Kudos to These Two Brave Girls- A Perfect Punishment for Eve-teasers
We love India. We are the proudest Indian. We had the most enriched culture and higher aesthetic values. Our culture often labelled as an amalgamation of several cultures which has a profound impact on the world. No doubt, we had an ample example of “Unity in diversity”.
Sometimes I asked myself, are we really a proud Indian? Especially, proud Indian women? I think most of us will hesitate to answer as “Yes”? In spite of great technical and educational development during last few decades, Indian women are still struggling for their existence, respect and most importantly, for their safety. We still had something in our society that is so unfortunate. Dowery, rape, female foeticide, gender indiscrimination are some of the examples from our society that are so unfortunate. And among all these crimes, “eve-teasing” is one of the disgusting but under-rated crime.
According to Wikipedia, “Eve-teasing is a euphemism used throughout South Asia, which includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, for public sexual harassment or molestation of women by men. It is a form of sexual aggression that has been a notoriously difficult crime to prove as criminals often find a way to escape from the situation.
In fact, the data also revealed shocking statistics, according to data, 1,444 cases of eve-teasing were reported till December 2015 and rose each year thereafter. It is an unfortunate truth that women are sexually harassed and sometimes assaulted too. It is really sad and disappointing. It is a harsh reality of India, where one side we worship women as goddesses and yet burn them, kill them and sexually assault them.
Personally, I also remembered the fact that how this eve-teasing hurt girls and put a question mark on their identity, respect and safety. It was years ago when I was studying in Homeopathic Medical College (Ratlam M.P.) and we girls had a strict rule to not go outside after 7 P.M. apart from other reasons, the main reason behind this strict rule was “fear of eve-teasing”. There was the atmosphere that can range from a whistle or comment of an offensive nature to any physical gesture. It was disgusting yet threatening. And in order to prevent any unfortunate event, most of the girls often avoid going outside after evening. In fact, college management has a sense of fear and insecurity because of the hype atmosphere of eve-teasing in the town.
Usually, as per parents and teacher’s guidance, we girls has adopted the “best prevention is defense kind of attitude” and we tend to behave more protective because of our well-being and safety. We often try to avoid face that kind of situation by doing best possible methods (such as always remain in group, not going outside after 7 P.M.) but as a girl and now as a women, this kind of situations often create a state of deep frustration, it is very disheartening that we cannot move or live in our country freely or independently just because we are girls? Or we are women? I always had a hidden desire to punish those kinds of disgusting people who believed that it is an act of displaying their dominance. I hate to feel that sense of insecurity and fear.
Now, years have passed and my hidden desire got fulfilled by two brave girls (and I am super excited because these girls are from Indore, my native place). The whole incidence took place, 2 days ago, two brave girls brutally thrashed eve-teasers in middle road in Indore.
“It was around 11 P.M., when two girls were going home from a shopping mall in Vijay Nagar area. And two men have started following them; they had done offensive and inappropriate gestures and make offensive remarks on them. Instead of running away from the situation, these brave girls came out of their vehicle and made the men also stop their bikes, soon after this they started slapping them right and left. The two men started pleading for forgiveness but had no effect on girls and they kept on beating them.
Later on, those guys were taken into police custody who reached on spot.
Indeed, these girls have done an inspiring act of bravery. My kudos to them, they had settled a motivating example in our society. What are your thoughts for these girls? Please share!