Book review

#Bookreview-“Anaya and I – My Journey to Motherhood”-A Book by Manisha Garg

Blogchatter e book review program is offering so much to me. Each day with this either I is learning new things or reading exciting personal stories about different aspect of life (from travel, to women empowerment and parenting…)?

After reading and reviewing Dr. Amrita’s  fruit for life and Vartika’s “Travel my way”, recently I had gotten a chance to read and review Manisha garg’s “Anaya and me- My journey to motherhood”. Because of interesting narration, I had finished the book in one sitting and now, I am super excited to share my honest review for the book. Hoping you would like it.

Book name– Anaya and I, my journey to motherhood

Author– Manisha garg

Genre- Parenting

Rating- 4/5


As the name suggested, the book is all about author’s first time motherhood journey. The book begins with positive test report of her first pregnancy that followed by her experiences and struggles in second and third trimester of pregnancy. The beautiful and vivid journey of pregnancy reached at beautiful destination with the arrival of baby “Anaya”. In last few chapters, she has also shared new born rituals, and her early motherhood experience. All and all the book is a roller coaster ride that will make you laugh and sometimes make you cry and overemotional.

I had an amazing reader experience while reading this book. Here are few things that I really liked it.

Why this book is so special and unique?         

Selection of the theme

Being a mother is most creative crowing experience of any women’s life. It is a journey that is incredibly magical. Nothing could be more mesmerizing than this beautiful journey of 9 months where a woman reborn again. Despite facing so many physical, mental and emotional changes, this journey is most rewarding and fulfilling experience of life. Holding a new born in your arm after a long waiting period of 9 months is most amazing feeling in the world. Also, it gives an immense pleasure and satisfaction to read or feel this amazing journey as a reader.

I am so glad that Manish has selected this theme to write her debut book. I am very sure she must have a fulfilling and satisfying experience while narrating her motherhood journey. And as a reader too, it was equally emotional and heart-warming experience for me. So, the selection of this great theme is first point that makes this book really special and heart touching.

Excellent presentation style

The book is not only about selecting a great theme but it is also about presenting it beautifully as well. Of course, it requires a sort of extraordinary talent and narration skill to tell a story that touches reader’s heart. And Manish possess that all qualities, she has shared her pregnancy struggles (from uterus fibroid to kidney stone detection) with such an engaging personal narration that I could feel her pain as a reader. After reading first few chapters, you become her partner in her pregnancy journey. You want and pray that hope everything goes well and she blessed with the beautiful gift of motherhood.

I had felt a personal connection too with her

As I said earlier, she has a complicated pregnancy and she had narrated all these ups downs so well in the book. Coincidently I too have a similar kind of experience in my first pregnancy and had faced so many difficult moments during 9 month of period. While reading this book, sometimes I had felt that I am reading my own pregnancy and motherhood story. I had gotten goose bumps when her journey reached the beautiful destination and she becomes a mom to lovely princess “Anaya”.  And I had recalled the birth of my daughter “Angel”, while reading this chapter.

I think the establishment of this personal connection is another reason why I loved this book so much.

Loved the end message too

I am sure you all would be agreeing that success of any story depends on an enriching climax. And this book is a beautiful ending too with an inspiring message. In last few chapters, she has raised few questions and concerns about how people offer unwanted parenting advice? Or how they judge you about your decision. Also, she has share a concern about new moms too. I am absolutely agreed with all her concerns. And indeed, people should keep these things in mind while visiting new mom and their family.

As an icing of cake, the end chapter is written by her husband where he has shared some excellent tips of new dads. With this end message, the book becomes an excellent combo of personal story with inspiring message.


As a conclusion I would say, “The book is a great emotional motherhood journey of the author. Because of excellent narrations, you will feel the each and every emotion as she had felt during her motherhood journey. And at the end you will learn a lot too, with her personal experience”

I had a great time while reading this book. And I would highly recommend this book to everyone. I am sure you would not be disappointed.

The book is available for free download for a limited time. You can download your copy here

Note- this book is a part of Blogchatter ebook review program hosted by Blogchatter. You can know more about it here

One Comment

  • mahekg

    You have summed the message I wanted to share so beautifully with your words. Thanks so much for reading it and sharing your views, it really means a lot to me. ?

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