#Causeachatter #Mentalhealthtalk- 8 effective ways to treat panic at home!

Hi Everyone,
As a blogger, we all need support of different blogging communities and blogging platforms to enhance our blogging knowledge and move ahead in our blogging journey.
Blogchatter is my one of the most favorite blogging platforms. I always love to participate in their various amazing blogging campaigns (like Myfriendalexa, blogchatterA2Z and many more).
Last year, Blogchatter team has announced one more exciting blogging campaign named #Causeachatter. The campaign is unique in his own way. With this campaign, Blogchatter team has inspired bloggers to write for a cause.
Indeed, it was the best inspiration for bloggers to give their blogging journey a purpose. Many of my blogger friends has participated in this and I really love reading their posts through this series.
But due to some reasons, I had missed the chance to participated in this amazing initiative last year. But this year, there is no excuse. This year, I am all set to participate in this amazing initiative. Blogchatter team has categorized writing for #Causeachatter in three main categories.
- Mental health talk
- Environmental issues
- Gender
Though, I like all three options but being a holistic therapist, “Mental health talk” is something that sounds most appealing to me. So, this year, I am writing for #Causeachatter campaign with theme “Mental health talk”.
For this series, I will share at least one article one month related to my theme “Mental health talk” for up to one year. With this series, I will talk about different mental issues and their coping strategies, mental health awareness and much more. I am sure these posts (and information) will help to all those who are struggling with different mental health issues.
As a first post, I am talking about “Panic attack and panic disorders”. What is panic attack? What are the causes and symptoms? And what are some natural ways to treat panic condition without medication? Read the post to know more!
What is “Panic attack”?
As per Mayo clinic, “A sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no apparent cause is present called panic”.
Usually, there are usually two terms are used in context to “Panic”, one is panic attack and other is panic disorder.
Panic attack is onset of an episode that usually lasts for 5 to 20 minutes with sudden surge of overwhelming fear and anxiety. At the time of attack, person feel out of control and also had a fear that he will die or he is having a heart attack. Panic attack could occur once or more in a life time of a person. But when the frequency of panic attack gets increased and it occurs as a repeated episode, then it is called “Panic disorder”.
Panic disorder is more serious condition than panic attack and require more proper treatment and self-care.
As per NCBI research, lifetime prevalence of panic attacks for all countries combined is 13.2%.
The one-year prevalence for panic disorder in the USA and other European countries is 2 to 3%. Asian and African countries have lower prevalence rate compare to European countries (0.1 to 0.8%)
Prevalence of panic attack was higher in females (3.8%) than for males (1.6%).
In India approximately 10 per 100,000 population per year patients affected. The peak of panic attack incidence has been observed in between 40 to 70 years.
Though there is no fixed causative or etiological factors that causes panic attack or panic disorder but it has been observed that social and biological factors (both) play a major role in development of panic attack or panic disorder.
Biological factor means genetic influence is one of the main factors that causes panic. People who have a family history of panic or other mental disorders (like anxiety, depression) may have an increased risk of developing panic attack or panic disorder.
Also, social and emotional factors such as traumatic life experience, stressful event like death or serious illness of a loved one or major changes in life like divorce increase the risk of developing panic attack.
When a person gets a panic attack, he usually has these symptoms.
- Rapid heart rate (palpitation)
- Chest pain
- Hot flashes
- Shortness of breath or tightness in throat
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Headache
- Feeling of losing connection with reality
- An intense fear of impending doom (means something tragic or bad happen)
- Tremors
- Numbness or tingling sensation ‘muscle tightness
Many times, panic attack symptoms mimic like heart attack and affected person feel that he/she is having a heart attack and going to die soon.
Also, people who experienced panic attack once in their life time develop a strong sense of fear and anxiety that it will happen again. Many times, this experience also causes “Agoraphobia” in which affected person tend to avoid the places and situations (like super market or crowded places) that has triggered the panic attack in the past or might causes panic and embarrassment.
How panic attack affect our body?
Here is an infographic to understand that affect:

How to treat “Panic attack” at home?
Though panic attack is scary and affect the quality of life so badly. But on brighter side, panic attack and panic disorder both are treatable condition
Of course, for frequent attacks (panic disorder) medical intervention is necessary but for milder cases, at home treatment and self-care measures work wonders. Here are some effective ways to treat panic attack at home.
8 Effective ways to treat “Panic attack” at home!

Try to understand and recognize that “You are having a panic attack” (not any serious physical health problem like heart attack etc.)
As I had mentioned before that panic symptoms often look like heart attack and create an intense fear of “Going to die” or “Going crazy” feeling. So, as a first step it is very important to understand that “You are suffering from panic attack or panic disorder”, if it is occurring frequently. Understanding your situation and recognizing that “I am having a panic attack” helps a lot in managing symptoms effectively.
Make a proper “at home treatment and self-care” plan and take advice if needed!
After recognizing and understanding your mental state (panic), it is very important to make an effective plan to deal with the symptoms. Do an in-depth research and learn various aspects of your condition. If it feels overwhelming, then do not hesitate to ask for help. You can create a “at home treatment” plan with the professional help.
Learn stress relieving techniques (like yoga, meditation and muscle relaxation)

Having a sound mental health is very essential in preventing “panic attack” and also work great in managing panic symptoms effectively. Yoga and meditation work great in creating a state of mental calmness and also help in reducing day to day stress.
Progressive muscle relaxation technique is another great option to release muscular tension and offer good help in dealing the symptoms of panic attack and panic disorder.
Practice “Mindfulness”

Yes, practicing mindfulness offers many physical, mental and even emotional health benefits. In simple words, Mindfulness means stay in moment and try to enjoy present happenings. Scientific research suggested that mindfulness also help in controlling panic attack and reduce the frequency too. Read this post to know more about how practicing mindfulness help to counteract panic disorder!
Mantra chanting

Yet another and effective method to control your panic symptoms is “mantra chanting”. Mantras are powerful words that carry spiritual significance. They used repeatedly and helps in creating a state of relaxion and calmness. Simple mantra like “This too shall pass” help a lot in reducing panic symptoms.
In fact, you can carve your own mantra or phrase and observe what work best for you. Repeating the mantra with full faith definitely works great in controlling negative emotions like fear, anxiety and depression.
Use of essential oil (lavender)

Scientific research has shown that essential oils oils offer many mental benefits. Essential oil reduces stress, anxiety and help in creating a mental state of calmness and peace. Lavender, valerian and jasmine are some of the best choices when it comes to dealing with panic symptoms. You can use small amount of these essential oil on wrist or can add few drops in hot bath to relive stress, anxiety and other panic symptoms.
Get support

Dealing with panic attack (and panic disorder) may become lonely and scary experience, if you do it all alone. Get support and join any support group of people who are suffering or dealing with same problem work great in getting moral support and increase confidence that you are not alone in this journey.
Take professional help and use prescribed medication (if necessary)
Though above-mentioned self-care measures work great in reducing panic symptoms, but despite applying this, if you experienced worsening of your symptoms then do not hesitate to ask for professional help. Medical treatment of panic is consisting of mainly two parts: psychotherapy and medication. Expert decide what is better option for you after proper physical exam and diagnosis.
What you can do at the time of “panic attack”?
Above mentioned measures are great for providing long-term benefits. But here are few things that help in reducing intensity of symptoms at the time of attack.
- Try to regain control by repeating “this too shall pass”, and will not cause any physical harm to you.
- Focus on your breath and try to calm yourself by taking slow and deep breathing.
- Use other measures like focus on any particular object, or you can use 5-4-2-3-2-1 method (notice 5 things that you can see in your surrounding areas, notice 4 things you can touch near you, notice 3 sounds you can hear, notice 2 scents you can smell, notice one flavor you can taste) or reverse counting. All these techniques help in shifting focus from intensified panic symptoms and offer significant benefits in reducing negative thoughts.
- Close your eyes and try to cut down yourself from strong stimuli. Find a peaceful spot and try to relax yourself by focusing on your breath.
- Picture or visualize your favorite spot or memories. This creative visualization helps in reducing panic symptoms.
- Try to get engage in any other activity that you enjoy most.
- Listen to music or talk to your dear one for shifting the focus from panic symptoms.
So, these were some effective ways to manage panic symptoms at home? What are your thoughts? Please share with me.
This post is a part of #CauseAChatter with Blogchatter.
Prerna Wahi
For some reason, we don’t acknowledge and treat mental illness as seriously as physical. Thanks for sharing these simple tips that are so helpful.
I am a panic attack sufferer. I know those days and the palpitations it had caused! Nothing helped me! I didn’t even know it was a panic attack then. I still remeber those nights when I used to try to sleep it off but it wouldn’t let me. Being a believer of Shirdi Sai baba, his stories and meditating in front of him helped me a lot!
Rakhi Jayashankar
Much needed topic of the hour. We often tend to ignore our mental health. Or we shy away from speaking about it as well. Your article will surely force others to talk about their experiences as well. Thanks for sharing.
The Champa Tree
We often fail to realise that our physical ailments could be due to mental health issues. However we talk about our mental health, we still fail to overcome the inhibition and taboo. Thanks for speaking about it. We need more bloggers to start talking about mental health.
Very important and pertinent topic. Thanks for sharing some useful and simple tips for handling a panic attack.
Minal Jain
Some how Mental health is neglected but that is must important to cure than any other things… this us surely an eye opener to many people … and very helpful tips here to apply when occurs
Gurjeet Chhabra
Mental health is as important as physical health but both are essential for healthy and happy life. I will keep all these tips in mind.
You have written this so well and metal Wellbeing is a much needed topic to be spoken about… I have also taken part in Causeachatter and chosen all the 3 topics to write for… it’s a great thing that blogging community like blogchatter is promoting such causes through the bloggers.
This is a very insightful post Surbhi. I have taken note of the ways and means you have suggested buddy, I too am writing on this cause this year, look forward to reading you more
Very helpful and much required to talk about Surbhi.. not panic attacks but I have had my shares of anxiety attacks.. what worked for me is talking to someone near or dear..
MeenalSonal Mathur
Surbhi, you pointed a very important aspect in the panic attack that is recognizing it and being ready for it. Having a support system is so essential for people who have anxiety and panic attacks.
You chose a topic that very much needed to be talked about. Mental health awareness is so important. People tend to ignore and shy away from talking about it. The points you have shared on panic attacks are highly informative.
Dr.Amrita Basu
Timely diagnosis and treatment goes a long way in getting help .Panic attack can be paralyzing and doodle quality of life rapidly if not Treated.
Shalu Sharma
This is such an important topic to talk about. Especially during the initial days o the pandemic, I remember I was always in a panic zone. Being the only adult at home and having two kids was very stressing. These are some amazing strategies that I will keep in mind next time I feel panic hitting.
Mental health should also be given very much importance but we somehow tend to neglect that. Knowing signs and getting hold of it in time, does help one alot in getting treated properly. The details mentioned in your blog Surbhi are so helpful.
I remember my Mom getting the worst panic attack after the earthquake in Latur long back. I was too young to understand but she was prescribed medication and rest. It is indeed scary. Thanks for these simple home remedies we can try in such situations.
priyanka chhabria
I love how you gave all the minute details. I didn’t have any idea about it. Kudos to you for taking up this topic and spreading awareness
This is such an amazing and useful article. Mental health is often a neglected topic and is not considered seriously.
sonam jain
we need people to come foward and share their insights on mental health.. although 2020 year was a game changer you have very well shared a part of mental illness with great details.. look foward to your other post too
have seen my father suffering from these panic attacks and can’t even begin to tell you how under prepared, we are as a generation, to understand and behave in such scenarios. Thank you for writing on this topic 🙂
Harjeet Kaur
Very effective points you have listed out, Surbhi. You know I am suffering from chronic depression. I fought it off so well the whole of last year following every point you have written down and more. But nothing seems to be working right now. Going through a really bad time. Trying to battle it out but the monster is overpowering me.
Debidutta Mohanty
Panic disorders and attacks have become very common these days. I had a friend who suffered from this. But then I did not have that know-how to help her. These tips are very practical and doable. Nice article and much needed.
simi sp
Along with physical health mental health also counts a lot … These are the wonderful points you have added how to balance and keep it stable.
Mental health is really important for everyone and one should not ignore this. Thanks for sharing these wonderful and effective tips to treat panic attack. I am sharing this in my group
Neha Sharma
Even I want to join the Blogchatter’s Cause a chatter campaign this time. I hope the registrations are still open. You have chosen an excellent topic for mental health talk. Panic attack has become so common nowadays but because of lack of awareness people don’t even talk about it. I am sure this post will be helpful in spreading awareness.
Currently I am battling depression. I have started taking Acid phos and Staph. I really appreciate the tips you have listed but somehow I am unable to practice them at home given the circumstances.
Mental health is a grave health issue like any other health problem and it should get the due treatment. This brings us to the main issue, in the digital age when people are all about connecting online, being present in person with your loved and near ones is very very important which is not happening now a days.
Mental health is one of the serious issue and getting panic attacks is really we need to address, I am so happy to read such nicely and researched post you have shared. It’s going to help a lot!
Monidipa Dutta
Good tips, If left untreated, anxiety disorders can have severe consequences.
I love how more and more people are now taking about different things of mental health. Yes panic attacks are very important and they need to be handled well. I have had it a few times and it was not pleasant. Good post and I am sharing this.
Rahul Prabhakar
I have seen people having panic attacks and not knowing how to deal with the same. Your article is handy and would help a lot of folks deal with panic attacks.
We at times do not accept that mental illness is prevalant and we should take proper care of it. Talking about mental health is a taboo which we should be changed.
Dr. Rahat Sayyad
Panic is a very common symptom and in itself is a paradigm filled with mental knots that are enough to drive a person crazy. Getting diagnosed and accepting it yourself is the first step towards its manages. Your post gave a deeper insight into panic attacks.