#Rakshabandhan special- “Where there is hope, there is life”- A real-life story of courage, faith & hope!

Hi everyone,
Hope you all had a great festive time last week and enjoyed the “Rakshabandan” celebration with your loving family.
For me, last week was pretty emotional and I had missed a lot my brother and whole family. Here in USA, festival time always made me nostalgic and I re-called awesome old memories of celebrating festivals with my family.
For writing this week’s blog post, I had decided to share My brother’s inspiring journey of winning a battle over a serious auto-immune disease, called Ankylosing spondylitis. I believe his journey is truly inspirational and can motivate many people who suffer from serious and life-threatening disease at young age.
Read the post to know more about it!
This whole journey begins with a normal, pleasant life with my parents and my sweet little brother. I love my brother. I believe, the sibling relationship is the most beautiful relationship in the world. He is my greatest gift from God.
I am absolutely blessed to have a loving brother like him who is always by my side to share my ups and downs.
His unconditional love and care are priceless and he is most influential person in my life.
I want to say thank you to him for everything. Having a brother like him make me a happiest person.

Well anyway back to the story, it was the time of early 90s, when we were enjoying a wonderful childhood with many wonderful blessings from God (good grades in school, love and support of loving family and amazing friends, great vacations etc.) . Everything was amazing and life was smooth.
As days became years and we grew up, life has changed and became a little bit challenging. After completing my Bachelor’s degree in the medical field, I got married and he got busy in his new job in aeronautical engineering. We were busy with our lives but still he was my best friend.
Suddenly, the life has turned upside down and time seems to freeze when we have been through the toughest time of our lives.
Unfortunately, we have been in a situation which we had not imagined ever.
It was the most unfortunate moment, when we unexpectedly shattered within few minutes by hearing the final diagnosis of the doctor.
It was 13 years ago; when we had an emotional shock as a family when my healthiest little brother was diagnosed with a severe autoimmune disease called ‘Ankylosing Spondylitis”.
Anger, sadness, frustration and depression…. we were frightened by the intensity of many negative emotions.
Why us? Why is this happening with our family? Were the most obvious questions that came to our mind instantly? It took almost 1 year to make a proper diagnosis of his disease.
Initially, he used to complain about extreme rigidness in all joints of his body, accompanied by a typical cracking sound from joints.
The rigidity was so severe and it was affecting his everyday routine. He was restless and anxious…and so we were too. We had consulted many physicians but they would not able to make a proper diagnosis of his disease.
After consulting so many physicians, at last, a well-known rheumatologist from Pune was able to make a proper diagnosis of his disease (after positive C-reactive protein and Ra factor test). He had explained that Ankylosing Spondylitis is an autoimmune disorder in which all body joints have a tendency to fuse together.
‘Bamboo spine’ is the most dangerous complication of this disease. as the name suggests, the spine will look like a bamboo, all spinal joints fuse together and the diseased person loses mobility in his joints. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this severe form of arthritis. Only proper diet and exercise are the ways that could save diseases person from further complications. We were feeling helpless.
After a period of depression and frustration, I thought we should start a new journey to give a tough fight to this serious auto-immune disease.
I had gathered all information regarding Ankylosing Spondylitis from various sources (online and books) and learnt that only proper diet and exercise can save him from disastrous complications.
My brother had planned a strict healthy diet and exercise routine recommended for Ankylosing Spondylitis. Although there is no special diet that is advised for this condition, but you have to focus on eating healthy and nutritious food and avoid certain foods. He had included:
- The Whole grain especially whole wheat and oatmeal in his diet and eliminated the refined and unhealthy carbs (potato and rice) to maintain an ideal body weight. Maintain an ideal weight is a must for all the diseased persons who suffer from any kind of arthritis.
- He had limited the intake of proteins and dairy products in the routine diet. Because some scientific studies suggested dairy products can cause an increase in inflammation of joints.
- Added plenty of fresh veggies and fruits in the diet to boost the immune system and resistance power of the body.
- A handful of walnut, almonds and pistachios in a diet as they are rich in calcium and vitamin E. these essential nutrients can reduce C – reactive protein level in arthritic patients.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day to clear toxins and excess sodium from the body.
Along with these dietary modifications he had also started a regular and guided exercise routine to overcome the rigidity and stiffness of joints.
As we all know “Hard work and dedication always pay in life”. And the same thing has happened with us.
He has also got a fruitful result with his hard work. Within few months, his joint stiffness got improved and he got a better mobility in joints. He was feeling much better not only physically but mentally as well. His C- reactive protein report was normal and he was again able to perform his daily routines smoothly.
With this result, we were feeling overwhelmed with a viable spirit of optimism, courage and hope. He has proved himself as a “Real life hero”.
Now he is 38 years old and living a healthy and successful life. He has managed his serious disease with diet and exercise, which is truly inspirational and can be a source of motivation for other people who suffer from life-threatening diseases in an early stage of their life.
Now, he always participates in various “Arthritis awareness programs” and motivate others to adopt the healthy lifestyle.
It was an incredible experience of my life when we triumphed over a life-threatening disease together as a family and our relationship just grew stronger with this amazing victory.
Do you have an experience of victory over any life-threatening disease in your family? Did you have seen a “Real life hero” whose story can be a source of inspiration for others? Please share with me.
Alpana Deo
Wow Surbhi. I Rennes you mentioned about him once and shared in brief about his health condition and how he came out of it. But reading the entire experience made me think how much he must have gone through- physically and emotionally. And along with him your entire family.l as well. He truly is a hero.
Archana Srivastava
Glad to witness Another live example of a motivational incident where hard work paid off. An optimistic approach of the whole family is another biggest supportive factor! Completely resonate with that shivering moment of you all specially your brother, who came out as winner against all odds. Touchwood to lovable bond of bro and sis!
There is never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope, and you and your family proved this. Touchwood to this lovable bond of sis & bro. He truly is a hero✌
Sadvika Kylash
Lovely bond between you both. Its amazing to read such writeup and feel immensely happy about.
Sindhu Vinod Narayan
Touchwood to your bond and glad that he recovered Surbhi. May you both enjoy this bond with lots of happiness
Sandy N Vyjay
The bond between siblings is something really special. The story of your brother and his triumph is really very inspiring. The special bond you have with your brother shines through in this post.
I can imagine what a tough time it must have been and kudos to your brother and the family for managing this so well and being an inspiration to others battling the same disease.
I feel so immensely proud of your brother and your family for the positivity with which you faced such a difficult time, Surbhi! He’s indeed very special. May God bless him with a healthy and long life!
First of all congratulations for penning down such a motivational and true story for each one of us reading this post. What I can say is that stay blessed you, your bro and your complete family.
Rakhi Jayashankar
My mother had spondylitis and by Gods grace she is cured after doing Yoga. I never knew that it is curable. Prayers to your brother. Let him have a healthy life ahead
The Champa Tree
Your brother is a fighter. this is such a heart-touching message during the Raksha Bandhan
Wow this is so amazing post about Rakshabandhan special. there is life the real life story of courage, faith & hope and will bless. Life is important and keep sharing and solving. God bless u of both.
Moumita Jana
Wow..such an inspiration..once again your brother’s example proved that without medicine we can be alright with proper diet and exercise routine..I was paralysed for 4 long years ,it may took my teenage but now I am completely a different person, living a healthy and happy life..i have a great faith on yoga, physiotherapy and ayurveda.
Rahul Prabhakar
It is said that there is no battle in life that cannot be won and no obstacle ever that cannot be overcome. While your brother’s story is truly inspiring, it is lovely to see the beautiful bond you two share. Simply wonderful to read this post; more power to both of you!
This is truly an inspiration. Knowing that there is as such no treatment for Arthritis inspite of that letting that hope alive and finding solution yourself is commendable and all that can be possible if you are hopeful and have great family bonding like yours.
I totally agree that there is always a ray of hope in tough times and I have seen that in my life. I really feel so connected while reading this!!
simi sp
One of my relative have Arthritis issue and I know how difficult it is in daily to daily life … Amazing post and so inspiring may God bless u and ur brother with much more bonding time. Happy festival
Oh Surbhi, I can connect with this so well. My mom was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis when I was in school. Seeing her in so much pain was very daunting to me during my growing up days. Slowly we started living with the fact it is never gonna go, but today Mom not only has won over the disease by getting operated but also gained better control of her body by regular exercise and yoga.
This is a beautifully written post on the occasion of raksha bandhan. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story of your brother. May god bless you both. And he is doing a great joy by creating awareness about this.
The most beautiful post I read on Rakshabandhan this year. I can feel you when you say how you are so proud of your brother. He indeed is a role model for so many.
There is always a ray of hope after every tough time and I have personally feel this . This is a beautiful writeup on Rakshabandhan. More power to your family.
Rakshabandhan is not only a festival. It is a beautiful bond between brothers and sisters. Loved to read the article so much.
I truely belive that if one is optimistic and positive, one can fight any battle. The story and struggle and how you brother can dealt with it is very motivating.
Dr Bushra Allaboutthewoman
This is very heart touching read and makes me emotional. Indeed your brother is a hero and inspiration for million of people out there
It must have been a difficult time for your entire family, but I am glad the perseverance of your brother paid off and he is leading a healthy life now. Best wishes to him.
Very touched with you sharing this personal story. Life can really be tough at times and it takes great mindset to get through it. Wishing your family all the best.
I so agree with determination and grit we can achieve everything in life and this real life story of your brother is a huge example how all odds can be fought with if we have the will to do so. I am so happy he is able to lead a normal life now. Wishing him good health forever.
Lovely bond between you both. Its amazing to read such writeup and feel immensely happy about.