Book review

Keep your kids creatively engaged with these two amazing books!

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful experience of any woman’s life but another side, it is equally challenging too. Along with other mothering responsibilities, managing screen time is a big challenge for new age mothers. Nowadays, we had plenty of digital options and gadgets and kids may get gadget addiction, if parents did not pay enough attention to keeping them creatively engaged. 

As this is the time of summer vacation and due to corona virus pandemic, we all have limited outdoor activity options for our kids. In this challenging scenario, we need some handy options that help us in keeping our kids creatively engaged.  

During my recent participation in #Blogchatterebook, I came across two amazing craft and kid activity e books. These both books are so amazing and have plenty of creative options of some amazing kids activities and crafts.

Which are these two amazing creative books? And why should you read and explore must? Read on to know more. 

First book 

A 2 Z Crafts for kids by Kinshoo Agrawal 

  • Name of book: A 2Z crafts for kids (Simple easy crafts for kids 2+ years) 
  • Author: Kinshoo Agrawal 
  • Pages: 64 
  • Format: E book 
  • Available on– Blogchatter website 
  • Genre: Kids art and crafts 
  • Rating: 4/5 


A to Z Crafts for Kids is a compilation of creative crafts that parents can engage kids with and enhance their skills. These easy crafts can be done with young kids age 2+ years and with items usually available at home. The variety of crafts presented aid in development of different skill sets and motor skills. 

Author bio 

Kinshoo Agrawal is a management graduate who chose to become a stay-at-home mom. Her love for DIYs and crafts resurfaced with motherhood and she started involving her son in Early Learning Activities. Her journey of blogging and content creating commenced with writing for parenting websites. On her own blog,, she shares easy, simple crafts and learning activities for kids. 

My take on this book 

I had read and explored this book recently. And I am just amazed to see the creative efforts of author for keeping kids creatively engaged. This book has an amazing collection of different varieties of crafts. Let me, give you some examples. This book includes: 

  • Weather crafts: summer, winter, and fall crafts 
  • Festival crafts_ Diwali, X-mas 
  • Educational crafts– crafts for learning alphabet, bookmark crafts 
  • Crafts with easily available supplies- popsicle stick crafts, paper plate crafts 
  • Fun crafts– no sew teddy bear, no sew quiet book 
  • Card making crafts– birthday making crafts, greeting card for teachers 
  • Recycled crafts 

And so many others. 

All these crafts are suitable for 2+year old kids. author really impressed with her vast varieties of these amazing crafts.

USP of this book 

  • Interesting narration– Each chapter begins with an interesting narration of some personal or educational experience related to craft. Author has kept the narration informative as well as interesting. 
  • Proper explanation– She has described each craft with proper details (step by step) method and includes all essential steps to make a perfect craft with your little ones. 
  • Eye catching photographs- Along with proper explanation, she has included amazing photographs of all crafts and activities. Addition of this eye-catching photographs make this book visually appealing and a handy guide for busy parents to keep their kids creatively engaged. 
  • Crafts are simple and made up with easily available at home supplies– All these crafts are made up with simple and easily available at home supplies, and you can start making this with your kids as soon as your explored it.  

All and all a great craft book for younger kids. I will appreciate this amazing creative effort of this debutant author for her amazing work and beginning her author journey with this great craft book.

If you want to download this book for free.  

Please click here.  

Now, let’s talk about second book. 

Child activities by Simrat Bedi 

  • Name of book: Child activities (helping your child develop and learn through fun and creativity) 
  • Author: Simrit Bedi 
  • Pages: 64 
  • Genra: kids activity book 
  • Available on– Blogchatter website 
  • Format: E book 
  • Rating– 4/5 


if you are a Mom of a child whose age is in single digits, you know that the struggle to keep your child screen-free and occupied is a challenge! The formative years of children are very important for their growth. This Child Activities book has activities that can be easily done at home without spending a lot of money and are helpful for a child’s overall development. 

Author bio 

Simrit Bedi is a Chennai based mom, blogger, and an Influencer. She has an MBA in Marketing, a Bachelor’s degree in Textile Design and is also a certified Montessori teacher. Her debut book is a collection of her experiences as a Teacher and of conducting activities with her own child as well as shared instances with friends and their children.60

My take on this book 

I had read this book recently and I am amazed to see the vast collection of different interesting activities for kids. Author has shared various kinds of interesting activities in each chapter. Such as: 

  • Block building 
  • Crafting 
  • Drawing 
  • Easy science experiment 
  • Nature activities 
  • Outdoor activities 
  • Pretend play 
  • Finger printing 
  • And many more. 

All these activities are simple yet interesting and can help in developing creativity and imagination power in your kids. Most interestingly, all these activities have a motive of “Fun while learn” and they are easy to execute too.

Here are some USP of this book.  

USP of this book 

  • Vast collection of amazing kids’ activities with proper explanation: as I had mentioned before, this book has a vast and interesting collection of various kinds of activities. Author has explained each activity properly with required details. 
  • Addition of importance and benefits of activities: this one is one of the most impressive point of this book. In each chapter, author has explained the importance and benefits of particular activity. She also included special tips in required chapters. Addition of these details make this book really informative and readers (specially parents) get a perfect idea and vision about execution of particular activity.  
  • Author also talks about overall development of kids: third and another impressive factor, this book is not only meant for keeping our kids busy but it also helps and talk about our child’s development. Author has included some important topics like importance of independent play, why kids should spend quite time and yoga for kids. All these topics are well explained and author put a strong emphasis on overall personality development of kids by using fun and creative methods. 

In short, this book is a fascinating read that will inspire you to try different kinds of interesting activities with your kids. And also help in spending more quality time with your kids.  

The book is available for free download for a limited period of time. 

Click here to download it for free. 


As a conclusion, I would say, “These both books are amazing and versatile. Both authors have put their creative hat on and share some really creative crafts and kids’ activity ideas for keeping our kids creatively engaged. With summer vacation and recent pandemic situation, these books could help a lot to parents and can be used a handy option to keep kids busy and entertain in most meaningful way.” 

I want to congratulate both author, Kinshoo agrawal and Simrit bedi for their first e book publication and wish them lots of good luck for their future projects. 

Did you had read any of these books? If yes, then please share your experience with me.  

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