Health,  MyFriendAlexa

“Diabetes Awareness”- All you Need to Know About Diabetes (The Silent Killer) – Theme Reveal #MyFriendAlexa

Diabetes awareness, MyfriendAlexa. themereveal

Finally, the wait is over and it is the time to get started with #MyFriendAlexa, the god of all blogging campaign hosted by Blogchatter.

I am so excited to be a part of #MyFriendAlexa. It is my first participation and I am nervously excited about it. I am saying it, so proudly that,

#MyfriendAlexa is a month-long campaign that is honoured as  India’s first and world’s second blogging campaign based on Alexa rank and its associated tools.

The campaign is not only about generating good quality content for your blog, but it is also about building an amazing blogging community and taking your blog to greater heights.

What is Alexa rank?

Alexa is a unique rank for each website. No two websites can have the same, Alexa. It is a more contemporary and fast-moving way to gauge website traffic.

Why is Alexa rank so important?

Of course Alexa rank has great importance. As the blogchatter and Alexa website describe “Because it is more than just a traffic rank you know and love from its early days. Checking website traffic and rank is the basis for uncovering actionable ideas to grow your business”.

After learning the importance of Alexa rank, and the uniqueness of this blogging campaign, I am really thrilled to be a part of it.

I want to make this series memorable not only for my blog but for my readers as well.

My writing hashtag is #LearnWithShubhi and reading hashtag is #Surbhireads.

Before moving ahead I want to say, thanks a lot to Blogchatter for organizing this grand blogging festival. I am sure we all bloggers will learn a lot from each other. it would be an awesome enriching learning experience for us that will help us a lot to take our blog at greater heights.

This series is consist of the regular writing of 8 blog posts (twice in a week, for one month)

And every day reading of lots of other blog.

It is a great opportunity to find out new blogs for reading and making a strong networking among the blogging community.

Of course, I am really looking forward to seeing all these positive impacts of this grand blogging campaign for my blog, and I am sure it will help a lot to improve my writing, reading and networking skills.

Another side, I also want to utilize this chance to share something useful and informative, with my readers and co-blogger friends.

And as a first step, I am revealing the theme for #MyfriendAlexa, in this first post.

My theme for #MyFriendAlexa is “Diabetes Awareness”.

With this series, I am sharing “All you need to know about the “Diabetes- the Silent Killer”.

Diabetes, Diabetes Awareness

This series will provide a deep insight into all aspects of diabetes that includes its pathology, causes, sign and symptoms, type of diabetes, diagnosis, treatment, management, and complications of diabetes. I am trying to include a detailed guide about lifestyle factors (diabetic diet and exercise) too, in upcoming posts. Also, I will include the alternative therapies option for diabetes (like homeopathy and home remedies) in series.

As we all know, Diabetes is a long-lasting chronic disease that affects how our body turns food into the energy, resulting in raised blood glucose level and other sets of symptoms. It is also called “The Silent Killer” and no. 1 cause of kidney failure, lower limb amputation and adult-onset blindness. Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for diabetes. It can be managed with proper medication and lifestyle changes (diet and exercise). Being aware and educated is the only key to prevent diabetic complications and increase life expectancy.

Why had I chosen this theme?

There are two prominent reasons behind it.

Diabetes management requires awareness

Yes! It is true that the success of diabetes treatment mainly depends on knowledge and awareness of information about how to manage diabetes. In fact, scientific studies confirm that “Diabetes education and knowledge to control and treat diabetes at right time can minimize the chances to develop complications of diabetes and thus reduce the morbidity and mortality in diabetic”.

So, with this series, I am trying to take a small step from my side to raise awareness for all aspects of diabetes (prevention, treatment, management), and hoping this information will help in spreading awareness about the disease.

I have a strong family history of diabetes

The second reason, I had a strong family history of diabetes (my father is diabetic) and I had seen all the ups and downs of diabetic people so closely in my life. I do understand the importance of “being aware” in the treatment and prevention of this disease.

I know diabetes management is not as easy as seems. And along with this set of physical symptoms, diabetic people often suffer from mental symptoms (like depression) too.

So, this is another reason, I want to help others who are dealing with the same kind of stage in their disease.

And hoping this information will help a lot to treat and manage diabetic symptoms.

Though I had done enough scientific research to make this information valuable and authentic. Still, it is not a substitute for a medical advice. Always take a professional advice before making any changes to your diet, exercise and medication schedule.

Here is the list of topics that I will be sharing in all upcoming weeks.

Here are proposed topics that I will be sharing in all upcoming posts.

  • Diabetes- causes, sign and symptoms, types and pathology
  •  Diagnosis, Treatment and complications of Diabetes
  • Top 10 Home Remedies for Diabetes
  • Top 10 exercise for diabetes
  • 6 healthy and tasty snaking ideas for Diabetic people
  • 5 Healthy Dinner ideas for Diabetes
  • How to help a family member who is suffering from Diabetes
  • Homeopathy and diabetes

So stay tuned, for this informational series and feel free to ask any questions, doubts about the treatment and management and all other aspects of Diabetes mellitus. I will try with my best efforts to resolve them.

Did you want to include any other important aspect of diabetes in that series (that I had missed). please let me know, in the comment box. I will surely try to incorporate it in my series.

Until then, Eat healthy, live well!

“I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with  Blogchatter. (

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