
#BlogchatterEbook- Publication of my third e book “A2Z of common diseases & their homeopathic treatment”- An amazing journey of achieving another mile stone!

Hurry! Finally, the wait is over and my third e- book “A2Z of common diseases and their homeopathic treatment” got published in association with #BlogchatterEbook.   

It has been an amazing journey of last more than 1 month of participating in blogchatterA2Z challenge and now, with the book launching, it has been reached on most beautiful destination. With this blog post, I would love to share some behind the scene action of this incredible journey of writing this book and publishing in association with #Blogchatterebook carnival. Hoping you will like it.  

Planning for participation in #BlogchatterA2Z 2021 

Though #BlogchatterA2Z is my one of the most favorite blogging campaigns and I am participating in this challenge, since last 2 years. But this year, I was little skeptical about my participation. I had two themes in mind for challenge but feeling confused regarding one-month long commitment of daily writing and reading.  

After thinking a lot, I had decided to take this challenge once again and finally, participated in this one month long mega blogging campaign. 

This year’s theme selection and Month-long excitement of daily posting and reading  

Personally, I always believe writing and sharing something useful and informative content through my blog posts and I had kept same thought in mind, while planning for this year’s theme.  

Being a certified homeopathic therapist, I always love to share goodness of homeopathy with others.  since many months, I was thinking to write something exclusively to share my professional skills and knowledge with surrounding community, but did not getting any proper way to executing this thought. after thinking a while, I had decided to take a small step in this direction, by participating in this year’s A2Z challenge with a theme that reflect my professional identity.  

With this year’s challenge, I had thought to plan an exclusive series about common diseases and their homeopathic treatment with an aim to share efficacy of homeopathic remedies in treating routine and day to day aliments.  

After finalizing the theme, I had done a proper planning and drafted my posts in advance to avoid end moment rush and tension of daily writing and reading. 

Beginning of month of April was intense, and honestly, I had a kind of adrenalin rush every day for posting and reading daily. But despite having ups and downs, I had done this. And I am so glad that I had accomplished mission #BlogchatterA2Z 2021 successfully.  

Heartfelt thanks to my readers and friends for their amazing support  

This month-long journey has reached on its destination only because of the amazing support of my readers and dear blogging friends. Their love and appreciation for each post had made me feel more energetic and I had gained an immense confidence to complete not only the series but also be a part of #Blogchatterebook carnival once again.  

Now, a brief information about my book with some important details.  

“A2Z of common diseases and their homeopathic treatment” 

 Here is the brief about the book.  

Name of book: A2Z of common diseases and their homeopathic treatment! 

Author- Dr. Surbhi Prapanna  

Genre– health, medicine, alternative medicine, homeopathy 

Pages– 141 

Available on– Blogchatter website for free download (for limited period of time)  

Book blurb– This e book is a collection of 26 chapters (in alphabetic format) about all common diseases. As “A” to acidity to “Z”, “Zika virus infection,” each chapter has a proper detail information about all common diseases. Each chapter contain causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and homeopathic treatment of common diseases. I am hoping this e book will give an insight about common diseases and also help in understanding the efficacy of homeopathic medicines in treating routine and day to day aliments. You can also use this as a handy guide to understand the causes, symptoms, prevention, and homeopathic treatment of routine illnesses.  

This e book is dedicated to my professional identity and a small effort from my side to serving community with my knowledge and professional skills.   

Here is link to download it for free: 


If you liked the subject and find it informative and useful, please download the book and do not forget to share your honest feedback about the book, with me.   

Before ending, this post I want to say a big and heartfelt thanks to blog chatter team for their incredible support during this journey, without their support it would not have been possible.  

Also, special thanks to my readers and blogging friends for supporting me so well during this journey. your support means a lot to me. 

At the end, a humble request to all dear blogging friends, if you download and read the book. Please share your honest review on your blog or social media channels. Your feedback will help me to spread the word about the book.   


  • Alpana Deo

    Congratulations Surbhi!! for completing A2Z challenge and also for your ebook. I read your posts. Couldn’t read all of them. I am sure this book will come handy to many. Good luck!!

  • Hema

    Many many congratulations for the launch of your eBook. The homeopathy suggestion by you is always upto the mask and well explained. This book is going to be a saviour for us

  • Sundeep

    First of all many congratulation on launch of your ebook. And this ebook looks really helpful. Will definitely going to download this ebook for sure.

    • mummatalks

      Firstly congratulations on ur 3rd book. Your book is a perfect guide to everyday health issues and can help anyone out. I will recommend this book to all my friends.

      • Moumita Jana

        Congratulations..it will help many people regarding health… homeopathy is something I am really connected with from childhood.

    • Imagemakeover

      Many many congratulations Surbhi, I have witnessed your wonderful journey and read your book too. It is “the” guide for Homeopathic treatments. This is the most informative and insightful book I have ever read.

      • docdivatraveller

        Heartiest congratulations Surbhi! You have made homeopathy more accessible which is great. However don’t you think people tend to misuse the information and become quacks? Like they feel they have read Boericke and have become physician themselves. Just a thought from a fellow practicing homeopath.

  • bytetrails

    Many congratulations on your ebook. This one is really helpful for people like me who believe in homeopathy.

    • rakshanagaraj

      Wow this is absolutely cool. Congratulations on your book. I would love to get a copy. And re homeopathy medicines, I feel the more I read about medicines and diseases, the more I realise that homeopathy is the best solution.

  • rakhiparsai11984

    Thats such an amazing thing to achieve Surbhi. Have been meaning to launch my own e-book but couldn’t register this year for the e-book carnival. Hopefully next year around. I would love to read your book as have enjoyed reading your posts regularly during A2Z

    • Cindy Dsilva

      I’m sure this is an exhaustive list of treatments and I’ve already downloaded your book. Will be reading it next week for sure. I’m sure it will help a lot of my readers too. Congratulations by the way!

  • Ruchie

    Big Congratulations dear!! This is one such milestone which is huge, I am about to finish reading this and going to share my review soon on my blog!!

  • jhilmildsaha

    Surbhi I have always been an admirer of your writings. Congratulations third time on the row, for this awesome achievement.

  • Jhilmil

    First of all let me Congratulate you Surbhi on the release of your e-book. This seems so insightful to me, more so coz, my dad is a lot into Homeopathic treatment and I would love to read more.

    • Top5Listicle

      Conglrats on your ebook!I have been a firm believer of homeopathy from my childhood , thanks to my mom.She has had many good experiences with it!

  • Indiacafe24.com

    Dear Doctor, I would like to congratulate you first for your book. Secondly I will love to share the fact that my father remained a strong follower of homeopathy and since childhood be it fever, cold , cough, tummy problem or anything homeopathy cured me. I will love to know more from you about homeopathy

  • Rashmi

    Woww.. that’s a big milestone.. congratulations.. I am interested and do believe in the goodness of homeopathy and how it treats the ailments

  • Roma

    I am so proud of you Surbhi and am a custodian of your impeccable hard work and amazing journey buddy. Wishing you many more my love, my review of your book shall be up soon.

    • Varsh

      Congratulations once again, Surbhi! Third ebook, wow! I’ve read almost all your posts and have downloaded your book too. It’s a treasure of information and surely will help people understand Homeopathy better. All the best for it!

  • Surbhi Mahobia

    Congratulation!! A compilation specifically focussed on common ailments and their homoepathy treatments is definitely what all of us need specially now. I have believed in homeopathy and find it sometime far more effective than other alternate methods of treatments, specially for kids.

    • momcaptureslife

      Congratulations dear on your ebook publishing. I have always believed in homeopathy and your A2z post were really insightful .This book is now my guide for every issues related to my health and wellness.

  • radhika

    I never knew about homeopathy much before but your blogs helped me a lot to learn more about it. I have downloaded your book and will start reading it soon. looking forward to reading and review on my blog.Thanks!

  • Kavita Singh

    First of all, many congratulations for this book. I am sure it is going to be super helpful for many. Secondly, I will surely pick this one up soon to know more about homeopathy and learn a few things from this 🙂

  • Urvi Kunal Savla

    Congratulations on your ebook publishing. I have always believed in homeopathy and it has always helped me more than other forms of medicine. Looking forward to reading this book☺️?

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