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5 Basic embroidery stitches for beginners- A quick recap with easy video tutorials!

Basic embroidery stitches

Hi everyone,

Excited to share a quick recap of our latest creative series, “Embroidery for beginners”.  

I am not sure how many of you have watched our “YouTube video tutorials” for “Embroidery for beginners’ series”, so with this post, I am sharing a quick recap of “5 Basic embroidery stitches” with video tutorial links.  

Read the post to know more! 

5 Basic embroidery stitches for beginners

5 basic embroidery stitches
5 Basic embroidery stitches

These are:  

  • Running stitch 
  • Back stitch 
  • Fly stitch  
  • Cross stitch
  • Satin stitch  

First, let’s get started with “Running Stitch” 

Running stitch 

Running stitch
Running stitch

Running stitch is one of the easiest and basic stitch. It is used in both sewing and embroidery as a basic stitch to learn. It is also useful for sewing two fabrics all together. For making this, it is best to draw a straight line on fabric with the help of pen or pencil. Now, take your needle and thread and make an up down moment with needle to make a running stitch. Repeat the moment again and make next stitch by keeping a regular distance.  

There are many variations for running stitch are also available like whipping running stitch, double running stitch etc. You can learn these variations after learning basic running stitch.  

Here is YouTube tutorial to learn “Running stitch” step by step:  

Back stitch 

Back stitch
Back stitch

The next basic stitch is “back stitch”.  Back stitch is stronger stitch than running stitch and used for stitching two fabrics strongly together. For making “back stitch”, first you need to make a running stitch. After that, there is a change in process for making next stitch.  

 While making next stitch, you need to stab your needle at the lower end of first stitch. In running stitch, we move forward but in back stitch, we make next stitch by putting needle back at the lower end of first stitch.  

Watch the YouTube tutorial to learn “Back stitch” step by step. 

Cross stitch 

cross stitch
Cross stitch

The next basic stitch is “Cross stitch”. Cross stitch is another simple but widely used stitch in embroidery. As the name suggested, it is cross shaped. For making this, first it is best to draw cross shape on fabric with the help of pencil.  

Now, start from the left lower end of one cross and make a stitch in a diagonal direction, next repeat the same way on the other side of “X”. When you complete making stitches on both sides, do not forget to secure the thread on the back of fabric by making a knot. your cross stitch is done.  

Watch the YouTube tutorial to learn “Cross stitch” step by step.  

Fly stitch 

fly stitch
Fly stitch

The next basic embroidery stitch is “Fly stitch”. fly stitch is a basic surface stitch that is used for making fancy borders, tree trunks, intricate leaves and much more. Fly stitch can be worked in the shape of “U”, “V” and “Y”. As the first step, you need to draw the following shapes on your fabric by using a pencil or marker. “V” shape is easy and best for beginners. 

 First draw a “V” shape on your fabric. Next, start from the left side of the “V” and make a stitch by poking a needle on the right side. but while making this stitch, do not pull the thread all the way through, so that you can make a loop at the lower end. Then, pull the needle out and tuck down the loop at the lower end of “V”. with this step, your “V” shaped fly stitch is complete.  

In the same manner, you can make fly stitches with “U” and “Y” shapes. For “U” shape fly stitch, you have to make a loop a little round in shape at the lower end and for “Y” shape fly stitch, you need to make a little stem at the lower end by making a small stitch.  

Watch the video tutorial to learn “Fly stitch” step by step.  

Satin stitch

Satin stitch

 Next easy and basic embroidery stitch is “Satin stitch”. satin stitch is one of the well-known filling stitches. It is used for covering the small areas with smooth and close stitches that lay flat on the fabric. This stitch can be used to fill any shape like leaves, heart and even square.  

It is best to first draw your shape before starting to make stitch. You can use satin stitch for filling various shapes like leaves, heart, and even square. We had learnt this with square shape.  

First, start with the bottom of the left side of the square and make a stitch by poking a needle on the top of the left side of the square. Now, repeat this process from left to right (from bottom to top) direction, until the whole area gets filled in. 

 Make sure to keep your stitches neat and in close proximity for a smooth filling. Also, avoid pulling your thread too tight as it will pull the fabric in and may cause uneven stitches.  

Watch the video tutorial to learn the “Satin stitch” step by step.  

So, this is all for now.  

Hope, you liked the “Embroidery for beginners” series. If you like efforts, please subscribe to our YouTube channel.  

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