Three effective ways to increase IQ of your kids!

Being a millennial, “IQ” was the most common word that I had heard numerous times during my childhood days.
I remember, during those days (90s), this was one of the most favorite and important topic of discussion among parents. Parents often used to compare their kid’s intellectual capability with other kids by using this term (IQ) frequently.
Luckily, time has changed and now “IQ” is not only the single parameter to judge or acknowledge the intellectual capabilities or mental caliber of kids. With changing time, all other factors such as EQ (emotional intelligence), unique skill or personality trait possess equal importance in determining individual caliber or intelligence of kids.
According to a recent scientific study, IQ contribute only 50% for child’s success. there are many other factors like EQ, skills, attitude and self-discipline play an important role in overall grooming and personality development of kids.
Expert suggested that as a parent, we should support our kids to have a healthy balance of IQ and EQ that help them in be successful in future
Nevertheless, IQ is one of the crucial and important aspect of raising confident and intellectual kids. What is IQ? What are the factors that affect IQ of kids? And what are the effective ways to increase intelligence quotient of kids? Read the post to know more!
What is IQ?
As per Wikipedia, it is a total score derived from a set of standard tests or subtests designed to access human intelligence. The term “IQ,” is a translation of the German Intelligenz-Quotient, was coined by the German psychologist William Stern in 1912 as a proposed method of scoring early modern children’s intelligence tests.
Early years of childhood (from birth to 4 years) has been considered as a golden period for brain development.
As per WebMD, during these initial years of life, infant’s brain grows at faster rate and offers an excellent opportunity for learning. up to 5 years of age, your child’s brain developed up to 90% of adult size.
After knowing this fact, many parents adopt an over enthusiastic approach, and push their kids for learning with many intellectual activities since at an early age.
But on brighter side, expert believe “Kids learn better at their own pace. it is not advisable to do so many things all-together do increase IQ or improve intellectual development. They advised that human brain has amazing capability. with proper and planned efforts, we can increase mental capabilities of kids, in later part of life too”.
What are the factors that affect IQ?
According to NCBI, genetic and environmental both factors play an important role in increasing IQ of kids.
As per a cross sectional observational study (performed with 1065 school children between the age of 12 and 16 years from 2 government and 13 private schools) concluded, that “Various environmental factors such as place of residence, physical exercise, family income, parents’ education and occupation, influences the IQ of a child up to a great extent”. This study confirms the importance of these Environmental factor for increasing IQ of kids”.
Three Effective ways to improve IQ of kids!

We will be categorized these factors into three main categories:
- Lifestyle factors
- Activities
- Relationship factors
Let’s get into detail of each one.
Lifestyle factors

Lifestyle factors (healthy, balanced diet, regular physical exercise and good sleep) are most important aspects of living healthy and happy life. Since childhood, it is very important to pay attention on these factors. Here are some easy guidelines from experts to follow.
- Feed your child Healthy, balanced and nutritious diet that includes whole grain, lots of fruits and vegetables helps in keeping our kids not only physically healthy but also help in increasing intelligence quotient as well. Omega 3 fatty acid is one of the most important components that should be included in your child’s diet. Omega 3 helps in healthy brain development and also work great for immunity and other system of body.
- Regular exercise offers lots of benefits for kids. It increases endorphin (feel good hormones) in body and also help in making kids mentally fit and alert. For getting great results, kids should do 30-45 minutes of exercise every day.
- Sleep is another important factor for good mental health. Kids should get enough and peaceful sleep of 7-8 hours every day for performing their routine activities with ease and comfort.

There are different kinds of activities that work wonder for increasing IQ of kids. Here are some of the options.
- Music and playing instruments: its has-been proved scientifically that music and playing music instruments have a positive effect on child’s brain development. Learn how to play different music instruments helps in increasing IQ of kids and also help in increasing focus and concentration power.
- Playing sport: this one is another important factor that not only work great for physical health but also help in increasing IQ.
- Reading: reading is one of the most important activity that offers lots of advantages for kids. Reading improves critical thinking skill, language development, enhance vocabulary and knowledge. Along with these, reading also help in increasing IQ and make kids smart and confident.
- Brain games: we lived in high tech digital era. Nowadays with advancement of technology, there are plenty of options (for brain games) are available online. These brain games also help in increasing IQ of your kids.
- Mathematical calculations different mathematical techniques such as abacus and Vedic math also work great for improving your child’s IQ and math skills.
Relationship factor

Yes, this might look little surprising but the relationship between parents and kids have an integral relationship and put a strong impact on child’s mental and emotional development.
According to a recent scientific research, kids who have a strong positive relationship with their parents and feel emotionally secured with the bond, have higher IQ than those who did not have that kind of bond with their parents. This thing especially important during early childhood years, where kids need love, attention and care from their parents so much. Spend quality time with kids, talk to them and understand their need or problems are some basic steps that makes a major difference in child’s over all personality development.
So, these are some effective ways to improve intelligence quotient of your kids. Did you had tried any of these methods with your kids? What was your experience? Please share with me.
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Alpana Deo
For kid’s IQ, they need a proper blend of activities. We cannot be stressing over the need to study and completely ignoring the outdoor activities. Their brain need proper food in terms of indoor, outdoor, soft skills, and off-course food choices.
Well! Penned article. Earlier in the ’90s, we heard a lot about IQ but they only focused on nutrition and studies for it. Now through research, we can find that the best way to train kids brains is to engage them in thoughtful activities and games, make them learn new skills, and keep their brains active with different activities. Indeed family bonding plays a vital role in this.
Ambica Gulati
I really like this post. I feel the same methods can be adopted for adults as well, as keeping your IQ high is a lifelong affair. And it’s best to build all good habits in childhood.
Harjeet Kaur
IQ for the kids is s full package deal.My grandsons behave differently since my son passed away.How can we make up for that loss? It is difficult for my DIL to work,look after them and run the house.
Milan Singhal
Nice read. I think I am on a right track, since I ensure my daughter does almost all the things u have mentioned in the blog.
Proper balance of activities help to develop the brain cells and also the ability of the brain. Your posts shares good insights of the ways that can be done in fun way too so that kid is not burdened to raise the IQ.
I knew that lifestyle and activities help in boosting iq. But relationship playing a role here is something new to me. An insightful article.
Neha Sharma
You are so right, Surbhi. When I was a kid, everyone around me seemed quite obsessed with improving IQ of kids but no one hardly talked about emotional intelligence. Thanks for sharing these ways that can help improve a child’s IQ.
Today’s kids are much more in IQ COMPARED to us and giving them extra boost of IQ Will make them super smart…. that what I believe.❤
Aakriti Dhawan
Yes I agree in the 90’s this was a very big concern. And I feel it still is. Parents are constantly worried about it. Thank you for this informative post .?
Great blog post and I really enjoyed reading it. Learnt different ways from you to boost child’s IQ. Thanks for sharing.
Sandy N Vyjay
This is a very interesting read. IQ of a child is a result of multiple parameters, as you have described. Positive relationships is the single most important factor that will nurture a child’s thoughts and enable his or her IQ to blossom.
Love this article! So realistic on what a child really needs to grow up as a well-rounded person who isn’t blinded by what living in the outside world really feels and looks like. When it comes to IQ, most people associate intelligence with what is in books. Applaud you for writing such a wonderful post that every parent should read!
You are right . It is important to focus on every aspects of kids mind. It is not right to only focus on study . Outdoor activities, games , indoor activities,etc. are also important.
Rakhi Jayashankar
I have to try these activities for my kids..since the pandemic hit they are totally redundant. 🙁
Quite a relevant and well researched article about increasing IQ this will be helpful for My son who is 7. Yes IQ is dependent on various factors
IQ it’s something that can be increased by various brain activities and these activities should be introduced at their young age. You have given some very good suggestions. Thanks for sharing dear.
Hansa Kajaria
A child’s IQ can develop when we give them an all round exposure and not just concentrate on studies as there is so much to learn from outside the books too.
I totally agree with you and really like this post. I believe keeping your IQ high is a lifelong affair and it’s best to start early
Meenakshi Kaur
I really loved this article. I will definetly try these tips and tricks for my son. It’s really helpful as these days childern are studying at home only. Thanks for sharing.