Author Interviews part 1: Meet Roma Gupta Sinha ( Author of Soft Strings of my heart) & MeenalSonal Mathur ( Author of Lessons from Nature)!

Hi everyone,
Last week, I had shared 5 amazing book recommendations from #Blogchatterebook carnival 2022. And I am glad that you liked my suggestions. I am sure just like me, you also had a curiosity to know more about the amazing authors you had written these incredible books.
So, I am here to share the hard work and authoring journey of these talented eBook authors with all of you.
Sharing short interviews in next two posts, to let you know more about the authors and their inspiring pathways to bring these awesome books to us.
Here is the first part of series. Read on to know about the authoring journey of Roma Gupta Sinha (Author of Soft strings of my heart) and Meenal & Sonal Mathur (Author of Lessons from Nature Concise Environmentopedia Goodies).
Author interview series
Meet the Roma Gupta Sinha (Author of Soft strings of my heart)

Q.1 This is your 7th book in a row for #Blogchatterebookcarnival. I am sure this must be an overwhelming feeling for you. Please share more about this amazing journey? What was the overall experience? How are you feeling after accomplishing this incredible achievement?
A. 1 It is quite exhilarating. I never thought I can do this for straight seven years but as if it was the blessings of some supreme power which made me keep pouring out my heart each year and my 7 books got released just like some happy dreams. I still have to pinch myself to check I did it despite every possible thing going wrong. I remember the second year I got third degree burns over my face and right hand in a bizarre accident, while I would have given up writing then instead writing helped me heal better. It is therapeutic to me. It is for me beyond my words can describe. It is like breathing. It is my go-to when I am most happy as well as when I am most sad and also for everything in between. This journey has been beautiful and extremely enriching. It has taught me immensely and also aided me carve whatever little name I have in the industry.
Q. 2 Tell us something more about this year’s eBook “Soft strings of my heart”. What was the real reason and inspiration behind picking this unique (and somewhat forgotten) genera “Poetry”?
A.2 Poetry is perennial. It is the closest to my heart. I have been composing from a very young age. My emotions have a way of flowing out as poetic compositions and calming me this way. ‘Soft Strings of My Heart’ are my compositions over decades at different juncture in the journey of life. I wanted the chosen few to be at one place and hence this book. It actually was born in my mind a couple of years ago. I am glad it eventually got published.
Q. 3 Can you share with us something about the book that is not in the blurb? Any snippets or any special poetry that is close to your heart?
A. 3 Perhaps I would have never said this explicitly but my mom is my inspiration behind my desire to write and let the world hear my voice. Despite of being highly educated she did not lead the life she deserved and died prematurely. I still don’t know why such a strong lady never raised her voice but she raised me strong enough to raise my voice for myself, for her and many others like her. My poems for her or inspiring a change are thus the closest to my heart.
Q.4 Who are the ideal readers of your book? (What can readers expect from this year’s book “Soft strings of my heart?)
A.4 This book is for every human being who loves delving in life’s journey and learn from it. Readers surely can expect lots of love, raw emotions, sincere longings and life lessons here. I really hope they like it. I write for myself to give me peace, calmness and contentment and my aim to transfer the same always to the readers through my work. I am yet to discover the art of writing for others, I am such a severe critic of myself that so far in over two decades of writing I am yet to satisfy myself(honest)
Q.5 What is your most Favorite and what is your least favourite part of publishing a book?
A.5 My most favourite part is writing the manuscript and letting the characters interact in my brain, it is so much fun to agree to one and not to the other at 4 a.m. in the morning, when I write. Least favourite are the mechanical non creative tasks of getting the book baby go live. I am very lazy in marketing my books too and I sure need to work on it.
Q.6 Among all your books, which one was most enjoyable to write? Which one is your most favourite?
A. 6 Well, a mom can never pick a favourite child and so I can’t pinpoint one but all 7 of my works have given me unparalleled joys of different kinds as they are all from different genres barring two Romances. In general, I love weaving life into words and love stories are my favourite to pen. They occur naturally to me. I still do cherish a dream of penning a masterpiece love saga series.
Q.7 What is the most surprising thing you have learnt or discovered while writing your books?
A.7 I have learned that our experiences impact our writing and our writing in turn influences our lives in a great way too and this is a beautiful bi-directional phenomenon that we writers exclusively experience. I thus build up a lot of happiness and positivity in my works so that the same rubs on me. The rougher the sea of life gets, the wider I smile and I had got better at this art during the course of my evolution as an author. I still feel I have miles to go before I sleep.
Q. 8 What advice would you give to first time authors who are starting their author journey with this year’s #BlogchatterEbook carnival?
A.8 I would say this truly is a very special opportunity Blogchatter has conferred upon you, make the most of it, give it your best shot, it is the closest you can get to do a dry run of your dream book you wish to get published and yes always and always follow your heart. Seek help when the need be but use your brain over and above everything.
I had a great time while learning more about Roma’s inspiring journey to write this eBook. Now, let’s move on to meet second amazing author duo Meenal & Sonal Mathur (author of lessons from Nature Concise Environmentopedia Goodies)
Meet Meenal & Sonal Mathur Author of Lessons from Nature Concise Environmentopedia Goodies!

Q. 1 This is your 4th book for #Blogchatterebookcarnival. I am sure this must be an overwhelming feeling for you. Please share more about this amazing journey? What was the overall experience? How are you feeling after accomplishing this incredible achievement?
A. 1 Publishing an eBook has always been a special experience and this year it is even more special as we are writing on the nature theme. Consolidating the chapters under the theme was an enriching experience for both of us.
Q. 2 Tell us something more about this year’s eBook “Lessons from Nature: Concise Environmentopedia Goodies”. What was the real reason and inspiration behind picking this unique theme for writing your 4th eBook?
A. 2 Being keen observers, we always wondered how nature subtly teaches us a lesson and conveys a message that gets overlooked in the race called life. Humans need constant reminders of the life lessons and to bring newness we interlinked nature and life lessons as we were actively writing about the Environment for the past three years.
Q. 3 Can you share with us something about the book that is not in the blurb? Any snippets or any particular chapter that is close to your heart?
A. 3 The chapters in the book are arranged in a manner where one can choose to read any chapter at any point in time and in the future whenever you see that natural element, we are sure you are going to relate it to this book. ‘Earnest Gravity’ and ‘Discrete Yeast’ chapters are our favourite, as now when we re-read the chapters, we are happy with the way it has taken shape.
Q.4 Who are the ideal readers of your book? (What can readers expect from this year’s book “Lessons from Nature: Concise Environmentopedia Goodies?)
A.4 Lessons can be learned by anyone ready to accept the change for good and discover the surprising connection between nature and humans.
Q.5 What is your most Favorite and what is your least favourite part of publishing a book?
A.5 Our favourite part is writing the blurb where we have to convey about the book yet keep the suspense so that readers pick a book. Our least favourite is promoting the book, it is like an extension of the task when everything is done but we know if work has to be showcased to a wider audience we have to talk and share it with the world.
Q. 6 Among all your books, which one was most enjoyable to write? Which one is your
most favourite?
A.6 It is like picking which child is favourite to a mother. As this is the most recent one, the 4th book ‘Lessons from Nature’ is our favourite as it deals with a subject less explored by the readers.
Q. 7 What advice would you give to first time authors who are starting their author journey with this year’s #BlogchatterEbook carnival?
A.7 We congratulate the authors for taking the courage and time to put across their thoughts into the book and showcasing it to the world. Advice would be, refinement is the key, and progressing with the book while taking all the critics of the book sportingly.
It was a great experience to know more about Meenal & Sonal’s journey to author this book.
I hope you liked it.
This is all for now. Will share few more author interviews in next part of this post. Stay tuned.
Knowing Roma from last 15 years and more, one thing is for sure she wins the heart is her pure dedication towards her any job.Congratulations on new book!!
sonu chouhan
I always loved meenal sonal posts and have got something or the other to learn ..and your interview a are very interesting and make a reader to read the whole post .
Sindhu Vinod Narayan
Both the authors are gifted. I’ve read their books previously and I’m sure I will this year too
Rajshree Sawant
I have read her books in the past and really enjoyed them. Glad I got to know the thought process and the mind behind those books too now.
Roma and Meenal Sonal are such hardworking and inspiring bloggers! They’re consistent and always create amazing content. Great knowing more about them through you. Thanks!
Thanks Surbhi for featuring us on your blog and writing review for our book. Roma, our blogging friend has always surprised us the immense love for writing; we also like the personal touch that is given in her books.
Afreen Ansari
Roma and Meenal Sonal both have an amazing way of getting their message across. This was an insightful blog
Roma and MeenalSonal are amazing bloggers and authors too. Would love to read their books and thanks for letting us know more about their books. Good to know more about them through your post.
Harjeet Kaur
I like the way you interview the author and not just write a review. The author can best interpret the book they have written. Great job, Surabhi
Ishieta Chopra
Both the books and all three authors just sound like such interesting people and the books also sound promising. id love to read these and really expand my own perceptions as reading others points of views is always interesting food for thought.