
Workout Routine that has helped me!

Workout Routines that has helped me
Workout Routines that has helped me

Finally, the wait is over, and “ Get fit, stay fit” blog train has started. The blog train is powered by Bon Happetee  and hosted by

I am so excited to be a part of this awesome initiative and thank a lot to awesome hosts and sponsored to keep this awesome theme for this blog train.

I want to say a big thanks you to Sitharaam Jayakumar , for introducing me. I really admire his work and perfection, please visit his blog here .

Indeed, “Get fit, stay fit” should be the first priority of everyone’s life.

With this blog train, we 31 bloggers are sharing some important health and fitness related topics. And hoping that this series will help others to “get fit and stay fit”

For this series, my topic is “Workout routine that has helped me”

How I manage a regular exercise schedule during hectic busy days? And what are the strategies that have helped me to be physically active? Read on to know more!

Being physically active and do regular exercise is one of the most important things that make our lifestyle healthier. And it is a well-known fact that exercise boosts productivity, relieves stress, helps in healthy weight management and plays a great role in the prevention of various lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disorders.

Despite these well-known benefits, most of us wouldn’t be able to follow a regular exercise routine. Research shows that 1 in 4 adults don’t get enough exercise. And hectic life schedule may be to blame.  When we had multiple responsibilities as a parent, worker, or as a spouse we often find 24 hours per day simply are not enough.  As a result fitness and regular exercise get put on the back burner.

Here I am sharing some simplest ways that have worked for me and my family to be physically active every day. Hoping it may help others.

Set a schedule and try to stick on it

We lived in an incredibly busy world. And we already had tons of duties and responsibilities. With a super busy schedule, if we want to make time for exercise, it is must to set a schedule according to your choice, and other preference. Pre-plan and decide the best time for exercise in your schedule and enter into a cell phone or computer as a repeated event, definitely help in maintaining a regular schedule.  Personally, I am a little old-fashioned; I make a handwritten plan and put it on my work table along with other important to-do lists.

During routine busy days this pre-plan schedule will help a lot to form a mental picture that how and when I will exercise on that day. This thing works great to keep me self-motivated even with a hectic and tight work schedule.

Make fitness routine a “family activity”

The second and most important way that has worked for me, is to make fitness routine a family activity. Previously with multiple responsibilities, I often did not get enough time and a positive mood to do exercise regularly. Most of the time I have either “I am too tired” or “I am too bored” attitude. Usually, I had the same thought that “it is really hard for me, and I cannot do it regularly”.

After so many plans and strategies, I had decided to make fitness routine as a family activity. Now, I do a fun 30 min workout with my girls, some days we do a family yoga and go for a walk after dinner as a family. These smallest things had made a major change and now we are enjoying being physically active as a family. Spending time being physically active not only helps us to follow a regular exercise routine; it will also help us to bond and strengthen the relationship as a family as well.

Here is a yoga video by my girls, they always had a great time while practising easy yoga poses with me.

Never miss a chance to be physically active

Of course, exercise is a planned and intentional movement that has done to improve physical fitness, strength and flexibility. And no doubt, doing planned and regular exercise offers plenty of physical and mental health benefits. But if you had really a tight-busy schedule and wouldn’t be able to do planned exercise, you can at least try to be physically active.

This is a smart way that helps a lot in burning extra calories and shedding off extra pounds. This thing can be done by doing the simplest tasks. Such as:

  • Take staircase instead of a lift
  • Focus on more walking for routine errands or after dinner and lunch
  • Play a sport with family and friends
  • Take a break from sitting as often as possible
  • Do simple yoga moves or stretches while watching T.V. or cooking
  • Do household chores like cleaning, dusting or engaged yourself in creative physical activities like gardening, all counts when it comes to being just physically active.

I always try to implement these tine steps during my busy hectic weekdays and these simplest things help me a lot to be physically active.

Find fitness peer support or group

Sometimes it becomes so lonely when we struggled with maintaining a fitness routine or achieving our goals. Seeking out like-minded people will help you make progress and keep you motivated for being physically active and doing regular exercise. Doing an activity with the group or other people will make fitness more fun and interesting.

Apart from taking help of family and friends nowadays we had lots of other options such as walking club, yoga camps, neighbourhood boot camps or sport-specific camps. Joining these groups or activities is another way that can make our fitness journey easier especially with a busy routine. Recently, I had joined a support fitness group for yogis in my neighbourhood. And with the support of this group, I would be able to maintain a regular exercise schedule easily.

Maintain a balance and set a realistic goal

Last but not least it is very important to be realistic about your current health and health fitness level. If you are a beginner it is must  go on slow and gradually increase the activity level. Also maintaining a balance with moderate attitude is equally important. Most of us have either overdo or do nothing attitude, and because of this we often struggle to make our fitness routine as a part of life.

So these are the things that have helped me to be physically active even during hectic routine days. What are the strategies that help you to do exercise regularly or being physically active? Please share with us!

Also, I take the opportunity to introduce, Varsha from . She is an amazing blogger, do not forget to read her post and spread the love.

I am participating in the “Get Fit, Stay Fit” blog party, with Bon Happetee


Also read,

Why your first priority should be your health

three commmon obstacles that stand between you and healthy lifestyle

9 realisitc ways to eat healthy, when you are super busy



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