5 Healthy and tasty oats recipes for better health & improve metabolism!
Oats might not be the first choice of grain that you want to eat in breakfast or other main meals. some people did not like the taste of oats, while some did not like the texture of oats. however, from nutrition point of view, oats is one of the highly nutritious grain that offers many health benefits. It is a complex carbohydrate that has an impressive nutritional profile. It is a great source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. What does science says? Scientific studies suggested that oats are a great choice of grain for people who are suffering from diabetes. It helps in controlling and managing increased sugar level effectively. …
Baked Oats ( TikTok Inspired): An interesting recipe to enjoy oats as a breakfast!
Oats is a complex carbohydrate that is famed worldwide for its impressive nutritional profile. Oats are highly nutritious and considered as one of the best options for healthy breakfast. Benefits of eating oats as a breakfast Eating oats in breakfast offers many health benefits. Such as: It is incredibly nutritious and rich source of minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. Oats is also high in fiber and low in calories. It is one of the nutrient dense foods that you can enjoy in breakfast. Because of high fiber content, oats help in keeping you full for longer, that’s why consider as a great option for those who want to lose weight. Oats is also considered as a best…
#BlogchatterA2Z- “O”- Oats with curd- A healthy 5 minute meal for busy weekdays!
Its day 15 of #BlogchatterA2Z and we had reached on alphabet “O”. As “O”, the first healthy ingredient that comes in our mind is, of course “Oats”. Oats is one of the most common and healthy food items that used as a breakfast in many households. It is a complex carbohydrate and contain so many vital nutrients like vitamin and good amount of fiber. It has lots of health benefits for our health. Health benefits of Oats Oats boost energy and good for our immune system. it also helps in preventing diabetes and cancer. also, consider a great food option for weight loss process. So, in this post I am…