
My Amazing Experience with #MyfriendAlexa (Last post)

My experience with #Myfriendalexa
My experience with #MyfriendAlexa


Finally, this beautiful journey has reached its most awaited destination.

Now, the day has come to say bid adieu to #MyfriendAlexa (the most amazing blogging campaign)

This is my post 8, and in this post, I am excited to share my experience of first participation of #MyfriendAlexa.

As we all know, #Myfriendalexa is a month-long campaign hosted by @Blogchatter, consist of writing 8 posts in 1 month( 2 weekly), and reading of average 8-10 blog posts daily. The primary purpose of this campaign is not only taking your blog next level and increase in Alexa rank but improve your writing, reading skills as well.

I remember, in the year 2017, I had missed this blogging campaign. So this year, I was so excited and eagerly waiting for its next season.

And luckily the season announcement happens, when I had launched my new blog.

I was already in process to write and share something informative on this new platform and arrival of #Myfriendalexa has given me the exact opportunity.

I felt instantly that it is the perfect campaign to share my thoughts and area of expertise with my readers and amazing blogging community.

Here are few highlighting factors of my first participation of #MyfriendAlexa.

First time I had selected an awareness theme dedicated to my niche

Yes! This is my first achievement. Though I am a certified homoeopathic therapist but currently I am not in active practice. Sometimes, I really feel that I should serve a community with my skills and expertise. In fact, since last so many days I had written any specific post dedicated to my primary niche.  Writing health-related articles always give me immense satisfaction and happiness.

With #MyfriendAlexa, I had gotten that chance perfectly.

I had selected “Diabetes awareness theme” for this amazing campaign.

I had done lots of hard work with complete dedication, to make this series valuable and informative.

As nowadays diabetes is one of the major lifestyle diseases that affect the larger number of population. This is the number one cause of blindness and premature death. And being aware is the only key to prevent complications and mortality.

  • I had thought #MyfriendAlexa is a perfect platform to raise awareness about this dreading disease.
  • I had done lots of research work to share authentic info with readers about the disease.
  • Luckily I got the great rewards for my hard work and dedication.
  • Most of the readers and amazing blogger friends liked my theme and series so much.
  • They had praised me a lot for all of my hard work.
  • They found the articles in this series informative and valuable.

And at the some level, I felt that my series is getting the exact thing that I want “Raising awareness about the Diabetes”.

I had gotten the amazing support of the blogging community

You know, being a writer sometime could be very isolating. And I had felt that isolation so many times in previous years.

But when I had extended my writing journey to blogging journey, and join blogchatter, things have changed for me.

I got an amazing support of blogging community. Blogchatter is a really amazing platform to get connected with like-minded bloggers and writers. They organized so many weekly activities like twitter chat, FB live, where you can learn a lot. And at the same time, you can make lots of good friends too.

With the support of blogchatter I was already learning a lot. And now, #MyfriendAlexa had given the same opportunity again with the great format.

With #MyfriedAlexa, I had gotten a chance to get connected with other bloggers. I had explored various new blogs and fabulous bloggers. During this journey, the support from blog chatter and blogging community is outstanding and cannot be described in the words.

My writing and reading skill improved amazingly

Of course, blogging is not just about writing. It is all about writing, reading, and communicating with the world, through the power of words. And every blogger wants that he/she excel in each area of it.

Unfortunately, during routine hectic days, most of us bloggers face the struggle with consistent writing and reading. Many of us never pay enough attention to our blogging networking.

  •  With #MyfriendAlexa, all these areas of blogging improve drastically and in very less time.
  • With this, I got a flow to write 2 posts weekly and reading average 8-10 posts daily.
  • This consistent writing and reading have improved my both skills wonderfully.
  • I had learnt a lot from reading other blogger’s blog.
  • This thing has expanded my blogging networking too.

My blog rank improvement

Last but not the least, #MyfriendAlexa has done really the miracle to my blog rank. My new blog is just 2 months old and here is the old rank of my blog (before the campaign started)

Global rank- 6100149

India rank- 259960

And here is the latest rank: global 996, 511 and India rank is 38,432

my rank
my rank

With this result, I am so happy and excited.


As a conclusion I will say, that with this series

  • I had completed a Nobel mission “to raise awareness about diabetes”
  • My reading, writing, and overall blogging skills improved amazingly.
  • I had expanded my blogging networking
  • I had learnt a lot in various aspect of blogging
  • My blog rank has reached the new level

I will surely participate in next season of #MyfriendAlexa

And I will highly recommend that every blogger should participate in every upcoming season of #MyfriendAlexa. It will work like a miracle for your blog.

As the last word,” I want to say a big thank you to blog chatter, and all my readers, and blogging friends who had appreciated my efforts. I am so grateful to them for their amazing support and love”

Do you know, Blogchatter project season 2 is coming soon? I had participated in season 1. Blogchatter want to document your season 1 experience? I will share my experience in next post. If you had participated, please share yours? And if not, get ready to register yourself for this next awesome campaign.

if you had missed previous part of this series, click here for part 1

part 2

part 3

“I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with  Blogchatter. (





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