Health,  MyFriendAlexa

#MyfriendAlexa- Pros and Cons of Homeopathy!

We had reached in the last week of #MyfriendAlexa and I am excited to share second last post for #Incrediblehomeopathy series,

So far, I had tried to cover different important aspect of homeopathy with this series. I hope that these posts might have help you to understand the insight of homeopathy and homeopathic treatment.

As I had mentioned earlier, that homeopathy is a good alternative treatment but it has its own limitation too. so in this post I am sharing some important pros and cons of homeopathy. this point will help you to decide whether homeopathy is a suitable treatment for you or not?

Pros of Homeopathic treatment

  • Homeopathic medicines are safe, gentle, and non-toxic and had no adverse side effects. When these medicines used as directed they are completely safe for every one- including pregnant, nursing women and infants. They are given in such small doses and usually there is less chances of side effects.
  • Homeopathic medicines come from a range of natural substances which can be either plant, mineral or animal based. And these natural substances make it safe and gentle to use.  These ingredients available in medicine enable the body to heal the problems naturally.
  • Homeopathy Cures a disease from the root and gives long lasting to permanent cure. According to homeopathic principle, diseases occur because of imbalance of elements present insides our immune system and deranged our vital force. The imbalance of body’s element reduces the efficiency of our body to fight against the disease causing organisms and leads to several health issues. Homeopathy treats a patient on both physical and psychological level and helps in curing a disease from root instead of just treating the symptoms.
  • Homoeopathic medicines are administered in the form of the tiny sweet globule. Every one accept it very well, even they loved it.
  • Homeopathic medicines increase immunity and resistance power. According to homoeopathic principle, when a person suffers from any disease his vital force (resistance power) get deranged. When an indicated homoeopathic medicine is administered it acts on the vital force of the body and make it stronger. Then this stronger vital force eliminates the disease force. Thus, our inner resistance power is increased. By this way, it is an excellent method of curing a disease.
  • Homeopathic medicines are believed to be safe when used with other medicines. Although homoeopathic remedies should not replace conventional treatment for serious health concerns, but they can be used as an alternative option.
  • Last but not the least homoeopathic remedies are typically inexpensive and radially available. Therefore, they provide an affordable approach to healing.

Cons of Homeopathic treatment

  • There is lack of enough scientific evidence to support homeopathy as an effective treatment for any specific disease condition. In fact, several key concepts of homoeopathy are inconsistent with fundamental concepts of chemistry and physics. This thing creates so many significant challenges in carrying out the clinical research and efficacy of homeopathic remedies.
  • Homeopathic treatments are completely individualized and there is no uniform prescribing standard for physicians to treating any disease condition.
  • In some case it may take a long time to work, and you have to be patient while taking this treatment.
  • We cannot rely on homeopathy medicines for treating a serious, emergency contains or surgical cases. It could be dangerous and life threatening.

 As a parent and as a physician I had always observed the good results with homoeopathy. Do you have an experience with the homoeopathic treatment? Do not forget to share with us, in the comment box. Until then eat healthy and live well.

I am taking my blog to next level with #MyfriendAlexa season 4 hosted by Blogchatter.


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