
#Mentalhealthawarenessmonth- 5 Effective ways to improve your mental health!

Mental health awareness month

 Do you know May is the “Mental health Awareness month”? According to Wikipedia, Mental health awareness month has began in the USA in year 1949.

During this month, there are various events and activities are planned with an aim to spread awareness among people about different aspect of mental health.

Despite being technologically advanced, our society still has a conservative approach towards mental health problem. talking about mental illnesses is taboo in various Asian communities. and people often feel hesitate to share and discuss their mental problems with others because of fear of being get judged by people in our surrounding community.

  Mental health is as important as our physical health and  flexing your emotional muscles is crucial to remain resilient and healthy in everyday life. Taking good care of your mental health can boost your mood, self-confidence and can add a positive effect on your overall enjoyment of life.   Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence.

Unfortunately, mental health is an ignored aspect of our everyday life.

As May is the month of ” Mental health awareness month”, I would like to contribute some goodness from my side to this noble motive.

Being a responsible physician and lifestyle blogger, I will request you to pay enough attention to your mental health.  there are simple things that we can adopt as a part of our routine life to improve our mental health.     

Here are the 5 effective ways to improve your mental health.

Adopt a healthy life style

Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health. Be sure to adopt a healthy life style that includes:

  •     Eat healthy, nutritious and balanced meal with plenty of fruits, vegetable and whole grains- a healthy diet will help to keep your immune system healthy and you will be better able to cope up with routine stress
  •    Regular exercise has numerous benefits for our physical as well as mental health. It increases level of serotonin and endorphin (feel good hormones) and helps in decrease the depression, anxiety and stress. It also helps in improving mood.
  •    Get enough sleep, lots of mental illnesses often associated with sleep deprivation. Maintain an ideal temperature of room, practice a calming sleep routine such as read a good book, and take a bath, mediation for few minutes, are some easy ways to improve your sleep quality.
  •   Always keep a check on your mental stress level.

Value yourself

  Value yourself and having a sense of self-compassion is the second important thing that improves mental health. It is one of the most critical aspects of life. It is must to give same kindness and care to ourselves that we did give to a good friend. If you don’t love, cherish and value yourself than it is unlikely that you will dedicate time and energy to living to living a healthy, happy and productive life. So, for improving the mental health, it is must to:       

  •   Value yourself; treat yourself with kindness and respect
  • Avoid self-criticism. 
  • Plan realistic goals in your life.
  • Always try to take out some quality time to yourselves      
  • Focus or develop a hobby, do whatever you want to do

Gratitude should be attitude

 It is all right to have plans, desires and ambitions in life but having a self-contentment is equally important. Life is much better when we acknowledging the brighter side. Expressing and practicing gratitude always help in improve mental well-being. Most of us often forget to be grateful for various blessings that God has given us.    Track gratitude and achievements with a journal is a good idea to get started. Include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish each day will help you to develop a sense of gratitude for your blessings. And also improve your overall mental health too.

Learn stress relieving techniques

Stress is an integral part of our everyday life. and constant stress has a negative impact on our mental health. Stress-relieving techniques like yoga and meditation have long been coveted. More modern techniques have seen considerable popularity, with people looking on sites such as Perfect Plant for something to smoke that relieves mental stress whilst helping with overall mental wellbeing.

  •   Again regular exercise, even a simple 30 minutes walking per day can help you to reduce stress and boost mood.   
  •    Explore stress relieving programs such as tai-chi, meditation, yoga, gentle breathing exercise.  Relaxation techniques often combine breathing and focused attention on pleasing thoughts and images to calm the mind and the body. A scheduled regular time for these and other relaxing activities always helps in improving the mental health.
  • Take a nature walk, nature has amazing healing power. Being close to nature is the easiest way to get de-stressed.
  •  Talk to your family, friends and stay connected with the people who understand your sentiments and helps you in recovering from low days.
  •    Practice mindfulness, the true treasure of life lies in sweet, tiny moments. So try to stay in moments, forget unnecessary worries and anxieties and enjoy the true essence of life.

Ask for help

Do not hesitate to ask for help. talk with your friends and family members, proper help and correct time can resolve many mental problems and you can lead a mentally healthy life with peace and comfort. This is especially important when you consider that stress can be a big part of many health conditions later in life. One that affects men commonly is erectile dysfunction, which can be brought on in part by stress. Conditions like this doubly highlight the importance of getting help, including that offered by professionals at an ED Clinic North Fresno (or elsewhere more relevant) in order to reverse the effects of poor mental health and other factors which can make you feel worse.

 Additional Tips

  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Volunteer your time and energy to help someone else.
  •   Break the monotonous routine by doing simple changes such as go to a different park or try another cuisine for dinner.   
  •   Work on your strength to build self-confidence and courage.  Keep an optimistic approach towards life.
  •    Take the help of creativity (coloring, drawing, and writing) to get de-stressed.    
  • Take time to laugh, laughter is the best medicine. It reduces routine aches, pain and anxiety level.    
  • Use social media wisely, get disconnected time to time to avoid constant mental pressure.   
  • Spend some time in sunshine to get enough vitamin D (It believes it is a mood elevator)   
  • Practice forgiveness.   
  • Enjoy a relaxing bath or spa to relieve stress.   Avoid alcohol, smoking or other drugs

So these are some incredibly effective ways to improve your mental health. Which one you liked most? How do you take care of your mental health? Please share!  

My dear friend Roma from ( is also running an informative series on her blog on same theme “Mental health awareness”. Please check out her blog to read her amazing posts. 


  • Mummasaurus

    These are some fantastic tips! Being a psychologist, these are quite the same list that I recommend to my clients. I also recommend them to consume social media more wisely.

  • alpanadeo

    Self care is very important. When we feel good and confident from within, it reflects on our behavior. Along with the tips you have mentioned, I also keep a watch on how I am using social media. Social media is addictive and also the culprits of stress and anxiety.

  • Sweetannu

    I really needed these tips because day by day I am getting irritable and losing my patience. I try to exercise three times a week and maintain a gratitude journal.

  • Preeti Chauhan

    We rather used to take our mental health for granted .Thankfully with increasing awareness about mental health , it is no more taboo to discuss it or seek help-. This is a very well written article !

  • Ruchie

    This is really challenging time and we need to understand that mental illness or mental health should be taken seriously …need to talk if you feel you are facing any such situation!!

  • Mayuri6

    I am glad that Mental Health is finally being given it’s due and not being brushed under the carpet like it was earlier. Asking for help is the most important step, and that is where most people fumble. With Bloggers like you writing about it and spreading awareness, i am hopeful that there will be change.

  • Roma

    I totally agree to your recommendations buddy and it such a pleasure being featured on two of your posts my dear. I am glad we are thinking on the same lines and spreading the much needed awareness.

  • Varsh

    Mental health needs to be taken seriously now of all times. I liked these simple and yet effective tips you suggested. Gratitude always helps!

  • freemindtree

    Indeed these are great tips for a good mental state. It is great that you have taken this initiative to write about mental health. Adopting a healthy lifestyle and asking for professional help should surely help.

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