#BlogchatterA2Z,  Explore Creativity

#BlogchatterA2Z- “O”, Old Cloth Recycling Ideas ( easy and interesting DIYs)

It is week 2 of #BlogchatterA2Z and as “O” I am again sharing a recycling project, hoping you would like it.

How we had selected this theme?

It was a routine weekend and I was busy in spring cleaning and while doing that I had observed that old clothes are taking up all space which I could be used for clothing that I actually wear. Old t-shirts, shorts, jeans, kids clothing, old sweaters…..Oh! My old I had almost every kind of old clothes in my closet. I had donated so many of them and still left few of them.  

So for a change, I had thought why not recycle them in a creative way and make some super easy recycling projects by using old clothes. I am sure you also have plenty of old clothes in your closet. Here is a simple craft guide to make some fun and easy recycling projects from old clothes. And when a trash converts into a treasure with our effort and hard work, it gives a true sense of joy and satisfaction.

I think for getting great end result it is essential to do some pre- preparation and proper research. Here are some handy tips to before starting your recycling cloth projects.


  • Sorting and systematisation– suddenly, when we see lots of different type of old clothing in closet defiantly it creates a sort of tension and confusion. So the first step to making your task easier do a sorting and rearrangement of clothes according to their category. It is best to use recycle bin or labelled bag to put the different type of clothes for further work.
  • Put enough attention on texture and pattern of old clothes– crafting is an art that requires a minute observation and creative skill. Whenever you select a theme for craft project it is an essential step to put enough attention on texture and pattern of basic craft material.
  • In-depth research– it is always advisable to do an in-depth research from various sources (online and books are the great option) to optimize the chances of a better result and an awesome end product.
  • Gather available at home decorating material– crafting may be an expensive hobby if we buy all craft supplies. It is best to gather available at the home decorative material (beads, old accessories, fabric laces are the wonderful option for that).
  • Always accompanied your kids– even though you are doing a sewing or home decorating craft project, involved your kids in that project. Assign them simple tasks like gather the decorative material or take their help in gluing and other simple steps. Crafting and especially recycled crafts are the easiest way to teach them the importance of recycling and reusing the waste product. And it also helpful in developing creativity and imagination power in kids.

After doing proper research, we had selected these five super easy recycling clothes project.

Pillow cover from old t-shirt


  • Old t-shirt (you may use adult or kid size t-shirt, we had tried both)
  • Scissor
  • Basic sewing material
  • Decorative lace and other decorative material


It is most simple but attractive way to recycle an old t-shirt. It can be done by sewing or no sewing method. We had done with sewing method. First, put the t-shirt on the pillow for proper measurement and cut all the excess part accordingly. Then sew it with opening on the upper side. Decorate with old fabric lace or other decorative material. Your beautiful pillow cover is ready. Sometimes, we had a favourite memento on a t-shirt (especially in kids t-shirt) it is an ideal way to preserve your memory for future.

Super cool tutu from old frock


  • Old frocks (pretty baby frocks work best and I am sure we all had in our closet)
  • Scissor
  • Elastic band and basic sewing material


It is second most interesting but elegant recycling cloth project, which we had enjoyed so much. I had plenty of beautiful baby frocks in my closet (and I want to keep them, because of some sweet memories) and my 6-year daughter just loved the tutu, so I thought why not make a tutu from this baby frock. It requires a little alteration and your job is done. First cut the upper portion of frock after proper measurement, then put an elastic band or fancy belt in the waist. Your cute adorable tutu is ready to wear.

Kids bag from old kid’s jean


  • Old jeans (adult or kids, we had selected kids jeans)
  • Scissor and basic sewing material
  • Decorative lace and other decorative material


It was the third exciting project which we had made with lots of fun. And kids were curiously waiting for the end result. First, cut old kids jeans in an appropriate bag shape. The choice is yours; you can select a variety of shapes according to your creativity and imagination. After proper cutting, turn it and sew it properly. Add lace or yarn as a handle. Decorate it with beads or other decorating material. A super cool kid’s bag is ready. I am sure kids will love it.

Stylish dress from an old top


  • Old ladies top or t-shirt
  • Scissor and basic sewing material
  • Decorative lace (optional)


I had a collection of old tops, which I rarely wear (because of size issue) and I love their design and pattern, even the fabric condition was very good, so I had thought why not reconstruct them in an align girl dress. Take the proper measurement and cut the top accordingly. Then sew it. You may add a stylish belt and net sleeve for the gorgeous look. An amazing new kid’s dress is ready to wear.

While doing all these recycling clothes project my kids get a little board. Because most of them are sewing projects and they had nothing to do, so at the last to entertain them I had selected a most simple cloth recycling project with an old pair of socks.

Table organiser with old socks


  • A pair of old socks
  • Mason jar (preferably in pair)
  • No sewing material (Yey! Moment for kids)


Take a mason jar and instruct the kids to wear the old socks on the jar, carefully. It will be a perfect cover for the Mason jar and you can use it as a table organiser for a fancy look. Kids were happy that at last they had got a chance to make something. They were showing their fancy table organiser to their friends with pride and happiness.

So these were our collection of recycling cloth projects. Did you have ever made a recycling cloth project? Please do share with us. Until then happy crafting!

this post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z hosted by Blogchatter.


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