#BlogchatterA2Z, “S” Self hair Care routine for girls( with 2 easy hair mask DIYs)

The journey of blog chatter has reached to week 4”, and I am so excited to write the first post for last week.
In this post,” I am sharing an interesting topic that is related to a self-care routine. As “S”, I am sharing “Self hair care routine for girls, with two easy DIY hair masks”. I hope you like it.
Self-care should be integral part of everyone’s routine. Taking out a proper time to follow a “Self-care ritual” not only helps in relieving mental and physical stress but refreshes and rejuvenates as well. I want that my little girls learn the basic of self-care. So in timely manner (usually on weekends) we do these kinds of self-care activities. With these they learn an important aspect of life and we had a great family time together as well.
I have a pretty long hair and my mom used to do a proper hair care routine for my hair. And now, I try to do same thing for my girls. Here are some tips that helps make hair shiny, smooth and beautiful.
- Try to use herbal or natural products for washing hair. Hair products that contain lots of chemicals may cause hair damage and hair fall.
- Massage your hair with Luke warm oil (I use coconut oil) at least once in a week, regular massage helps in proper blood circulation and nourishes your scalp.
- Avoid any kind of harsh and fancy treatment for hair (colouring, perming etc.).
- It may sound little old fashioned, but apply oil to hair even after shampooing. Regular application of oil prevents hair damage and maintains a good habit quality.
- Try to do hair spa at home at least 1-2 time in month.
Doing hair spa at home is very easy and as a basic step you can do it by Appling homemade hair pack at home.
Here I am sharing two easy DIY hair packs that I usually use for my girls.
Hair pack with aloe Vera gel and apple cider vinegar
This is one simple method and you can make this in 10 minute.
- 3-5 tablespoon coconut oil
- 2-3 spoon aloe Vera gel
- 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
- Take a bowl and add Luke warm coconut oil in it.
- Now add all other things one by one
- Mixed it properly
- Apply on scalp and hair properly
- Leave it for 20-30 minutes and then wash the hair as usual
- You will get an amazing shiny hair after using this hair pack. Apple cider vinegar helps in removing dandruff or other minor scalp infections too.
- watch the video for tutorial:
Second pack
Banana hair pack
Banana has amazing therapeutic properties and rich source of potassium and other minerals. Its use as a main ingredients helps in making your hair strong, healthy and shiny.
- 2-3 bananas (as per length of your hair)
- Honey or glycerine 1-2 tsp
- Lemon 1-2 tsp
- Coconut or olive oil 1-2 tsp
- Mash the banana properly and take the mixture of banana in a bowl
- Now add all other ingredients one by one
- Now apply this mixture properly on scalp
- You may wear shower cap after Appling mixture
- Keep it one for 20-330 minutes
- Then wash your hair properly as usual
- You will get smooth, shiny hair after using this pack
But this hair pack application has one drawback. I had tried this hair pack few days ago, and get the shiny hair but chunks of banana are hard to take off from hair easily. So keep this point in mind.
So this is all for today’s post. Will share another interesting post tomorrow as “T” . Stay tuned!
I am going to try both these hair packs for sure. Thank you for another one of your great posts.
trying it supersoon! Loved it
A great advice for young girls with long hair.
I’m definitely going to try both these hair packs. Thanks for sharing!
I love the DIY homemade skin and hair care products, effective and absolutely safe. Thanks for sharing the DIY
Neha Sharma
Another superb DIY. Kudos to you guys. I have tried a pack with banana once but this apple cider vinegar and aloe gel sounds totally new. I will try both these.
Vartika Mehrotra Gakhar
Awesome hair packs Surbhi, I will try soon