
#Week8 #Superbloggerchallenge2018 with Instacuppa- “Here is Why Nature is Always Incredible”

“Study nature, love nature and stay close to nature, it will never fail you”- Frank Lloyd wright

Indeed, Nature is art of god and it has really amazing healing properties. It has so many remarkable benefits for human health.  In fact, various scientific studies confirm the same thing that, spending time in nature improves vitality, uplift the mood and positivity. If you feel depressed or mentally upset, staying close to nature works like a therapy for you.
Here are some of the amazing benefits of staying close to nature.
  • Staying close to nature improves our physical, mental, and emotional well- being.  It has been scientifically proved that staying close to nature decrease the heart rate and cortisol level.  It also has a positive effect on hypertension.
  • Nature is a great stress buster, it relieves stress magically. It has an excellent effect on restoring mental energy, attention and memory.
  • It inspires creativity and imagination power.
  • It boosts immunity and resistance power and helps in healing too.
  • It will help in sleep better, and it also helps in being more productive on the job.
  • It also improves memory and cognitive function.

Personally, I had observed all these positive effects, while staying close to nature. It always feels great, refreshing and rejuvenating when I stay close to nature.
Especially here is the USA, where I am not able to meet with family frequently and usually had a sort of frenetic pressure, staying close to nature helps me a lot in reducing mental pressure. Though due to extremely bad weather conditions, it is not always possible to go for a nature walk or staying outside for a long period of time, still, whenever I got a chance or few minutes between works, I always try to spend this time with Mother Nature.
The bright sun rays of rising sun or the dusky beautiful sky at sunset
The amazing green trees at Neighbourhood Park or the snow shinning with the sun rays
The scenic beauty of the waterfall or mesmerising cloudy sky
Each scene in nature is amazing and pleasing…
Natural is always incredible
Do not you think so..?
In fact, this year 2018, I had chosen the “stayclosetonature”, as a word of the year. And I am consciously trying spending more and more time with nature.  And for keeping this passion alive, I am running a yearlong “Nature series” on my Instagram account.
Here I am sharing my collection of nature pics; here are the few of them,

And at the end of the post, I had a humble request to all of you,

  • Please visit my Instagram account, would love to take your feedback on my collection.
  • I am looking for some co-bloggers to follow each other organically to share views, comments, on each other’s feed. So if you like my feed, please follow me, I will do the same.
  • If you want to join me on this amazing nature journey, please use #NatureisAlwaysincredible as a hashtag, and post your nature pics. I would be absolutely honoured and glad if you will join.
  • Feel free to give me any suggestion, guidance any feedback.

So this is my tiny step to make nature a part of my everyday life. And as a conclusion, I could say confidently that it has been really an amazing journey so far. I am feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, positive and happy, with staying close to nature.

Did you have any similar experience like this? Are you a nature lover too? What are your thoughts? Please share with me.

the post is a part of #SuperBlogggerChallenge 2018 Hosted by Healthwealthbridge.com  Allaboutthewoman.com  fashionablefoodz.com and should be not repurposed, republished or otherwise. the content is here owned by blogger. superbloggerchallenge2018 is not responsible for any kind of infringement caused.



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