to my friend’s website. At that time, both of us were completely unaware of the ABC of blogging. He requested me to write blogs for his website. I wrote articles on various topics from arts and culture, Indian Mythology, start-up stories to creative writing like short stories. But after a few months, from 2018, I started my blog.
I have always wanted to be a writer. I have been writing since childhood, and that love for writing brought me to the world of blogging. And now, as a Content Professional, I enjoy creating content with purpose.
I always bring inspiration for my content creation from life. Little things that inspire me to explore the miracles of life, this is my inspiration for writing.
Previously, my blogging niche was Mindfulness. My blog has been featured among the top 20 Mindfulness Blogs from across the world and top 200 blogs from India.
Recently, I have shifted my blogging niche to Wellness and Transformation. I research the small acts of change and write about my own experiences on my blog so that they can help others to maintain their mental and emotional wellbeing.
In the Wellness genre, I write about healthy habits, positive mindsets, and mindful living. I write blogs to share valuable ways with the purpose of finding ways that lead us to a blissful life with better mental and emotional wellbeing.
In the Transformation genre, I share useful tips to execute our everyday tasks in a more meaningful way by following an easy process. Along with this, I write about the ways in which you can do things without being anxious. This way, we can welcome peace and purpose in life, along with transforming our minds to become the better version of ourselves.
Q.2 Along with Blogging, you have also written two eBooks and started a podcast channel. Share something more about these amazing achievements.
A2. About my books:
My first book is You Are Blooming. This book is a reminder to you that amidst all the despair and darkness, deep down, you are blooming with hope, beauty, and grace. You Are Blooming was an Amazon Bestseller in the category of Spiritual Healing.
In this book, I have shared a bunch of letters. In the journey of 21 days, every day, the reader picks a letter, and it tells about the inner power.
Whenever you need someone to hold your hand, to speak your heart, to feel your emotions, you can pick a letter from this bunch and read it aloud. I hope you will find a reason to smile and the purpose to begin anew.

My second book is A Letter to Tomorrow. I wrote this book when I was recovering from my phase of despair. Every summer afternoon, I sat on my balcony and contemplated my journey from despair to hope. I found some pearls of wisdom while dwelling amidst the uncertainty. And I discovered embracing uncertainty sometimes gifts you the miracles you have been waiting for.
This book is all about the pretty little things that make your life a masterpiece of art. They will guide you to a new beginning when you start over from scratch, but this time, following your evening star.
While reading this book, you will realize that, actually, it’s not about finding the light at the end of the tunnel; it’s about walking with your own light in the dark.
I have written this book in the perspective of finding a purpose for your brokenness and calm amidst the mess.

The books are currently available on Amazon as eBooks, but I am planning to bring the paperback edition soon.
About my podcast:
The name of my podcast is Pause Breathe Reflect. I started my podcast channel in 2020. I share small poems written by me, they’re based on the theme of inner quest.
Along with them, I share mindful living activities here. I believe in the pause ritual. Therefore, I share my experiences from everyday life while seeking the path of peace and purpose.
Every episode is bite-sized. In every episode, I share activities of finding inner peace in everyday moments and making a deeper connection to yourself. I believe words can heal, words bear the light, and I try to send my light to heal my audience through the podcast.
Q.3 Personally, I admire your recent initiative “The Peace Stories” a lot. I love the tagline “Together we smile, together we heal”. Indeed, it is a great initiative to spread the message of hope, love and peace. Please share more about this initiative with my readers? How can they be a part of this initiative?
A3. The Peace Stories is my initiative where I share stories. Stories of hope, stories of love. Stories of recovery, stories of healing. Stories of self-discovery and personal winning. Stories of transformation, stories of kindness, stories of peace.
I strongly believe everyone has a story to tell. There is a story in you that makes you special. I want to bring the story of hope, love, and peace from the storyteller. I often ask my storytellers a question: “What is peace to you?” And I curate their answers so that the other readers can find a hundred ways to find inner peace.
Along with this, I try to share my storytellers’ journey of self-discovery. Most of us realize the beauty of living in such a moment when we find that there is something extraordinary that is engraved within us, yet, it is hidden in us as if miracles lies in the most ordinary way. In my initiative, I bring out special moments from my storytellers’ stories.
There are a few parts of every story: Self-discovery moments, healing journey, finding peace, a letter to the younger self, stranger story, a message to the world, gratitude notes etc.
We have a special gratitude jar that we call The Big Gratitude Jar, where we put our gratitude notes and say thanks to the people/things we are grateful for in life. This way, we count our blessings.
I have a special letter-writing project, The Letters Connect in my initiative. There I write letters with healing words to send my message of hope, love and peace to the world.
On my initiative’s social media pages, I also share positive affirmations for peace, journaling prompts for peace, and verses of peace.
I feel, there are many people in this world who are waiting for a ray of hope. This is why I started my initiative of telling peace stories after coming back from my despair days.
A dedicated space for sharing positive and inspiring stories, this initiative also runs a campaign called ‘There is still room for light’. Through my initiative, The Peace Stories, I want to share the message that There Is Still Room for Light.
If anyone wants to be a part of my initiative, and feature his/her story on my blog and social media pages, just drop a mail at swarnablogs19@gmail.com or send me a direct message on Instagram or Twitter. I would like to feature beautiful peace stories from across the world.
Q. 4 Recently, you have won the prestigious orange flower awards for writing in the “wellness and fitness” category. How was this experience? Share some details about your “Winning writing piece” for this acclaimed award?
A4. The experience was incredible. For every digital creator, The Orange Flower Award is one of the most prestigious awards. I am happy that my work received this worldwide recognition and the esteemed jury members bestowed upon me this coveted award. It is one of the highest achievements of my life. I am eternally grateful to Women’s Web, the Jury Members and the Orange Flower Award.
I wrote the article on the wellness category in the month of September. This article is all about how you can focus on taking self-care in the hustle of life. Because in the rush of life and living with a hectic schedule, we often forget to take care of ourselves.
I researched the small acts of self-care that will be extremely easy to practice yet they are effective to bring the much-oriented result in your mental and emotional wellbeing. After my research, I selected thirty tiny acts of Mindfulness and curated them into the daily schedule of self-care.
Along with this, I prepared a 30 Day Self-care Calendar for tracking your performance and kept doing the simple self-care activities, one activity a day.
Additionally, I also prepared a set of positive affirmations that will help to calm down the anxious mind and empower you to stay motivated in the month-long activity. They will also remind you that you are doing this all for yourself, and you deserve to be loved, you deserve to be cared for.
This 30 Day Self-care Challenge is a beautiful way to cultivate self-compassion and grow a deeper connection to your inner self. By taking this challenge, you will develop self-love which is the very first step for self-care.
Last year, I was among the top ten finalists of the Orange Flower Awards, in the category of Wellness and Fitness writing. My piece was about finding calm amidst the chaos around you and connecting to your blissful self with more calm.
I was surrounded by chaos all the time, along with this, there was chaos all around us because of the pandemic. But one day, I discovered that I was floating in the calmness within, and that calmness was leading me to eternal bliss. It gave me a chance to introspect my deeper self and I found the ways in which I attained peace amidst calm. Then I wrote about it on my blog.
Q. 5 You have been practicing “Mindfulness” in your routine life for the last few years. Please tell us something more about “Mindfulness”. What is Mindfulness precisely? What are the benefits of practising Mindfulness for improving mental health and overall wellbeing?
A5. For me, Mindfulness is the process of connecting to your deeper self, being present here, being present in now. Meanwhile, you will find that within this nowness, there is an eternity. Therefore, for me, Mindfulness is being present at this moment with your entirety.
I have been practising Mindfulness in my daily life for the last two years. This helped me to control my anxiety level. I used to have anxiety attacks regularly, sometimes twice a day. It made me feeble from within and I used to panic for my future.
But after practising Mindfulness, I have learned to calm myself instead of being anxious and finding a solution instead of being panicked at the problems.
Also, I was undergoing despair for a long. In 2020, I went to a traumatic phase and I was unable to accept the reality. But after I started practising Mindfulness, slowly, I started accepting the reality, my truth and everything around me, as the way they are.
Accepting is the first step towards embracing mindful living for me. After that, gradually I developed self-compassion, and to my utmost surprise, I became kinder to every being on earth. After my phase of despair passed, I became more grateful to live.
As I am practising Mindfulness more in my life, I am connecting to my inner self in a deeper way, and thus I am discovering some blissful truths of life. Every time I end my peace prayer, I pray for everyone on earth; may they be guided towards the path of peace and purpose.
The benefits of Mindfulness is manifold. Just think for once, when you are present with your wholeness in this present moment only, forgetting to grieve for your past and being anxious for your future, then your mind will be calm.
If you can focus only on this present moment, there will be less chaos in your mind. Instead, your mind will be still as the river. And amidst that stillness, your true self will be reflected.
In this way, Mindfulness will lead you towards the path of peace and purpose.
Most of us get panicked thinking about the future or we regret our past. The same I did too. But while I started my Life Coaching studies with Mindfulness, I have become calmer towards uncertainty and focused more on the bigger purpose of my life.
And the best thing that happened to me in this journey so far, I have been more into accepting than regretting or complaining. This is helping me to maintain a good state of my mental and emotional wellbeing.
Q. 6 Please share some tips for fitting Mindfulness with a busy and hectic lifestyle.
A 6. I write a column on my blog titled ‘Mindful Living with Swarnali’. I work on finding easy and simple activities that help us to practice Mindfulness in our daily life.
We can practice Mindfulness in everyday things like mindful eating, mindful walking, mindful writing, mindful listening, etc. Although, in our hectic schedule and the rush of life, practising Mindfulness seems really hard. But if we can try to do one thing at a time, it will become easier.
For this purpose, you can try to do a quick meditation. Just find a silent corner in your room, sit there and relax your mind. Try to control your ever-wandering thoughts for some moments, and declutter your mind. Breathe deeper. Inhale peace, and exhale your worries.
Mindful Journaling is a wonderful way to practice Mindfulness in your everyday routine. Through this activity, you will get better clarity of your thoughts and visions. You can also prepare a set of questions to ask your inner self. Then, try to write the answers in your journal.
Along with this, practising gratitude and compassion help to find your inner peace and connect to the inner self in a deeper way.
Also, spending some time in nature and observing the sound, the air, the smells etc. mindfully can give you peace of mind.
Q.7 What is your favorite mantra or quote that inspires you every day for working hard with firm dedication and constant motivation?
A 7. I follow my own healing mantra:
Pause. Breathe. Heal.
This is the mantra that I have been using for calming down my anxious mind. It’s been more than two years since I am used to this. Whenever I feel anxious, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and chant these three words. I feel calm after some moments.
There is a quote from my first book You Are Blooming that I wrote while I was about to quit writing the book for the chaotic situation all around me. But reminded of the chaos that I was going through, my dream of being an author and the hard work I was doing to make my dream come true, I restored my faith in myself and gained back resilience. This quote is my strength whenever I feel low.
“Every moment, every day, you inspire yourself in such a way that the universe feels proud of your immortal flame of inspiration.”
The universe is proud of you, isn’t it an empowering thought itself? This is how I gather my inspiration for working towards my dreams.
I had a great experience with this interview. Thank you so much to Swarnali for taking out time and being a part of this initiative.
What are your thoughts? Please share with me!
If you are a health/wellness blogger/Youtuber/ Nutritionists /health book author/ digital content creator in health and wellness industry with some inspiring works to share on, then I would love to feature you in this series.
Drop a mail at ritu,prapanna@gmail.com with your details (blog/book/YouTube channel link with recognized work details)
Harjeet Kaur
Thanks, Surbhj. I know Swarnali but this interview brought out her innermost feelings. This young girl has a great journey ahead. Waiting for your next Interview.
sonu chouhan
Hii …hour’s is very good initiative..it brings all like minded people to knwo each other .through your post i got to know her and i followed her .
The Champa Tree
Rightly mentioned, it is important to practice mindfulness in everyday lifestyle to get a perfect hold of it. The idea of 30- Day self care calendar is truly intriguing.
Swarnali, have very calming effect in her posts and that can come through practise, good to know more about her through this interview.
It was so lovely to read about Swarnali, whom I consider a good blogging friend. This is an amazing series you’re doing Surbhi… It really shines light on those who truly deserve it!
Swarnali Nath
Thank you so much Dr. Surbhi for featuring my interview here in this series. I feel honored and blessed to be here, among the other eminent personalities in the Health and Wellness field. Thanks to all the wonderful readers who are my dear friends. Much gratitude everyone. ?